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As a comparative reading informed by recent work in integration theory and metaphor theory shows, Heinrich Schenker's and Arnold Schoenberg's Harmonielehren adumbrate broader theories of composition based in part on a conception of the... more
Die Studie untersucht die Bedeutung von Wein und Blut im Johannesevangelium und deren relationales Verhältnis. Sie hinterfragt dabei die bisherigen Forschungspositionen. Neuere Ergebnisse der ritual- und sozialgeschichtlichen Forschung... more
Metaphors have been the focus of many studies that embrace a wide range of aspects and diverse fields of knowledge given the colossal diversity of work now being undertaken (
ABSTRACT The use of metaphorical imagery as a rhetorical resource in the teaching of singing represents a research topic that inserts into de debate between two pedagogical paradigms of Vocal Technique: the Traditional and the... more
The tale of a meeting between Leonardo and Savonarola in the summer of 1495, later reported by Vasari (1550 and 1568) but confirmed by a memorandum remained in Leonardo's possession (Codex Atlanticus, f. 628 r), which refers explicitly to... more
This paper investigates how large multinational corporations use multimodal meaning-making resources to communicate a trustworthy corporate identity. It combines insights from Forceville’s work on pictorial and multimodal metaphor... more
Neben den viel diskutierten "Coronawellen" ist auch die Versinnbildlichung von Migrant:innen, und besonders Geflüchteten, als Welle oder Flut stets in den Medien präsent. Wie kommt es, dass die Wassermetaphorik gleichzeitig zwei so... more
This paper (from a panel with Gerald Holton and Steven Weinberg) is one of Haack's first forays into philosophy of science. I contains in embryo the Critical Common-sensist theory of science she would develop in DEFENDING... more
The paper aims at clarifying whether and to what extent expertise plays a role in the detection of ambiguity fallacies, such as quaternio terminorum, where a metaphor is the middle term in one of the premises (metaphoric fallacy). We... more
Although “metaphors” are usually associated with the frills of literary writing, they feature extensively in our everyday language, and play a significant role in shaping our thought processes. In fact, we use concrete concepts to grasp... more
Conceptual metaphors structure our understanding of abstract ideas and complex concepts and, in this sense, are also key to our thinking and communicating about the human mind. Some of the dominating conceptual mappings are the metaphors... more
By examining the trans-disciplinary neologisms called "terminological junctions" in writings of Arakawa and Gins, one may find adequate conditions for making visible, and perhaps resolving a central paradox in the thinking of Gilles... more
The authors study the ways the COVID-19 pandemic is represented in the media in seven languages (Russian, Ukrainian, Slovak, Polish, German, English, and Italian) with the aim of throwing light on its universal and culturally specific... more
Media images of human nature are not exclusively concerned with the human body – especially recent popular culture equally puts the human psyche on display. Reflecting, discussing, pursuing, and contradicting ideas from the sciences as... more
Load balancing functionalities are crucial for best Grid performance and utilization. Accordingly,this paper presents a new meta-scheduling method called TunSys. It is inspired from the natural phenomenon of heat propagation and thermal... more
Synaesthetic metaphors and sound This paper analyses a phenomenon called synaesthetic metaphors, in which one sensory modality is described in terms of another (e.g. bright sound, sharp taste, sweet smell). The aim of the research, based... more
The contributions to Iconic Investigations deal with linguistic or literary aspects of language. While some studies analyze the cognitive structures of language, others pay close attention to the sounds of spoken language and the visual... more
Conceptual metaphors and conceptual metonymies, as two most important cognitive operations, can shape part of an utterance, or even a whole utterance. It may be the case that a single metaphor or metonymy is involved that is lexicalized... more
(in press). In S. Tettegah & W. (D.) Huang. Emotions, Technology, and Games. New York: Elsevier. (Will be freely available for download through open access in October, 2015). ABSTRACT. Summary This case study challenges the assumption... more
1. Spanish and English speakers tend to conceptualize time as running from left to right along a mental line. Previous research suggests that this representational strategy arises from the participants' exposure to a left-to-right... more
S. A. Zhabotynska. "Conceptual metaphors in the public speeches of Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin (2014-2015)". This pilot study discusses conceptual metaphors reconstructed via analysis of linguistic metaphorical expressions (ME) which,... more
The cognitive linguistic approach to metaphor and metonymy postulates that we think and understand the world with the help of these figurative mechanisms. Even though metaphors are thus not primarily figures of speech, their visual... more
The introductory section of an essay is essential since it determines whether the reader will be interested in continuing to read the text or not. For this reason, the use of essay hooks is necessary to perform the task of leading and... more
Ohne eine vergleichende Analyse, die mehrere Diskurstraditionen berücksichtigt ist nicht zu bestimmen, ob (Be-)Deutungaspekte von Metaphern universal oder sprachspezifisch sind und inwieweit sie von historischen Faktoren beeinflusst... more
This article offers a critique of Stanley Porter’s note, published in ETL of 1991, on the translation of κολλώμενος in 1 Cor 6,12-20. Porter proposes to translate the verb as “to obligate oneself” instead of the more conventional “to... more
An increasing number of studies have investigated non-literal language, including metaphors, idioms, metonymy, or irony, with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). However, key questions regarding its neuroanatomy remain... more
Cohesion is a semantic notion that refers to non-structural text-forming meaning inherent in relations of connectedness which may or may not be linguistically coded. It is the means by which one element is construed by reference to... more
The present paper examines the nature, formation patterns, types, and correlations of poreionymic backronyms, i.e. phrases serving as alternative interpretations of acronyms and nonacronyms designating transport brands, namely cars, both... more
In this article, we describe how antithesis and metaphoric conceptualization interact with each other and which rhetorical effects this interaction brings about. We illustrate this interaction with an analysis of seventeen graffiti... more
Although musical structure is commonly perceived as moving, its motivation remains a debated issue. Conceptual Metaphor Theory approaches assume that musical motion is motivated by conceptual metaphors like time is motion and change is... more