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This is an introduction to the thematic issue "Gender Studies in Exile":
In this article, we connect illiberal populism in Hungary with the instrumentalizing of genderphobia through state policies starting from 2010. This became especially salient during the COVID-19 pandemic when a contentious state of... more
In this article, we connect illiberal populism in Hungary with the instrumentalizing of genderphobia through state policies starting from 2010. This became especially salient during the COVID-19 pandemic when a contentious state of emergency laws enabled the government's ruling by decree. Analyzing relevant pieces of legislation and policy documents, we show how genderphobia became a fundamental feature of an expanding far-right agenda that has been playing out in practice since the System of National Cooperation was established in 2010. Genderphobia is the aversion to disrupting dominant gender and sexual hierarchies, by addressing and critically interrogating gendered differences and gender as a social construct. Genderphobia is both an ideology about the fearfulness of gender as well as the action of fear-mongering for political effect. State institutions are gendered and sexualized in that they have been structured on dominant gender and sexual norms that reinforce male and heterosexual dominance. We argue that genderphobia is evident in the rise of anti-LGBTIQ policies and contributes to the weakening of democratic and liberal institutions in Hungary. We will also present examples of the Hungarian government's attempts to monopolize the definition of "the family" and hollow out the social representation of child protection. In addition, we will explore resistance against the recent anti-LGBTIQ policies through children's literature. Our aim is to demonstrate how the Hungarian genderphobic policies ultimately deny not only LGBTIQ human rights but the existence of LGBTIQ youth and children who could benefit from social support as well as representation in education and literature.
In many post-socialist countries, there is a strong social ideal that, in order to live a fulfilled life, men and women should have children; thus "childfree" lifestyles are much less popular than in NorthWestern Europe. In this article,... more
In many post-socialist countries, there is a strong social ideal that, in order to live a fulfilled life, men and women should have children; thus "childfree" lifestyles are much less popular than in NorthWestern Europe. In this article, we explore factors leading to childlessness among men who were mostly socialized under state-socialist conditions and in the subsequent transition period by analysing 30 in-depth interviews conducted with heterosexual childless men over 50 in Hungary. Older interviewees who grew up in state socialism followed a standardized life-course and went through the same life-course events-including school, work, and, in some cases, childless marriages. However, the political change of 1989-1990 interrupted these standardized life-courses. Our results show that, besides individual-level factors, macro-level factors connected to the political-economic transition in the early 1990s influenced our interviewees' pathways to childlessness. In this sense, we can say that the change of policy regime influenced these men's choices, as in most cases there was a strong interplay between the individual-and the macro-level factors.
Analyzing the principles, considerations, and official explanations underpinning the (de)criminalization of sexual relations between same-sex partners can highlight that around the mid-twentieth century medicalizing references were used... more
Analyzing the principles, considerations, and official explanations underpinning the (de)criminalization of sexual relations between same-sex partners can highlight that around the mid-twentieth century medicalizing references were used in legal and societal judgments on same-sex intimacy in Hungary (and elsewhere). In this study, we want to illustrate the medicalization process of social issues that otherwise seem difficult to "solve" (i.e., these issues, in this case, were put within a psycho-medical ambit) by focusing on a twentieth-century historical example from Hungary. The background of the decriminalization of consensual sexual acts between adult men in the 1961 Hungarian Penal Code will be explored in detail using previously unknown original archival material from 1958. This article will introduce the changes proposed by the Neurology Committee of the Health Science Council (HSC; Egészségügyi Tudományos Tanács) in 1958 leading to the HSC's unanimous support for a proposal to decriminalize "unnatural fornication" between consenting adults and to the actual decriminalization of homosexuality (i.e., decriminalization of consensual sexual acts between adult men) in 1961. The empirical foundation of the present study includes archival records from the National Archives of Hungary and other primary sources.
This study examines what can enable or constrain Hungarian fathers to be actively involved in care through analysing interviews by applying Hanlon's approach to caring masculinities as valued identities for men and Dermott's concept of... more
This study examines what can enable or constrain Hungarian fathers to be actively involved in care through analysing interviews by applying Hanlon's approach to caring masculinities as valued identities for men and Dermott's concept of intimate fathering. The empirical base of this qualitative study-the first of its kind in Hungary-is a collection of 55 semi-structured in-depth interviews. Several interrelated factors were shown as potentially enabling or constraining men's active engagement in their paternal role, including work-and work-life balance-related factors, practical cost-benefit calculations, quality of life concerns, childhood socialisation patterns and attitudes towards the gendered parenting models of one's own parents.
This thematic issue aims to shed light on the various ways of linking division of labour within families, work-life conflict and family policy in Europe. This editorial briefly introduces key concepts and provides a general overview of... more
This thematic issue aims to shed light on the various ways of linking division of labour within families, work-life conflict and family policy in Europe. This editorial briefly introduces key concepts and provides a general overview of the published articles.
This thematic issue aims to shed light on different facets of the relationship between division of labour within families and couples, work-life conflict and family policy. In this afterword, we provide a summary of the contributions by... more
This thematic issue aims to shed light on different facets of the relationship between division of labour within families and couples, work-life conflict and family policy. In this afterword, we provide a summary of the contributions by emphasizing three main aspects in need of further scrutiny: the conceptualisation of labour division within families and couples, the multilevel structure of relationships and the interactions of gender(ed) values at different levels of exploration.
In the present study we focus on the relationship between democracy deficit and homophobic divergence within 21st century European societies. Our main research question is about how social attitudes towards lesbians and gays changed in... more
In the present study we focus on the relationship between democracy deficit and homophobic divergence within 21st century European societies. Our main research question is about how social attitudes towards lesbians and gays changed in the examined time period (between 2002 and 2016), and whether there are any signs of convergence regarding these issues in different parts of Europe, characterized by different welfare regimes, a quarter of a century after the political system changes in the countries formerly often referred to as the “Eastern Bloc”. The empirical base of the study is a dataset including all eight rounds of the European Social Survey, focusing especially on a key variable measuring the agreement level with the statement that gay men and lesbians should be free to live their own life as they wish. For data analyses descriptive statistics and explanatory models were constructed by applying multilevel mixed effect linear regression models. Our results show that there are still significant differences between different parts of Europe regarding social attitudes towards gays and lesbians. However, based on our results we would recommend a more refined division than the East–West dichotomy within Europe.
Europe is increasingly described as the region in the world with the least confidence in vaccination, and particularly in the safety of vaccines. The aim of this systematic literature review was to gather and summarise all peer-reviewed... more
Europe is increasingly described as the region in the world with the least confidence in vaccination, and particularly in the safety of vaccines. The aim of this systematic literature review was to gather and summarise all peer-reviewed and grey literature published about determinants of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine hesitancy in Europe. Ten thematic categories were identified across the 103 articles which were included in the review. Participants from European studies most commonly reported issues with the quantity and quality of information available about HPV vaccination; followed by concerns about potential side effects of the vaccine; and mistrust of health authorities, healthcare workers, and new vaccines. Comparative analyses indicated that confidence determinants differed by country and population groups. This evidence supports the need to develop context-specific interventions to improve confidence in HPV vaccination and design community engagement strategies aiming to build public trust.
This study examines social attitudes towards homosexuality in two Central-Eastern European neighbouring countries-Romania and Hungary-with many common points, but that do differ in their religious traditions. Our main research question is... more
This study examines social attitudes towards homosexuality in two Central-Eastern European neighbouring countries-Romania and Hungary-with many common points, but that do differ in their religious traditions. Our main research question is whether the main religious denomination can influence social attitudes towards homosexuality, after controlling for all the important individual level variables (gender, age, education, type of settlement, family status, employment background, and attitudes related to family and gender norms). Among the examined variables we especially focus on the religious ones since the dominant denominations are different in these otherwise similar societies. The empirical base of our study comprises two longitudinal databases: the European Social Survey (ESS) and the European Values Study (EVS). We use data from two ESS rounds (of 2006 and 2008) and three EVS rounds (of 1990, 1999 and 2008). Since Romania participated only in the 3rd and the 4th rounds of the ESS (in 2006 and 2008), the Romanian results from 2008 are the most recent ones. We apply descriptive statistics and regression models. Our main conclusion is that belonging to the Orthodox Church had a more negative effect on social attitudes towards homosexuality than belonging to the Catholic Church (as previous studies have also found).
We chose to analyse Hungarian childlessness in order to map whether there is any voluntary childlessness at all in a society which is characterised by strong traditional family values and the widely accepted social norm that everyone... more
We chose to analyse Hungarian childlessness in order to map whether there is any voluntary childlessness at all in a society which is characterised by strong traditional family values and the widely accepted social norm that everyone should become a parent. To answer this question, we applied both quantitative and qualitative
First, we analysed the first three waves of the Hungarian panel survey ‘Turning Points of the Life Course’ conducted in 2001, 2004 and 2008. The focus is on men and women who were childless in 2001 and were still childless in 2008. To have
a better understanding of the background of the quantitative results, we have also analysed 55 life-history interviews conducted with heterosexual men and women, who were recruited by using chain-referral sampling.
According to the qualitative findings the categorisation of childless people is quite fluid. For example, postponers became definitely childless while some originally voluntarily childless respondents became parents. However, the qualitative analysis allowed us to understand the mechanism behind this. In addition, using mixed
methods also highlighted some inconsistencies between the qualitative and quantitative results.
This article reports findings from research about trans* citizenship in 14 post-socialist countries. It evidences substantial deficits concerning trans policy making, and a lack of policy debate in this area. Most examined countries have... more
This article reports findings from research about trans* citizenship in 14 post-socialist countries. It evidences substantial deficits concerning trans policy making, and a lack of policy debate in this area. Most examined countries have a lack of protocols for official gender change in birth certificates, IDs, passports and other documents. Usually there are no guidelines, measures and procedures defining the standards of healthcare for trans persons. Practice concerning healthcare varies widely, and trans people and advocates exercise agency in negotiating access to care. The article suggests that trans citizenship studies need to foreground legal and social aspects of citizenship, as these are highlighted in the post-socialist context. Policy implications are discussed in relation to key citizenship debates including those concerning challenges to normative models of citizenship.
This article discusses several limiting factors that can affect queer reproduction desires and practices in present-day Hungary, including distorting media representations, legislative frameworks, and social inequalities, on the basis of... more
This article discusses several limiting factors that can affect queer reproduction desires and practices in present-day Hungary, including distorting media representations, legislative frameworks, and social inequalities, on the basis of an overview of the relevant legal developments and results from previous research studies. The article focuses on how Hungarian LGBTQI people can resist the social norms and policies of heteronormatively prescribed childlessness resulting from normative expectations that non-heteronormative reproduction must be limited as much as possible, and highlights that better-off couples and individuals have more chance to realize their fertility plans through adoption, surrogacy or accessing ART than those in a more disadvantageous situation. In this context queer reproduction can also be seen as potentially contributing to the re-stabilization of reproduction as a feature of privilege. [Special issue on Queer and Trans Reproduction with Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), in Europe]
Takács J (2018) Homosexuals and the labour service system in Horthy’s Hungary. 79-87. In: Régis Schlagdenhauffen (ed.) Queer in Europe during the Second World War. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. ISBN 978-92-871-8464-1... more
Takács J (2018) Homosexuals and the labour service system in Horthy’s Hungary. 79-87. In: Régis Schlagdenhauffen (ed.) Queer in Europe during the Second World War. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. ISBN 978-92-871-8464-1
Public health emergency preparedness (PHEP) all too often focusses only on institutional capabilities, including their technical expertise and political influence, while overlooking community capabilities. However, the success of... more
Public health emergency preparedness (PHEP) all too often focusses only on institutional capabilities, including their technical expertise and political influence, while overlooking community capabilities. However, the success of institutional emergency preparedness plans depends upon communities and institutions working together to ensure successful anticipation, response and recovery. Broader community engagement is therefore recommended worldwide. This literature review was carried out to identify enablers and barriers to community and institutional synergies in emergency preparedness. Searches were undertaken across bibliographic databases and grey literature sources. The literature identified was qualitative in nature. A qualitative, ‘best fit’ framework approach using a pre-existing framework was used to analyse the literature, whereby themes were added and changed as analysis progressed. A working definition of community was identified, based on a ‘whole community’ approach, inclusive of the whole multitude of stakeholders including community residents and emergency management staff. Given the diversity in community make-up, the types of emergencies that could be faced, the socio-economic, environmental and political range of communities, there are no set practices that will be effective for all communities. The most effective way of engaging communities in emergency preparedness is context-dependent and the review did draw out some important key messages for institutions to consider.
This comparative social-historical study examines different versions of state-socialist body politics manifested in Hungary and Slovenia mainly during the 1950s by using archive material of “unnatural fornication” court cases. By... more
This comparative social-historical study examines different versions of state-socialist body politics manifested in Hungary and Slovenia mainly during the 1950s by using archive material of “unnatural fornication” court cases. By analyzing the available Hungarian “természet elleni fajtalanság” and Slovenian “nenaravno občevanje” court cases, we can shed light on how the defendants were treated by the police and the judiciary. On the basis of these archive data that have never been examined before from these angles, we can construct an at least partial picture of the practices and consequences of state surveillance of same-sex-attracted men during state-socialism. The article explores the functioning of state-socialist social control mechanisms directed at nonnormative sexualities that had long-lasting consequences on the social representation of homosexuality in both countries.
Based on archive research and interviews with activists who were affiliated with the early homosexual subculture in Budapest, this article traces the transformation of a secretive and socially invisible subculture (that was based mainly... more
Based on archive research and interviews with activists who were affiliated with the early homosexual subculture in Budapest, this article traces the transformation of a secretive and socially invisible subculture (that was based mainly on sexual exchange between men) to the establishment of the first formal homosexual organization and the emerging homosexual movement at the end of the 1980s. The article illustrates how the emergence of HIV/AIDS worked as a catalyst in transforming the Hungarian gay subculture into a more organized homosexual movement. Rather than state-socialism being in crisis, it was a crisis of public health and perceived danger to the members of the community that instigated the creation of the first formal homosexual organization.
By examining social attitudes on same-sex adoption in 28 European countries, we highlighted individual and country-level factors that can determine the level of social acceptance or rejection of this specific kind of adoption. This... more
By examining social attitudes on same-sex adoption in 28 European countries, we highlighted individual and country-level factors that can determine the level of social acceptance or rejection of this specific kind of adoption. This article contributes to the literature on social acceptance of lesbian women, gay men, and their adoption practices in Europe and directs attention to several previously under-researched aspects of social attitudes on same-sex parenting rights. The empirical base of this study was the fourth round of the European Values Study, conducted in 2008–2010. Using ordered logistic regressions, we examined the impact of several individual and country-level characteristics on the agreement level with the statement that “Homosexual couples should be able to adopt children.” We found strong relationships between social attitudes towards adoption by same-sex couples and the existence of legislation permitting same-sex adoption practices at the country-level, as well as some individual attitudes, including those related to traditional family formation practices, “justification of homosexuality,” and (non-) preference for homosexual neighbors. Our findings indicate a shift within the potential interpretational contexts of adoption by same-sex couples from a narrow sexuality-based framework to a different and possibly much wider context of family and parenting practices.
28 Avrupa ülkesinde eşcinsel evlat edinmedeki sosyal tutumları inceleyerek evlat edinmenin bu belirli türünün sosyal kabullenme ve reddinin düzeyini belirleyen birey ve ülke düzeyi faktörlerin altını çizdik. Bu makale Avrupa’daki lezbiyen... more
28 Avrupa ülkesinde eşcinsel evlat edinmedeki sosyal tutumları inceleyerek evlat edinmenin bu belirli türünün sosyal kabullenme ve reddinin düzeyini belirleyen birey ve ülke düzeyi faktörlerin altını çizdik. Bu makale Avrupa’daki lezbiyen kadınların, gey erkeklerin ve onların evlat edinme pratiklerinin sosyal kabulündeki literatüre katkı sunmakta ve eşcinsel ebeveynlik haklarındaki sosyal tutumun daha önce araştırılmamış birçok yönüne dikkat çekmektedir. Bu çalışmanın deneysel temeli 2008-2010’da oluşturulan “European Values Study”nin (Avrupa Değerleri Çalışması) dördüncü dizisinden oluşmaktadır. Düzenli lojistik regresyon kullanarak “Eşcinsel çiftler evlat edinebilmeli” ifadesine katılım seviyesine birey ve ülke düzeyi birçok niteliğin etkisini inceledik. Geleneksel aile oluşum pratikleriyle bağlantılı olan, “eşcinselliğin haklı kılınması” ve eşcinsel komşuların tercih edilmemesi gibi bazı bireysel tutumların yanı sıra eşcinsel çiftlerin evlat edinmesine karşı sosyal tutumlar ve eşcinsel evlat edinme pratiklerine izin veren yasaların varlığı arasında güçlü bağlantılar tespit ettik. Bulgularımız, eşcinsel çiftlerin evlat edinmesinin potansiyel açıklayıcı bağlamındaki cinsellik temelli dar bir çerçeveden aile ve ebeveynlik pratiklerinin farklı ve mümkün çok daha geniş bir bağlamına bir dönüşüm olduğunu gösterdi.
Short Takes: Provocations on Public Feminism ( /short-takes/), an open-access feature of Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, offers brief comments from prominent feminists about a book that has shaped... more
Short Takes: Provocations on Public Feminism (
/short-takes/), an open-access feature of Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, offers brief comments from prominent feminists about a book that has shaped popular conversations about feminist issues. Short Takes is part of the Feminist Public Intellectuals Project
( /feminist-publicintellectuals-project/).
Research Interests:
In the following I will share some of my thoughts on the article “Bumbling Idiots or Evil Masterminds? Challenging Cold War Stereotypes about Women, Sexuality and State Socialism” (Ghodsee – Lišková 2016). I have to admit that I started... more
In the following I will share some of my thoughts on the article “Bumbling Idiots or Evil Masterminds? Challenging Cold War Stereotypes about Women, Sexuality and State Socialism” (Ghodsee – Lišková 2016). I have to admit that I started to write these comments because the authors misquoted one of my articles on disciplining gender and (homo)sexuality in state-socialist Hungary in the 1970s (Takács 2015).
Research Interests:
In this study, being the first Hungarian qualitative study devoted to this subject, we focus on the work-life balance situation of Hungarian women acting as main breadwinners within their family. The empirical base of our study consisted... more
In this study, being the first Hungarian qualitative study devoted to this subject, we focus on the work-life balance situation of Hungarian women acting as main breadwinners within their family. The empirical base of our study consisted of 22 in-depth interviews conducted with Hungarian mothers of dependent children younger than 14, living in (heterosexual) couple households, who bring in at least 60 per cent of the total household earnings. We examined how the main breadwinner role might affect the gender norm expectations acquired during socialisation, the division of domestic labour and child care duties between the partners, as well as the internal power relations of the couple.
According to our findings, various versions of work-life balance management could be identified even within our small-scale qualitative sample on the basis of two main dimensions.
On the one hand, on the basis of our interviewees’ accounts we examined whether the partners had similar role expectations in terms of egalitarian sharing of family related tasks or traditionally gendered role specialisation. On the other hand, we have also considered to what extent other contextual factors contributed to women becoming primary breadwinners, and whether these were perceived in terms of external constraints or preferred choices (or both). On the basis of our analyses we have identified four models of family relations in the context of primary female breadwinning: the traditional, the egalitarian, the externally forced role reversal and the consciously implemented role reversal models.
Healthcare workers (HCWs) are often referred to as the most trusted source of vaccine-related information for their patients. However, the evidence suggests that a number of HCWs are vaccine-hesitant. This study consists of 65... more
Healthcare workers (HCWs) are often referred to as the most trusted source of vaccine-related information for their patients. However, the evidence suggests that a number of HCWs are vaccine-hesitant. This study consists of 65 semi-structured interviews with vaccine providers in Croatia, France, Greece, and Romania to investigate concerns HCWs might have about vaccination. The results revealed that vaccine hesitancy is present in all four countries among vaccine providers. The most important concern across all countries was the fear of vaccine side effects. New vaccines were singled out due to perceived lack of testing for vaccine safety and efficacy. Furthermore, while high trust in health authorities was expressed by
HCWs, there was also strong mistrust of pharmaceutical companies due to perceived financial interests and lack of communication about side effects. The notion that it is a doctor’s responsibility to respond to hesitant patients was reported in all countries. Concerns were also seen to be country- and contextspecific. Strategies to improve confidence in vaccines should be adapted to the specific political, social, cultural and economic context of countries. Furthermore, while most interventions focus on education and improving information about vaccine safety, effectiveness, or the need for vaccines, concerns raised in this study identify other determinants of hesitancy that need addressing. The representativeness of the views of the interviewed HCWs must be interpreted with caution. This a qualitative study with a small sample size that included geographical areas where vaccination uptake was lower or where hesitancy
was more prevalent and it reflects individual participants’ beliefs and attitudes toward the topic. As HCWs have the potential of influencing patient vaccination uptake, it is crucial to improve their confidence in vaccination and engage them in activities targeting vaccine hesitancy among their patients.
This article focuses on remaining childless as a result of certain choices and constraints (not on becoming childless as a result of outliving children). There are two main aims of this study. First it seeks to reveal whether any specific... more
This article focuses on remaining childless as a result of certain choices and constraints (not on becoming childless as a result of outliving children). There are two main aims of this study. First it seeks to reveal whether any specific features appear when (temporarily) childless people are compared with those having children in the same cohorts. It also aims to explore what kinds of factors can lead to childlessness (or more precisely, the prolongation of a childless period in life) among those men and women who, according to their self-assessment, were not prevented from having children by their own or their partner’s health constraints. The analysis draws on GGS data from the first three waves of the Hungarian panel survey ‘Turning Points of the Life Course’ conducted in 2001, 2004, and 2008. The focus is on men and women who were childless in 2001 and were still childless in 2008. According to the findings, events directly connected to childbearing, such as having a stable partner or not having a partner, living in cohabitation or in marriage, have more influence on decisions about becoming parents than normative expectations, while economic factors (such as having a job) have some impact mainly on postponing childbearing, but do not seem to influence directly whether people will remain childless.
Objective—To test a novel social network HIV risk reduction intervention for MSM in Russia and Hungary, where same-sex behavior is stigmatized and men may best be reached through their social network connections. Design—A 2-arm trial with... more
Objective—To test a novel social network HIV risk reduction intervention for MSM in Russia and Hungary, where same-sex behavior is stigmatized and men may best be reached through their social network connections. Design—A 2-arm trial with 18 sociocentric networks of MSM randomized to the social network intervention or standard HIV/STD testing/counseling. Setting—St. Petersburg, Russia and Budapest, Hungary. Participants—18 " seeds " from community venues invited the participation of their MSM friends who, in turn, invited their own MSM friends into the study, a process that continued outward until eighteen 3-ring sociocentric networks (mean size=35 members, n=626) were recruited. Intervention—Empirically-identified network leaders were trained and guided to convey HIV prevention advice to other network members. Main Outcome and Measures—Changes in sexual behavior from baseline to 3-and 12-month followup, with composite HIV/STD incidence measured at 12-months to corroborate behavior changes. Results—There were significant reductions between baseline, first followup, and second followup in the intervention versus comparison arm for proportion of men engaging in any unprotected anal intercourse (P=.04); UAI with a nonmain partner (P=.04); and UAI with multiple partners (P=.002). The mean percentage of unprotected AI acts significantly declined (P=.001), as well as the mean number of UAI acts among men who initially had multiple partners (P=.05).
Research Interests:
This qualitative study highlights the social dynamics affecting people living with HIV (PLH) in Hungary and in the Central-Eastern European region. The study focused on the special needs and concerns of men living with HIV/AIDS as well as... more
This qualitative study highlights the social dynamics affecting people living with HIV (PLH) in Hungary and in the Central-Eastern European region. The study focused on the special needs and concerns of men living with HIV/AIDS as well as changes in their social relationships and institutional support provision, coping strategies, and patterns of social functioning, especially in the context of social stigmatization. Consistent with international qualitative research findings in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention, the present study contributes to a fuller understanding of relationship between sexual behavior, HIV/AIDS-related risks and risk perceptions as well as homosexuality- and HIV/AIDS stigma-related social exclusion in a previously under-researched socio-cultural setting. The findings of our study point to several barriers to effective HIV prevention, which should be overcome to improve the present situation by lessening the adverse effects of HIV/AIDS- and homosexuality-related stigma within the gay community, the general population and especially among service providers. One of the main barriers is the lack of public health programs specifically targeting MSM in Hungary, where the predominant mode of HIV transmission remains sex between men.
This study develops a conceptual framework with a capabilities and agency approach for analyzing work–life balance (WLB) applied in two societies (Hungary and Sweden), which have different working time regimes, levels of precarious... more
This study develops a conceptual framework with a capabilities and agency approach for analyzing work–life balance (WLB) applied in two societies (Hungary and Sweden), which have different working time regimes, levels of precarious employment, and gender equality discourses and norms. Inspired by Amartya Sen, we present a model illustrating how agency freedom for WLB depends on multiple resources at the individual, work organizational, institutional, and normative/societal levels. Using a unique qualitative survey conducted in two cities, Budapest and Stockholm, we analyze how mothers and fathers subjectively experience the tensions between family and work demands, and their possibilities for alternative choices (agency freedom). We find similarities in these tensions involving time pressure and time poverty, cutting across gender and education. Our Hungarian parents, nevertheless, experience greater agency inequalities for WLB, which reflect weaker institutional resources (conversion factors) as well as cultural/societal norms that act as constraints for WLB claims in the workplace and household. Our study reveals that Swedish parents, both men and women, express a strong sense of entitlement to exercise rights to care.

And 4 more

How could far-right, hateful, and anti-democratic ideologies become so successful in many European societies? This volume analyses the paradoxical roles sexual politics have played in this process and reveals that the incoherence and... more
How could far-right, hateful, and anti-democratic ideologies become so successful in many European societies? This volume analyses the paradoxical roles sexual politics have played in this process and reveals that the incoherence and untruthfulness in right-wing populist, ultraconservative and far-right rhetorics of fear are not necessarily signs of weakness. Instead, the authors show how the far right can profit from its own incoherence by generating fear and creating discourses of crisis for which they are ready to offer simple solutions. Drawing on studies about Poland, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Austria, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Portugal, France, Sweden, and Russia, the ways far-right ideologies travel and take root are analyzed from a multi-disciplinary perspective, including feminist and LGBTQI reactions. Understanding how hateful and antidemocratic ideologies enter the very center of European societies is a necessary premise for developing successful counterstrategies.
This report examines two types of homophobia (and genderphobia) indicators: policies and attitudes that can together provide an indication of the respect for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans* and queer (LGBTQ+) people’s rights in the... more
This report examines two types of homophobia (and genderphobia) indicators: policies and attitudes that can together provide an indication of the respect for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans* and queer (LGBTQ+) people’s rights in the European Union. The first part of the report presents an overview of policy developments in areas where the European Union has competence to act regarding LGBTQ rights as well as the advancement of equal treatment policies since establishing the notion that human rights and fundamental freedoms are founding principles of the EU (in the Amsterdam Treaty in 1997). In the second part of the report comparative empirical evidence illustrates different levels of social acceptance of LGBTQ+ people in Europe on the basis of quantitative data collected in the European Values Study, European Social Survey, International Social Survey Programme, Eurobarometer and the Fundamental Rights Agency’s EU LGBT surveys. The report ends with conclusions and recommendations for policy-makers at the EU and the national levels, pointing out that LGBTQ+ rights must be kept on the EU agenda by initiating and re-initiating debates on unresolved issues, such as the proposed horizontal Anti-Discrimination Directive or the mutual recognition of the effects of civil status documents, and by producing good quality empirical data on the experiences of and the attitudes towards LGBTQ+ people in the EU.
Ebben a kutatásban arra kerestük a választ, hogy a Covid19-világjárvány hogyan hatott a reprodukciós döntésekre Magyarországon. A kérdés megválaszolásához félig strukturált interjúkat készítettünk 2020 őszén 18 és 45 év közötti... more
Ebben a kutatásban arra kerestük a választ, hogy a Covid19-világjárvány hogyan hatott a reprodukciós döntésekre Magyarországon. A kérdés megválaszolásához félig strukturált interjúkat készítettünk 2020 őszén 18 és 45 év közötti gyermektelen vagy egygyermekes férfiakkal és nőkkel. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy a világjárvány leginkább az egészségügyi ellátórendszerre nehezedő terhek által hatott a reprodukciós döntésekre. Különösen a gyermekes interjúalanyok fogalmazták meg azon aggodalmukat, hogy a pandémia alatt az egészségügyi rendszer nem alkalmas a terhességgondozás és a szülés megfelelő minőségű biztosítására. Emellett a társadalmi távolságtartás következményei is fontos szerepet kaphattak a reprodukciós döntésekben. Ha az anyák szülési szabadságon voltak, és az apák otthonról dolgoztak, az kedvezően befolyásolhatta ezeket a döntéseket, de ha az anyák fizetett munkahelyen dolgoztak, az negatívan hatott a termékenységi tervekre, míg a gyermektelen nők ilyen hatásokról nem számoltak be. A pandémiától függetlenül a családok anyagi helyzete kulcsszerepet játszik a reprodukciós döntések meghozatalában. Ugyanakkor arra is találtunk bizonyítékot, hogy további bizonytalanságok is befolyásolhatják a reproduktív döntéseket: például a munkahely elvesztésétől való félelem és az, hogy az egyének hogyan ítélik meg jövőbeli kilátásaikat.
Our study examines social attitudes towards lesbians and gays, using data from the 8th and 9th rounds of the European Social Survey (ESS), focussing primarily on the following three variables: Gay men and lesbians should be free to live... more
Our study examines social attitudes towards lesbians and gays, using data from the 8th and 9th rounds of the European Social Survey (ESS), focussing primarily on the following three variables: Gay men and lesbians should be free to live their own life as they wish-(where freedom of lifestyle is meant as being free and/or entitled to live as gays and lesbians) (B34); If a close family member was a gay man or a lesbian, I would feel ashamed (B35); Gay male and lesbian couples should have the same rights to adopt children as straight couples (B36). Since 2002, for the first seven ESS rounds, the core module of the main questionnaires included only one general acceptance question (B34). However, it was increasingly difficult to measure manifestations of 'modern homonegativity'-especially in European societies characterized by relatively high levels of social inclusion-with only one variable. Introducing two additional variables (B35 and 36) to the ESS core module in the 8 th round made it possible to construct a more complex and reliable picture of different dimensions of social attitudes towards gays and lesbians in Europe. Our aim is to contribute to the European literature on the social acceptance of lesbian women and gay men by comparing all three variables (B34-35-36) not only on the basis of the usual socio-demographic variables (such as age, gender, education, religiosity etc.) used in previous empirical analyses but also by considering the institutionalized possibilities for adoption by same-sex couples in the 20 examined societies. Our empirical analyses are based on descriptive statistics and linear regression models, using data from 20 countries that took part in both the 8 th and 9 th ESS rounds.
A fejezetünkben bemutatandó kvalitatív vizsgálat, mely egy nagyszabású nemzetközi családszociológiai kutatás részeként készült,i a következő kutatási kérdések megválaszolását tűzte ki célul: Vajon azáltal, hogy egy (heteroszexuális)... more
A fejezetünkben bemutatandó kvalitatív vizsgálat, mely egy nagyszabású nemzetközi családszociológiai kutatás részeként készült,i a következő kutatási kérdések megválaszolását tűzte ki célul: Vajon azáltal, hogy egy (heteroszexuális) családban nő a fő kenyérkereső, változik-e a családi együttélés dinamikája: befolyásolja-e az aktuális helyzet az egyik vagy a másik félnek a szocializáció során elsajátított nemiszerep-felfogását? Hatással van-e ez a felállás a háztartási, gyermekgondozási feladatok megosztására? kihat-e a pár közötti erőviszonyokra az, hogy – legalábbis anyagi értelemben – nem a férfi a családfenntartó?
Ebben a tanulmányban azt vizsgáltuk, hogy milyen tényezők játszhatnak szerepet abban, ha egy férfi nem vállal gyermeket ma Magyarországon. Továbbá arra a kérdésre is próbálunk választ adni, hogy vajon eltérő gyermektelenségi mintázatok... more
Ebben a tanulmányban azt vizsgáltuk, hogy milyen tényezők játszhatnak szerepet abban, ha egy férfi nem vállal gyermeket ma Magyarországon. Továbbá arra a kérdésre is próbálunk választ adni, hogy vajon eltérő gyermektelenségi mintázatok figyelhetők-e meg a férfiak és a nők között Magyarországon. Jelen kutatás szervesen kapcsolódik korábbi, elsősorban gyermektelen nőkre fókuszáló kutatásainkhoz, melyeket most kiegészítünk a magyar férfiakra fókuszáló vizsgálatunkkal. A kutatás empirikus alapja egy 50 év feletti gyermektelen férfiakkal készített félig strukturált interjús vizsgálat, amelyet 2015 és 2016 között végeztünk különböző típusú magyarországi településeken. Kutatási eredményeink arra világítanak rá, hogy a férfi ak és a nők gyermektelensége mögött gyakran eltérő tényezők húzódhatnak meg, illetve az azonos tényezők mögött is eltérő mechanizmusok működhetnek.
The strategic use of institutionalized homophobia by Hungarian state security services in the 1960s (Abstract) This study focuses on the strategic use of institutionalized homophobia by state security services in Hungary during the 1960s... more
The strategic use of institutionalized homophobia by Hungarian state security services in the 1960s (Abstract) This study focuses on the strategic use of institutionalized homophobia by state security services in Hungary during the 1960s on the basis of original archive material related to two cases in which homosexuality served as the basis for compromise. In the first case, the confessions of a homosexual priest were used to reach out for other higher-ranking ecclesiastical staff in order to compromise them, too. The second case – known within the secret services under the " Apostles " code name – was related to the largely unspoken subject of female homosexuality: here the secret services targeted a group of young religious women led by a former Dominican nun. The goal was to dissolve the group by sending anonymous letters to the young women's parents on behalf of fellow parents, with the group leader accused of being homosexual. The study draws attention to the generic nature of the preventive methods applied by the state security services in the 1960s, and also to the fact that in the same way that anti-Semitism can exist without the actual presence of Jews, homophobia does not necessarily gain its social exclusory power of homosexuality.
E tanulmány aktívan törődő apai gyakorlatokat mutat be magyar apákkal készült félig strukturált interjúk elemzése alapján. A kutatás egyik fő kérdése az volt, hogy az önmagukat aktívan törődő apaként meghatározó magyar férfiak számára mit... more
E tanulmány aktívan törődő apai gyakorlatokat mutat be magyar apákkal készült félig strukturált interjúk elemzése alapján. A kutatás egyik fő kérdése az volt, hogy az önmagukat aktívan törődő apaként meghatározó magyar férfiak számára mit jelent – milyen gyakorlati összetevőkből áll-hat össze – az aktív apai törődés koncepciója. A társadalmi normák és az apaság mint sajátos férfiszerep összefüggéseit vizsgálva elsősorban a saját apai tapasztalatokat és a megkérdezett apák hozott szülői mintáit hasonlítom össze az elvárt viselkedésformák és a személyes élmények metszéspontjaiban.
Kulcsszavak: apaság, aktív apai törődés, törődésskála, interjúk
Tanulmányunkban az azonos nemű partnerek iránti vonzalmak államszocialista időszakra jellemző megnyilvánulási formáit és társadalmi környezetét mutatjuk be. Általánosságban arra keressük a választ, hogy lehetett-e, volt-e „meleg élet” az... more
Tanulmányunkban az azonos nemű partnerek iránti vonzalmak államszocialista időszakra jellemző megnyilvánulási formáit és társadalmi környezetét mutatjuk be. Általánosságban arra keressük a választ, hogy lehetett-e, volt-e „meleg élet” az 1950-es, 60-as, 70-es, 80-as évek Magyarországán (elsősorban Budapesten). Kutatásunk empirikus alapját az érintettekkel készített interjúk (n=56) és levéltári források alkották. Jelen írásban azzal foglalkozunk, hogy hogyan gondolkodtak interjúalanyaink saját szexualitásukról és mindez hogyan hatott érzelmi életükre valamint partnerkapcsolataik alakítására.
Tanulmányunk célja, hogy mélyinterjúk kvalitatív elemzése alapján rávilágítsunk a – kelet-közép-európai régióban és különösen Magyarországon – HIV-vel élő embereket érintő társadalmi stigmatizációs folyamatok összetevőire és... more
Tanulmányunk célja, hogy mélyinterjúk kvalitatív elemzése alapján rávilágítsunk a – kelet-közép-európai régióban és különösen Magyarországon – HIV-vel élő embereket érintő társadalmi stigmatizációs folyamatok összetevőire és következményeire.  Az  általunk  készített  interjúkban  (n  =  28)  a  HIV-vel  élő 
emberek sajátos igényeire és gondjaira, társadalmi beágyazottságukra és intézményi támogatottságukra, megküzdési stratégiáikra és társadalmi működésük mintázataira fókuszáltunk, különös tekintettel a társadalmi stigmatizációra. A  HIV-vel  élő  emberek  által  megélt  tapasztalatok  elemzése  hozzájárulhat  a  HIV/SzTB (szexuális úton terjedő betegségek) fertőzések kockázati tényezőinek  jobb  megértéséhez,  és  egyúttal  ahhoz,  hogy  célzottabb  és  hatékonyabb 
üzeneteket tudjunk megfogalmazni mind a megelőzés területén, mind a már HIV-vel élő embereknek szóló programokban a férfiakkal szexelő férfiaknak Kelet-Közép-Európában és elsősorban Magyarországon.
Absztrakt Tanulmányunkban a másként " megoldhatatlannak " tűnő társadalmi kérdések medikalizációjának me-netét illusztráljuk egy 20. századi magyarországi történeti példán keresztül: a homoszexuális cselekmények 1961-es magyarországi... more
Absztrakt Tanulmányunkban a másként " megoldhatatlannak " tűnő társadalmi kérdések medikalizációjának me-netét illusztráljuk egy 20. századi magyarországi történeti példán keresztül: a homoszexuális cselekmények 1961-es magyarországi dekriminalizációjának hátterét vizsgáljuk meg 1958-ból származó, korábban ismeretlen levéltári források fényében. A homoszexualitás történetileg változó megítélésének egyik jól megfogható aspektusa az adott társa-dalom büntetőtörvényeinek vizsgálata, mivel a büntetőjog a társadalom által elfogadott (vagy annak vélt) és kodifikált normák megszegését szankcionálja az állam erejével és támogatásával. Egyes normaszegések bünte-tőjogilag üldözendő cselekménnyé nyilvánítása és büntetendővé tétele tehát bizonyos normák – esetünkben a heteronormativitás – kiemelt fontosságát jelzi. Az azonos nemű (férfi) partnerek közötti kapcsolatok bünteten-dőségét alátámasztó elvek és hivatalos magyarázatok változásának elemzése rávilágít arra, hogy a 20. század közepe táján medikalizált hivatkozásokkal hoztak jogi és társadalmi ítéletet a homoszexuális emberekről és kapcsolatokról Magyarországon (is). Tanulmányunkban bemutatjuk az Egészségügyi Tudományos Tanács " Ideg-elme Szakbizottsága " által a homoszexualitásról szóló törvényszakaszok módosítására vonatkozó 1958-as javaslatát és ennek hátterét, mely alapján Magyarországon 1961-ben dekriminalizálták a felnőtt férfiak közötti, kölcsönös beleegyezésen alapuló homoszexuális cselekményeket. Ugyanakkor éppen ennek a bizottságnak a javaslata alapján válik 1961 után a női homoszexualitás is büntethetővé (a férfiakkal megegyező módon: immár a 20 éven aluli partnerek köré-ben). Kulcsszavak: homoszexualitás, természet elleni fajtalanság, (de)kriminalizáció, Magyarország, levéltári kutatás
Research Interests:
Előszó a Szexualitás a társadalomban című különszámhoz [Introduction to the Sexuality in Society special issue of SOCIO.HU 2015/1]
A család tanulmányozása korábban sokak számára az egyik legunalmasabb vállalkozásnak tűnhetett, most viszont az egyik legprovokatívabb témaválasztás. – Akár azt is gondolhatnánk, hogy ez a felvetés könyvünk 2021-es írása idején született,... more
A család tanulmányozása korábban sokak számára az egyik legunalmasabb vállalkozásnak tűnhetett, most viszont az egyik legprovokatívabb témaválasztás. – Akár azt is gondolhatnánk, hogy ez a felvetés könyvünk 2021-es írása idején született, pedig Anthony Giddens angol szociológus 1980-as évekbeli Társadalomelmélet és modern szociológia című munkájában szerepel (Giddens 1987: 23). Ez nemcsak azt mutatja, hogy a családszociológia tárgya már évtizedekkel ezelőtt is vitákat kavart, hanem azt is, hogy a családszociológiai témák és a családformák bizony változékonyak.
[Interview in deMorgen by Bruno Struys]
Előszó a körkérdésünkre érkezett hozzászólásokhoz - Hozzászólók: Albert Fruzsina, Antal Z. László, Balázs Zoltán, Barna Ildikó, Bozóki András, Czibere Ibolya, Csoba Judit, Dávid Beáta, Farkas Zsombor & Farkas Zsuzsanna, Füzér Katalin,... more
Előszó a körkérdésünkre érkezett hozzászólásokhoz - Hozzászólók: Albert Fruzsina, Antal Z. László, Balázs Zoltán, Barna Ildikó, Bozóki András, Czibere Ibolya, Csoba Judit, Dávid Beáta, Farkas Zsombor & Farkas Zsuzsanna, Füzér Katalin, Janky Béla, Kapitány Ágnes & Kapitány Gábor, Keller Márkus, Király Gábor, Kiss Endre, Kmetty Zoltán, Komoróczy Géza, Laki Mihály, Lamm Vanda, Melegh Attila, Messing Vera, Messing Vera & Ságvári Bence, Nagy Beáta, Oláh Sz. Lívia, Orosz Éva, Örkény Antal, Péli Gábor, Rácz Andrea, Róbert Péter, Sáska Géza, Sik Endre, Simonyi Ágnes, Sükösd Miklós, Szabó-Tóth Kinga, Szalai Erzsébet, Szalai Júlia, Szirmai Viktória, Takács Erzsébet, Takács Károly, Tamás Pál, Tardos Róbert, Utasi Ágnes, Vásárhelyi Mária.
Takács Judit szociológus a homoszexuálisok "gyógyításáról"
(Legát Tibor)
Background: Social media has changed the communication landscape, exposing individuals to an ever-growing amount of information while also allowing them to create and share content. While individuals have always had some concerns about... more
Background: Social media has changed the communication landscape, exposing individuals to an ever-growing amount of
information while also allowing them to create and share content. While individuals have always had some concerns about
vaccination, social media has amplified these concerns and facilitated their spread globally. Multiple studies have been
conducted to monitor vaccination discussions on social media. However, there is currently insufficient evidence on the best
methods to perform social media monitoring.
Objective: This study aims to identify the methods most commonly used for monitoring different social media platforms around
vaccination, their effectiveness and limitations.
Methods: A systematic scoping review was conducted by applying a comprehensive search strategy to multiple databases in
December 2018. The articles’ titles, abstracts and full texts were screened by two reviewers using inclusion and exclusion
criteria. After data extraction, a descriptive analysis was performed to summarize the methods used to monitor and analyze social
media, including data extraction tools, ethical considerations, search strategies, periods monitored, geo-localization of content,
and sentiments, content and reach analyzes.
Results: This review identified 86 articles on social media monitoring of vaccination, most of them published after 2015. While
35 out of the 86 studies used manual browser search tools to collect data from social media, this was more time-consuming and
only allowed the analysis of smaller samples compared to social media application program interfaces (APIs) or automated
monitoring tools. Although simple search strategies were considered less precise, only 10 out of the 86 studies used
comprehensive lists of keywords (e.g., with hashtags or words related to specific events or concerns). Partly due to privacy
settings, geo-localization of data was extremely difficult to obtain, limiting the possibility of conducting country-specific
analyzes. Finally, while 20 out of the 86 studies performed trend- or content-analyzes, most analyzed sentiments towards
vaccination (70% of studies, 60/86). Automated sentiment analyzes, conducted using leverage or supervised machine learning or
automated software, were faster and provided stronger and more accurate results than manual coding. Most studies focused on
negative (n=33) and positive (n=31) sentiments towards vaccination, and may have failed to capture the nuances and complexity
of emotions around vaccination. Finally, 49 out of the 86 studies determined the reach of social media by looking at numbers of
followers and engagement with particular posts (e.g., retweets, shares, likes, etc.).
Conclusions: Social media monitoring still constitutes a new means to research and understanding public sentiments around
vaccination. A wide range of methods are currently used by researchers, sometimes without sufficient ethical considerations.
Future research should focus on evaluating these methods to offer more evidence and support the development of social media
monitoring as a valuable research design.
The present crisis may affect gender role attitudes due to several reasons. First of all, the unemployment rate has increased sharply since the first quarter of 2008 as a result of the economic crisis (Kiiver – Hijman 2010). According to... more
The present crisis may affect gender role attitudes due to several reasons. First of all, the unemployment rate has increased sharply since the first quarter of 2008 as a result of the economic crisis (Kiiver – Hijman 2010). According to American scholars the recession that began in 2007 has affected male workers disproportionately – however, they also emphasize that “mancession” is not a new phenomenon as all recessions tend to follow this pattern (Elsby et al. 2010; Şahin et al. 2010). When jobs are scarce men’s employment tends to become a priority at the expense of women’s employment, reflecting the dominance of traditional gender role attitudes (Cha – Thébaud 2009). Australian and American scholars also emphasized the key role women’s dependence on men can play in the formation of less egalitarian gender attitudes (Baxter – Kane 1995). On the other hand, female labour market participation may become more important from the family’s point of view as it can help to decrease the risks – including reduction of salaries and increased unemployment – exacerbated by the crisis, thus stimulating less traditional gender role attitudes (Pongrácz – S. Molnár 2011). The aim of our study is to reveal whether some changes have occurred in gender role attitudes among European women and men between 2005 and 2010 due to the crisis. The empirical base of our analyses is a rotating module, focusing on work-life balance issues, which has been included in both the second and the fifth rounds of the European Social Survey (ESS), conducted in 2004-2005 and in 2010, respectively. Our sample included 20 European countries; within each country we focused only on those respondents who were aged between 20 and 55, had paid work and lived in couple relationships. Men and women were examined in separate models as we assumed that certain factors can affect the attitudes of women and men in different ways and we wanted to be able to track these differences. Two explanatory models (a labour market model and a socio-cultural model) were constructed by applying multilevel mixed-effects linear regression. According to our findings in both the labour market model and the socio-cultural model changes could be observed: for example, those women who were affected by the crisis in the last three years through their work situation (by experiencing shortened working time, decreased wages, jobs becoming more insecure, changes in work tasks) agreed less with traditional attitudes stating that men should have priority in the labour market, when jobs are scarce. A very clear finding of the present research is that gender inequalities play a very important role in shaping gender role attitudes even during a time of crisis.
28 Avrupa ülkesinde eşcinsel evlat edinmedeki sosyal tutumları inceleyerek evlat edinmenin bu belirli türünün sosyal kabullenme ve reddinin düzeyini belirleyen birey ve ülke düzeyi faktörlerin altını çizdik. Bu makale Avrupa’daki lezbiyen... more
28 Avrupa ülkesinde eşcinsel evlat edinmedeki sosyal tutumları inceleyerek evlat edinmenin bu belirli türünün sosyal kabullenme ve reddinin düzeyini belirleyen birey ve ülke düzeyi faktörlerin altını çizdik. Bu makale Avrupa’daki lezbiyen kadınların, gey erkeklerin ve onların evlat edinme pratiklerinin sosyal kabulündeki literatüre katkı sunmakta ve eşcinsel ebeveynlik haklarındaki sosyal tutumun daha önce araştırılmamış birçok yönüne dikkat çekmektedir. Bu çalışmanın deneysel temeli 2008-2010’da oluşturulan “European Values Study”nin (Avrupa Değerleri Çalışması) dördüncü dizisinden oluşmaktadır. Düzenli lojistik regresyon kullanarak “Eşcinsel çiftler evlat edinebilmeli” ifadesine katılım seviyesine birey ve ülke düzeyi birçok niteliğin etkisini inceledik. Geleneksel aile oluşum pratikleriyle bağlantılı olan, “eşcinselliğin haklı kılınması” ve eşcinsel komşuların tercih edilmemesi gibi bazı bireysel tutumların yanı sıra eşcinsel çiftlerin evlat edinmesine karşı sosyal tutumlar ve eşcinsel evlat edinme pratiklerine izin veren yasaların varlığı arasında güçlü bağlantılar tespit ettik. Bulgularımız, eşcinsel çiftlerin evlat edinmesinin potansiyel açıklayıcı bağlamındaki cinsellik temelli dar bir çerçeveden aile ve ebeveynlik pratiklerinin farklı ve mümkün çok daha geniş bir bağlamına bir dönüşüm olduğunu gösterdi.
Sexual politics play a major role in mainstreaming and enforcing far-right values, beliefs and practices in Europe, a process described by the authors as “Brutal Normalities”. Sexuality and gender are not sideshows in this process, but... more
Sexual politics play a major role in mainstreaming and enforcing far-right values, beliefs and practices in Europe, a process described by the authors as “Brutal Normalities”. Sexuality and gender are not sideshows in this process, but integral and very central to conservative, right-wing and far-right politics. At the same time, right-wing sexual politics are locally variable and prove to be incoherent and paradoxical in many ways. Paradoxical politics bridges the fragmentation and conflicts within anti-democratic forces and allows them to be composed of different political ideologies, adapt to local contexts and thus contribute to the normalization of far-right politics. The chapter introduces a working definition of right-wing sexual politics and discusses key orientations of the book: the paradoxes within sexual politics in their local variations; the transfers and travelling of far-right politics; the role of political ideologies and the rhetoric of crisis (or in fact, several crises).

**** First book-length study explicitly focused on the paradoxes and differences of right wing sexual politics
Offers single-country case studies and transnational studies covering Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern Europe
Combines discursive and empirical studies to allow a comprehensive understanding of a transnational phenomenon