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In this qualitative study we sought to establish the usefulness of school based mentoring in the professional development of student teachers in Zimbabwe using schools in Masvingo urban as case studies. The central question guiding us in... more
In this paper, we describe the current challenges to the effective management and preservation of research data in UK universities, and the response provided by the JISC Managing Research Data programme. This paper will discuss, inter... more
Human resource is the most valuable assets of any organization nothing gets done without man-power. Any organization that wants to succeed, and to continue to succeed, has to maintain workforce consisting of people who are willing to... more
This paper provides a case study of massive open online course (MOOC) for augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). The research studies the obstacles, challenges and usability issues entailed in the management of a novel MOOC for... more
Bangladesh, one of the most emerging economies of the world, has taken a series of development initiatives on stride towards prosperity over the last 47 years of its independence. In response to this, recently she has undertaken a... more
... Lindsay Redpath, Centre for Innovative Management, Athabasca University, St Albert, Canada. ... and a consideration offered in exchange for it (eg accepting a position, foregoing other job offers), binding the parties to some set of... more
... Lindsay Redpath, Centre for Innovative Management, Athabasca University, St Albert, Canada. ... and a consideration offered in exchange for it (eg accepting a position, foregoing other job offers), binding the parties to some set of... more
According to recent Association of Research Libraries (ARL) statistics, the cost of employing a student assistant is approximately 25% of the hourly wage of a librarian (ARL 1997). From this cost perspective alone, there is a strong... more
The Religious Diversity and Anti-Discrimination Training Program provides a remarkable opportunity for participants of all walks of life to share opinions, concerns and needs of a variety of very real and practical issues such as the role... more
“The Indian Railways will become the growth engine of the nation’s vikas yatra”, said Hon. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. This journey of Indian railway buoys up around 20,000 of Railway porters (coolies) to earn their livelihoods and... more
In the recent years, motivation has been a concept given special importance in management and employee motivation has been considered as a key factor in the success of companies. It is also known that companies spend high amounts of money... more
Regional Restoration Camps (RRC) are a training model (internationally recognized in 2014 with a Europa Nostra Award) that work towards dialogue and understanding by creating ‘safe spaces,’ within which participants focus on learning and... more
The objective of this research is to investigate the effect of design factors which consist of training content, training delivery, trainer competency and opportunity to use on small businesswomen's goal setting activities. The... more
The purpose of this paper is to explore the means of building the capacity of those who are running an organisation designed to support and resource start-ups and growing micro enterprises among some of the world’s poorest urban poor. The... more
This policy brief was commissioned to identify general learnings and specific recommendations for the institutions of the European Union and for civil society organisations in Europe arising from participants’ engagements with the... more