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Küresel sermaye gelişmiş, kredi imkânları büyümüş, markalaşma artmış, ihracat hedefleri genişlemiş ancak üçüncü dünya ve güney ülkeleri olarak isimlendirilen yoksulluğun fazla olduğu ülkeler, yeni ekonomik ve politik düzende kalkınma... more
Depuis la crise de 2008, l’idée d’une allocation universelle suscite un engouement renouvelé, tant en Europe qu’en Amérique. Le projet trouve des appuis à gauche comme à droite et, de l’avis de bien des spécialistes, il pourrait être le... more
Africa is not poor, it is poorly led. – Omoruyi Aigbe ABSTRACT Africa's colonial legacy has been blamed for the socioeconomic, security, political challenges, the tension and hostility among the many ethnic groups, especially in... more
Diverse social programmes —including conditional cash transfer programmes, labour and production inclusion programmes and social pensions— are being implemented in Latin American and Caribbean countries with the aim of ending poverty and... more
Bakhtine a décrit le carnaval comme un espace utopique, populiste et festif. Mon propos est que le Grand Magal, un événement religieux mouride au Sénégal ainsi qu'une fête nationale populaire, partage de nombreux parallèles notables avec... more
En zengin 62 kişinin, dünyanın %50’sine tekabül eden 3,6 milyar insan ile eşit mal varlığına sahip olduğu bir dünyada yaşıyoruz. En zengin 20 ülkenin geliri, en fakir 20 ülke gelirinin tam 46 katı daha fazla. Küresel adaletsizliğin bu... more
Yoksulluk, çok boyutlu bir sorun olduğu için bu sorunla mücadele birçok aracın kullanımını gerektirmektedir. Bu araçlardan en önemlisinin kamusal sosyal içerikli harcamalar olduğu söylenebilir. Birçok alt kalemden oluşan bu harcamaların... more
This dissertation examines the extent in which state policies have affected the Roma in Turkey by looking into the reasons for their poverty and social exclusion as well as into the survival mechanisms and livelihoods strategies they have... more
There has been a significant shift among antipoverty nonprofits toward what we call relational work, which involves working with clients over time on life changes. Some scholars discuss this, often in negative terms, as part of a broader... more
Disability studies scholars and activists have long criticized and critiqued so-termed ‘charitable’ approaches to disability where the capitalization of individual disabled bodies to invoke pity are historically, socially, and politically... more
Türkiye, her iki dünya savaşı ertesi köklü dönüşümler geçirdi. İlki 600 yıllık Osmanlı hanedanına son verdi. İkincisi ise Tek Parti döneminin sonu oldu; Türkiye’de siyasi demokrasinin yolunu açtı. İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Türkiye tarafsız... more
This study aims to identify regions in the Zambezi River Basin in Southern Africa that are prone to risk of violent conflicts (collective violence, popular unrest) induced by climatic changes/variability. The Zambezi River is 575... more
This research derives from the most recent wave of a longitudinal study of nearly 500 families in urban Philadelphia neighborhoods collected over a 9-year time span. Earlier findings revealed remarkable continuity in success trajectories... more
We examine whether spousal caregivers face difficulties in meeting their basic household expenses compared to nonspousal caregivers and whether social support mechanisms ameliorate any financial strain from caregiving responsibilities. We... more
One goal of this paper is to present an integrated tripartite model of violence, with a focus on structural violence within an oppression paradigm. Using qualitative and quantitative data from 27 women (70% African American and 30%... more
This paper evaluates critically the third-sector approach that encourages involvement in groups in order to foster community participation in deprived neighbourhoods. Analysing recent government surveys of community participation in the... more
BACKGROUND There is little information about Chilean elderly residents of long term care facilities, regarding their characteristics and need for resources. AIM To describe main characteristics and resource utilization of residents of one... more
This paper tries to investigate the effectiveness of two poverty alleviation policies adopted by Indian government;(i) microfinance programme under SwarnaJayanti Gram SwarojgarYojona Scheme (SGSY) and (ii) National Rural Employment... more
Postnatal depression is an important public health problem worldwide. Recent evidence suggests that rates may be relatively higher in developing countries. We aimed to explore the prevalence of postnatal depression and its association... more
This paper explores the relationship between different levels of education and poverty through an analysis of household-level data from 60 villages in Bangladesh. First of all, it depicts the overall trend in school enrollment at primary... more
The high degree of overlap of race and poverty in our society has led to the presumption in both research and practice that ethnic disproportionality in special education is in large measure an artifact of the effects of poverty. This... more
This sociological study is done based on Children who are considered to be the School Dropouts of Adolescents in the Urban area of Colombo, Sri Lanka. These Children live under the care of their Parents, grandparents, and with other care... more
Majority samples are in the age group of 35 years to 50 years. Nearly 50 per cent of respondents are illiterates. 62.3 per cent (187 respondents) are male. Mostly samples are married people; their percentage is 84 (252 respondents). The... more