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Purpose: The aim of this study was to test the applicability of the Transtheoretical Model (TTM) to gain an understanding of interdental cleaning behaviour change in senior high school students (12th grade) in Iran. Materials and methods:... more
This study examined Chinese fathers' feelings about their partners' delivery and views on their presence... more
to explore the attitudes of first-time mothers towards antenatal education from the perspective of attenders and non-attenders.a qualitative approach was utilised using focus group interviews to collect the data.the study was conducted in... more
To study the caries prevalence and caries experience of 5, 12 and 15-year-old children in Greece and evaluate how the disease pattern is related to their sociodemographic parameters. A stratified cluster sample of 1209, 1224 and 1257 of... more
Governments are increasingly implementing policies that encourage early father-infant bonding. However, to date, research has not systematically examined fathers’ perspectives and experiences of early bonding. Using a social... more
More than 10% of fathers experience depression and anxiety during the perinatal period, but paternal perinatal depression (PPND) and anxiety have received less attention than maternal perinatal mental health problems. Few mainstream... more
Fathers of premature infants have been primarily marginalized caregivers up until the last 20 years, but change in both the societal definition and expectation of fathers as well as tremendous evolution in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit... more
Couvade is the male experience of pregnancy and couvade syndrome incorporates a range of symptoms suffered by "pregnant" men. The aetiology of the couvade syndrome is unknown. Anthropologists, psychiatrists, nurses and... more