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  • The Law Office of Bryan Fagan offers free consultations with our Spring divorce lawyer We can help you with your family law and divorce matters, so call now!edit
Divorce Attorney in Houston: I don’t think you could find anyone who would try to argue that filing for divorce is a pleasant process. While every step makes sense in its own way that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some things that can... more
Divorce Attorney in Houston: I don’t think you could find anyone who would try to argue that filing for divorce is a pleasant process. While every step makes sense in its own way that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some things that can frustrate even the most patient person. After having represented many people in divorce cases across Texas I can tell you that most of those folks have great intentions but are not thinking all that clearly during their case due to stress, anxiety and a mix of perfectly understandable emotions.
Research Interests:
How to enforce a child support order when the paying parent lives outside of Texas If you have need a best suitable service your Child Law experience, How to enforce a child support order when the paying parent lives outside of Texas with... more
How to enforce a child support order when the paying parent lives outside of Texas If you have need a best suitable service your Child Law experience, How to enforce a child support order when the paying parent lives outside of Texas with the great process! Divorce Attorneys in Houston: One of the most helpless feelings that a parent can experience is being in a position where you are not receiving the court ordered child support that you are entitled to. This can leave you vulnerable to the ups and downs of your own income leaving you little wiggle room to plan and budget for your family. On another level, it can and should anger you because your child's other parent is placing other responsibilities ahead of providing for their child. Having someone essentially tell you that your child isn't that important can be extremely hurtful-especially when that other person is your child's parent.
Research Interests:
Family Lawyer Houston: The right of first refusal is an issue that comes up in family law cases that can cause even the most creative and experienced family law attorney to scratch their heads on how to proceed. Essentially, the right of... more
Family Lawyer Houston: The right of first refusal is an issue that comes up in family law cases that can cause even the most creative and experienced family law attorney to scratch their heads on how to proceed. Essentially, the right of first refusal allows a parent who is not entitled to possession for a specified period of possession to be able to take possession of the child if the other parent is not able to do so. Allow me to provide you with an example of how this situation could arise in real life.
Research Interests:
Houston Family Lawyer: After your divorce, you and your ex-spouse will likely share (to one extent or another) the decision-making responsibilities associated with your child going to school. Sometimes that could mean a decision regarding... more
Houston Family Lawyer: After your divorce, you and your ex-spouse will likely share (to one extent or another) the decision-making responsibilities associated with your child going to school. Sometimes that could mean a decision regarding whether or not to have your child skip a grade or be held back. It could mean the decision revolves around whether or not to allow your child to enter into a special education course in a subject where he is struggling. Regardless, these are usually emotionally volatile situations that can lead to disagreements between parents.
Research Interests:
Kingwood Divorce Attorney: Going to court to resolve a family law case is not a fun experience for anyone involved. You probably didn’t need me to tell you that, but it is the absolute truth. There is nothing glamorous about it. You will... more
Kingwood Divorce Attorney: Going to court to resolve a family law case is not a fun experience for anyone involved. You probably didn’t need me to tell you that, but it is the absolute truth. There is nothing glamorous about it. You will not have the moment in time where you get to call out your ex-spouse for the bad behavior he engaged into the delight of your family watching in the audience and the shock of the judge. If you are after truth, justice, and the American Way, then a family court is not the place to go.
Research Interests:
Divorce Attorneys in Houston: If you are incarcerated as Child Protective Services (CPS) is investigating an allegation of abuse or neglect of your child, it is likely to be one of the most frustrating experiences of your life. Every... more
Divorce Attorneys in Houston: If you are incarcerated as Child Protective Services (CPS) is investigating an allegation of abuse or neglect of your child, it is likely to be one of the most frustrating experiences of your life. Every fiber of your being is crying out to help your child but you are behind bars. You have all the time in the world to think about what is happening to your child. That thinking will without a doubt turn into one thing: worry.
Research Interests:
Foster Care and its relation to your Texas CPS case If you have need a best suitable service your Child Law experience, Foster Care and its relation to your Texas CPS case with the great process! Divorce Lawyer in Spring TX: When your... more
Foster Care and its relation to your Texas CPS case If you have need a best suitable service your Child Law experience, Foster Care and its relation to your Texas CPS case with the great process! Divorce Lawyer in Spring TX: When your child is removed as a part of a Texas Child Protective Services (CPS) case and placed into foster care it would be natural on some level to view the foster family as something of an enemy. These are the folks who are welcoming your children into your home after they have just exited your own. You do not know their intentions because you do not know them. You may not even find out their names and likely will never know where they live. All you are left with is an assurance from CPS that they will be caring for your children for an extended period of time to the best of their ability. Parents that I have come into contact with that have had their children placed into CPS case will frequently want to know whether or not the foster family will make an effort to speak to them (when possible) about how to better care for their child on a daily basis.
Research Interests:
Houston Divorce Lawyers: Whether you are a parent going through a divorce or a child custody case in Texas, you need to be familiar with how a court will view your case if you and your child’s other parent cannot settle in mediation. The... more
Houston Divorce Lawyers: Whether you are a parent going through a divorce or a child custody case in Texas, you need to be familiar with how a court will view your case if you and your child’s other parent cannot settle in mediation. The fact is that as long as you are not in a courtroom, what you and your opposing party can agree to is pretty much how your case will be decided. Meaning: if you all can settle on an arrangement for child custody a court is likely to honor it because there is a presumption under the law that as your child’s parents, you both have his or her best interests in mind.
Research Interests:
How to determine whether your family is a good fit for 50/50 custody If you have need a best suitable service your Child Law experience, How to determine whether your family is a good fit for 50/50 custody with the great process! Houston... more
How to determine whether your family is a good fit for 50/50 custody If you have need a best suitable service your Child Law experience, How to determine whether your family is a good fit for 50/50 custody with the great process! Houston Divorce Lawyer: When I have the opportunity to meet with a father who is going through a divorce the one thing that nearly all of these men will tell me is that their goal is to win 50/50 or "split" custody of his child. Most of these men are active and involved fathers who have been there just as much for their child as their wives have. I think somewhere along the line men have been told that their wives will always win primary custody of their child and the best they can hope for is a 50/50 split. This, as it turns out, is not true in the least bit, but that is a topic for a different day. When the subject of 50/50 custody is brought up to me I will always tell the client or potential client that custody is probably the most difficult subject to navigate within a divorce. It is not only an emotional and relational problem that must be solved, but also a logistical one. The fact is that when you are married you and your spouse can share the burden of picking and dropping children up from school, football practice and any other
Research Interests:
Divorce Lawyer in Spring TX: When you and your spouse got divorced you likely set forth in your final decree of divorce the requirement that you and he split 50/50 any uninsured costs related to medical expenses. That sounds all good and... more
Divorce Lawyer in Spring TX: When you and your spouse got divorced you likely set forth in your final decree of divorce the requirement that you and he split 50/50 any uninsured costs related to medical expenses. That sounds all good and well in theory, but in practice it can be extremely difficult to manage when your ex-spouse refuses to pay these sums.
Research Interests:
Kingwood Divorce Attorney: Have you ever heard a friend or family member’s divorce horror story? I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. This person will tell you in no uncertain or unspecific terms just how bad their experience was... more
Kingwood Divorce Attorney: Have you ever heard a friend or family member’s divorce horror story? I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. This person will tell you in no uncertain or unspecific terms just how bad their experience was with a divorce. Something went totally wrong and they lost their house, children, vehicle or something in between. After that they’ve been forever scarred by the experience and are now intent on telling every person they know about the terrible outcome. Timing does not matter to this person. You could have been going through your own divorce and this person wouldn’t have hesitated for a second to tell you just how bad things were for them and how bad they could be for you.
Research Interests:
If you have need a best suitable service your Child Law experience, How to navigate an uncontested divorce in Texas with the great process! Family Law Attorneys Houston: A lot of people have ideas about divorce that are not necessarily... more
If you have need a best suitable service your Child Law experience, How to navigate an uncontested divorce in Texas with the great process! Family Law Attorneys Houston: A lot of people have ideas about divorce that are not necessarily true. For instance, did you know that most divorces in Texas never see the inside of a courtroom? Most divorces are settled prior to a trial in either mediation or in informal settlement negotiations between attorneys. It is without a doubt true, therefore, that your divorce does not have to be one that is full of drama, anger, and bitterness. It is entirely possible that your divorce would be comprised of you and your spouse working together to solve problems and complete your divorce sooner rather than later. The surest way to have a quick, simple and relatively pain-free divorce experience in Texas is to have an uncontested divorce. Especially if you and your spouse are able to communicate well together, an uncontested divorce is a way for you and your spouse to
Research Interests:
Houston Divorce: Most people in the United States are aware that same-sex marriages were made legal by the Supreme Court in 2015 in ruling that bans on same sex marriages were illegal and unconstitutional. There is still some confusion as... more
Houston Divorce: Most people in the United States are aware that same-sex marriages were made legal by the Supreme Court in 2015 in ruling that bans on same sex marriages were illegal and unconstitutional. There is still some confusion as to how that affects citizens of the State of Texas. Are same sex marriages legal in Texas today? What was the case before this Supreme Court ruling in 2015? The Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC would like to discuss this subject with you all in today’s blog post.
Research Interests:
Family Lawyer in Houston: Let’s start today’s blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC with a story. I recently spoke with a woman who told me about a man that she had dated in high school. After high school, the relationship... more
Family Lawyer in Houston: Let’s start today’s blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC with a story. I recently spoke with a woman who told me about a man that she had dated in high school. After high school, the relationship continued as both she and her boyfriend began to work at the same business here in Houston.
Research Interests:
Houston Family Law Attorneys: How many of you are contract employees? You work a job for a period of time and then move on to the next one when your current contract runs out? Sometimes you go weeks or even months in between working.... more
Houston Family Law Attorneys: How many of you are contract employees? You work a job for a period of time and then move on to the next one when your current contract runs out? Sometimes you go weeks or even months in between working. Other folks work inconsistent hours due to seasonal issues related to their job or even downturns in the economy. Whatever your particular work situation it is likely that you do not work the traditional, 9-5 job that our parent’s generation grew up with.
Research Interests:
Divorce Attorneys Houston: I think the most common goal that I will hear from parents (mainly fathers) is that they want 50/50 or split custody with their spouse after the divorce is over. From my experience, fathers have had the false... more
Divorce Attorneys Houston: I think the most common goal that I will hear from parents (mainly fathers) is that they want 50/50 or split custody with their spouse after the divorce is over. From my experience, fathers have had the false narrative that the best they can do is win split custody with their wives. This is not true, and if you are a father and want to be named as the primary conservator of your child you have every right to push for that goal. However, if that is not what you want to do trying to win a 50/50 custody split is not a bad goal either.
Research Interests:
Family Attorney Houston: The Standard Possession Order (SPO) is the, well, standard for possession for parents in Texas family law cases who are not designated as the person to determine the primary residence for their child. If you have... more
Family Attorney Houston: The Standard Possession Order (SPO) is the, well, standard for possession for parents in Texas family law cases who are not designated as the person to determine the primary residence for their child. If you have been awarded visitation rights in a Texas divorce it is likely that your possession schedule looks an awful lot like an SPO. The SPO is presumed to be in the best interests of your child and is laid out in detail within the Texas Family Code. It is a tried and true schedule that ideally maximizes the time that both you and your child’s other parent and able to spend with him or her.
Research Interests:
Family Lawyers Houston: In yesterday’s blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC we covered the initial phases of a divorce in Texas and what you can expect within them. Today we will pick up where we left off by discussing more... more
Family Lawyers Houston: In yesterday’s blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC we covered the initial phases of a divorce in Texas and what you can expect within them. Today we will pick up where we left off by discussing more about the temporary orders phase.
Research Interests:
Houston Divorce: Divorce in and of itself is not uncommon in our world today. What is uncommon, however, is a person entering into the divorce process with as much information as he or she needs to be successful. Many people wait until... more
Houston Divorce: Divorce in and of itself is not uncommon in our world today. What is uncommon, however, is a person entering into the divorce process with as much information as he or she needs to be successful. Many people wait until they have hired an attorney and actually filed for divorce before learning about divorce. Their lawyer will handle it, after all! Not so fast, would be my response.
Research Interests:
Houston Divorce Attorney: You’ve probably heard the expression, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you.” I don’t know where the phrase came from and as an attorney I couldn’t think of a less true statement, to be honest. What you don’t know... more
Houston Divorce Attorney: You’ve probably heard the expression, “What you don’t know can’t hurt you.” I don’t know where the phrase came from and as an attorney I couldn’t think of a less true statement, to be honest. What you don’t know certainly can hurt you when it comes to life in general as well as in a divorce case. You’ve worked your entire life to build a good marriage, save money, invest wisely, raise well adjusted and productive children. Now it has become obvious to you that in at least one of those regards you have not managed to do as well as you would like. What do you really need to know before, during and after a divorce?
Research Interests:
Divorce Attorney Houston: We began to discuss the topic of over-50 divorces in yesterday's blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC. As I will often do when we have multi-day topics such as this one, I recommend that you go back... more
Divorce Attorney Houston: We began to discuss the topic of over-50 divorces in yesterday's blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC. As I will often do when we have multi-day topics such as this one, I recommend that you go back and read what we had to say yesterday to give yourself a better idea about what factors are often in place when spouses in their fifties, sixties and beyond enter into divorce proceedings. Often times issues that you never would have anticipated being relevant rear their heads in cases like these. In today's blog post we will put a bow on this topic by delving into some final thoughts on relevant issues related to over-50 divorces. If you are just now learning about divorce and are confused or need clarification on anything we have discussed please do not hesitate to reach out to the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC today. We offer free of charge, no strings attached consultations with our licensed family law attorneys six days a week. You can come in, ask your questions and go about your merry way if you would like.
Research Interests:
Spring Divorce Lawyer: With the benefit of age comes the ability to have built up wealth that stands to benefit you, your spouse, your family and generations of your family to come. The effort that you put into building a business or... more
Spring Divorce Lawyer: With the benefit of age comes the ability to have built up wealth that stands to benefit you, your spouse, your family and generations of your family to come. The effort that you put into building a business or saving for your retirement was not insignificant. What happens, though, if before you are able to take advantage of that effort you or your spouse file for divorce? Was all the hard work and discipline not worth it?
Research Interests:
The Woodlands Divorce Attorney: As we inch closer to the end of another school year, parents across the State of Texas are bracing for the return home of their children. Not that the kids have been away from home for nine months, but... more
The Woodlands Divorce Attorney: As we inch closer to the end of another school year, parents across the State of Texas are bracing for the return home of their children. Not that the kids have been away from home for nine months, but their day to day lives were dominated by school and extracurricular activities. Now that summer is upon us the daily involvement of parents ramps up significantly. This is the case for married and divorced parents alike.
Research Interests:
If you have need a best suitable service your Child Law experience, What effect does adultery have on your Texas divorce with the great process! Family Law Attorneys Houston: The reason that brought you to the website for the Law Office... more
If you have need a best suitable service your Child Law experience, What effect does adultery have on your Texas divorce with the great process! Family Law Attorneys Houston: The reason that brought you to the website for the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC is likely the same reason why other members of your community are here as well. Infidelity (known in the law as adultery) is unfortunately common in marriages as most any family law attorney could attest to. The reasons why people are not faithful in marriage are many. When the end result is a breakdown of the trust and a violation of the vows taken in entering into a marriage a divorce may not be too far behind. It is emotionally difficult to get to the point where you believe that you are ready to file for divorce. When adultery is the reason why you are moving towards a divorce that decision can be made to be even more difficult. The attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC would like to provide you some straightforward and honest answers as to how your divorce could be impacted by adultery and infidelity.
Research Interests:
Family Attorney Houston: Nobody wants to go through a divorce. You may find yourself wanting to separate yourself from your spouse due to arguments, anger, violence, lies and any number of other bad and intolerable offenses but nobody... more
Family Attorney Houston: Nobody wants to go through a divorce. You may find yourself wanting to separate yourself from your spouse due to arguments, anger, violence, lies and any number of other bad and intolerable offenses but nobody wants to have to go through months of a divorce case to do so. A magic wand that could be waved that results in the divorce would be much preferable. However, that is not reality and the law in Texas has certain requirements that must be met in order to get a divorce.
Research Interests:
Houston Family Law Attorney: In the world we live in today credit has become an integral part of our lives. If you want to rent an apartment, obtain a business loan, buy a house, put an addition on your existing home or do much of... more
Houston Family Law Attorney: In the world we live in today credit has become an integral part of our lives. If you want to rent an apartment, obtain a business loan, buy a house, put an addition on your existing home or do much of anything else (even get a job) you need to have a strong credit history. While your credit score is not a for-sure indicator of financial well being it has become almost a status symbol among the citizens of our country. Whether or not this is a good thing I’m not so sure, but suffice it to say credit is important to our day to day lives.
Research Interests:
Uncontested divorce in Texas: Sixty days between you and the rest of your life If you have need a best suitable service your Child Law experience, Uncontested divorce in Texas: Sixty days between you and the rest of your life with the... more
Uncontested divorce in Texas: Sixty days between you and the rest of your life If you have need a best suitable service your Child Law experience, Uncontested divorce in Texas: Sixty days between you and the rest of your life with the great process! Divorce Lawyer Houston: How can you speed up the divorce process a great deal in Texas? The best answer to this question to work with your spouse prior to filing for divorce in order to settle any outstanding issues that you will need to sort through. Everybody wants a quick and easy divorce. That's what I hear most frequently during the free of charge consultations that the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC offers. Who can blame them? Divorce is not fun and divorces can be expensive. Why waste time and resources on them if you do not have to? Not all divorces can be quick and easy but many can be relatively quick and easy. In today's blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC we will discuss the factors that can lead to your divorce getting wrapped up sooner rather than later. While the vast majority
Research Interests:
Houston Divorce Lawyers: In your divorce or child custody case you may be faced with a difference of opinion between yourself and your opposing party on who should have the right to determine the primary residence of your child. When it... more
Houston Divorce Lawyers: In your divorce or child custody case you may be faced with a difference of opinion between yourself and your opposing party on who should have the right to determine the primary residence of your child. When it comes to child custody issues this is the most basic and important dispute that you and your child’s other parent could have.
Research Interests:
Is it possible to get your spouse to pay your attorney's fees in your divorce case? If you have need a best suitable service your Child Law experience, Is it possible to get your spouse to pay your attorney's fees in your divorce case?... more
Is it possible to get your spouse to pay your attorney's fees in your divorce case? If you have need a best suitable service your Child Law experience, Is it possible to get your spouse to pay your attorney's fees in your divorce case? with the great process! Family Law Attorneys Houston: This past week I had an opportunity to meet with a woman who came in to the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC to tell me about a divorce petition that she was having to respond to. She was served with divorce papers two days earlier and she was upset. The majority of our conversation was spent with her listing a litany of offenses that her husband had committed against her during their years of marriage. She completed her list of offenses by not asking, but telling me, that she would demand that her spouse pay her attorney's fees in this case.
Research Interests:
Divorce Houston: Family violence commonly refers to a pattern of sustained abuse by a perpetrator against a victim with whom the perpetrator shares a familiar, dating and or marital relationship. The purpose of the violence is usually to... more
Divorce Houston: Family violence commonly refers to a pattern of sustained abuse by a perpetrator against a victim with whom the perpetrator shares a familiar, dating and or marital relationship. The purpose of the violence is usually to control the victim and is repeated usually because once a perpetrator experiences his or her desired results the behavior is repeated. A judge will need to consider both the effects of the violence that are visible and those that are more easily camouflaged by other aspects of your case.
Research Interests:
Divorce Attorneys Houston: Otherwise known as a Magistrate’s Order of Emergency Protection, an emergency protective order must contain the following information no matter what your particular circumstances are.
Research Interests:
Divorce Lawyers Houston: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This well known phrase has probably been uttered to you a time or two during your life to help you to conceptualize that your first step towards achieving a... more
Divorce Lawyers Houston: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This well known phrase has probably been uttered to you a time or two during your life to help you to conceptualize that your first step towards achieving a goal is just as important as the final step. What if you find yourself in a situation where your goal is to remove yourself from a harmful marriage and to provide a better life for your children? Where should you start when you bring this subject up to your children?
Research Interests:
Houston Family Attorney: If you have not already done so I recommend that you go back to yesterday's blog post and read what we were discussing about college tuition, divorce and agreeing with an ex-spouse to take on the responsibilities... more
Houston Family Attorney: If you have not already done so I recommend that you go back to yesterday's blog post and read what we were discussing about college tuition, divorce and agreeing with an ex-spouse to take on the responsibilities of paying for your child's college tuition. We lay the groundwork for how a court would rule on agreements to pay college expenses if you or your spouse were to go back on your word and live up to your end up the agreement.
Research Interests:
Houston Family Law Attorney: Today, I would like to continue discussing an important topic that is related to family law: adoption. If you are interested in going back to yesterday’s blog post in order to read what we posted on this... more
Houston Family Law Attorney: Today, I would like to continue discussing an important topic that is related to family law: adoption. If you are interested in going back to yesterday’s blog post in order to read what we posted on this subject at that time I would endorse that choice wholeheartedly.
Research Interests:
Houston Divorce Attorney: If you and your spouse have any inkling about starting a business with one another then you will want to read this blog post. Starting a business with your spouse is not like starting a business with a neighbor... more
Houston Divorce Attorney: If you and your spouse have any inkling about starting a business with one another then you will want to read this blog post. Starting a business with your spouse is not like starting a business with a neighbor or friend. You may end up owing a duty to your spouse as your business partner and as your husband/wife. As such, it is important that you understand the issues that surround this topic before you make a decision whether or not to engage with him or her in this way.
Research Interests:
Houston Divorce Lawyer: In doing some recent consultations with potential clients of the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC I have encountered some topics that I don’t think I have ever written about on this blog. With that said, I would... more
Houston Divorce Lawyer: In doing some recent consultations with potential clients of the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC I have encountered some topics that I don’t think I have ever written about on this blog. With that said, I would like to get after a few of these topics today so that they can be addressed and hopefully help some of you out as far as increasing the amount of information that you have access to.
Research Interests:
Family Law Attorney Houston: When a bankruptcy is initiated after a divorce has already concluded a bankruptcy court will review the divorce decree and that may be all that they review from your divorce. The key points for the judge to... more
Family Law Attorney Houston: When a bankruptcy is initiated after a divorce has already concluded a bankruptcy court will review the divorce decree and that may be all that they review from your divorce. The key points for the judge to decide will be the intent of your settlement in regard to property as well as the nature of the debt that had been shared by both you and your ex-spouse.
Research Interests:
Houston Family Lawyer: The amount of time that you are in possession of your child after a divorce determines whether or not you will be responsible for paying or receiving child support. Should you be named the primary conservator of... more
Houston Family Lawyer: The amount of time that you are in possession of your child after a divorce determines whether or not you will be responsible for paying or receiving child support. Should you be named the primary conservator of your child this means that you have the right to determine the primary residence of him or her.
Research Interests:
Houston Divorce Attorney: Are you considering re-marrying after a recent divorce? Or perhaps you are a single person who just found out that you are pregnant or your partner/significant other is pregnant? These are not only life-defining... more
Houston Divorce Attorney: Are you considering re-marrying after a recent divorce? Or perhaps you are a single person who just found out that you are pregnant or your partner/significant other is pregnant? These are not only life-defining moments for you but can be moments and events that define your financial life as well. As such, you should not enter into them lightly or without regard for the implications of the decisions you make- both in the immediate sense and on into the future.
Research Interests:
If you have need a best suitable service your Texas Law experience, Nonmarital Children's Paternity and Death of Alleged Father with the great process! Divorce Attorney Houston: Recently I have had more than one person ask me about... more
If you have need a best suitable service your Texas Law experience, Nonmarital Children's Paternity and Death of Alleged Father with the great process! Divorce Attorney Houston: Recently I have had more than one person ask me about establishing paternity and doing a name change after a father has passed away. There is an automatic presumption of paternity for children who are born during a marriage. However, the number of children born out of wedlock in this country has increased dramatically since the first half of the twentieth century. This article will explore whether an action to establish paternity of an illegitimate child may be brought after the death of the alleged father. CASE LAW The question of establishing paternity after death is one that I have run into a few times. As such, it has caused me to look at both the family code and case law.
Research Interests:
Family Attorney Houston: During the past few weeks, the attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan have taken an opportunity to write about the steps of different types of family lawcases in an effort to help you prepare for beginning... more
Family Attorney Houston: During the past few weeks, the attorneys with the Law Office of Bryan Fagan have taken an opportunity to write about the steps of different types of family lawcases in an effort to help you prepare for beginning one. Whether you have never been to court or are a courtroom veteran, we hope that this information is useful.
Research Interests:
Divorce Lawyers in Houston: If you begin down the road towards divorce it is easy to encounter roadblocks. Many of these barriers are ones that are completely out of your control and must still be dealt with. In some areas, however, it is... more
Divorce Lawyers in Houston: If you begin down the road towards divorce it is easy to encounter roadblocks. Many of these barriers are ones that are completely out of your control and must still be dealt with. In some areas, however, it is possible that you can create your own difficulties along the way and become your own worst enemy. With as many elements to a divorce as there are it is easy to create a nightmare divorce case for yourself.
Research Interests:
Divorce Lawyer Houston: It can feel like that you have no rights whatsoever, and that CPS can do whatever they would like to you if you become involved with them. After all- if they can remove your children from your home, what else is... more
Divorce Lawyer Houston: It can feel like that you have no rights whatsoever, and that CPS can do whatever they would like to you if you become involved with them. After all- if they can remove your children from your home, what else is there that they can do?
Research Interests:
Family Law Attorney Houston: Your hearing is not a closed process where only the parties, their attorneys, and the judge can attend. Any other party with a hearing scheduled on your date will be in the courtroom at the beginning of the... more
Family Law Attorney Houston: Your hearing is not a closed process where only the parties, their attorneys, and the judge can attend. Any other party with a hearing scheduled on your date will be in the courtroom at the beginning of the day and can be in the courtroom while your hearing is going on. This means that you can bring any adult that you would like to attend the hearing with you and to at least sit in the gallery of people.
Research Interests:
Houston Divorce Lawyer: The piece of advice or reassurance that I provide to clients with the most frequency before a courtroom appearance is that the anxiety that we all possess surrounding events that we’ve never experienced before has... more
Houston Divorce Lawyer: The piece of advice or reassurance that I provide to clients with the most frequency before a courtroom appearance is that the anxiety that we all possess surrounding events that we’ve never experienced before has more to do with a fear of the unknown that the actual event itself.
Research Interests:
Spring Divorce Lawyers: The following are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Uncontested and No-Fault Divorce in Texas. The answers are general and designed to help you better understand how Texas handles... more
Spring Divorce Lawyers: The following are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Uncontested and No-Fault Divorce in Texas. The answers are general and designed to help you better understand how Texas handles Uncontested and No-Fault Divorce.
Research Interests:
If you have need a best suitable service your Divorce Law experience, Post-divorce financial independence in Houston Texas the great process! Houston Family Law Lawyer: Divorce is one of those steps in life that you may go through and... more
If you have need a best suitable service your Divorce Law experience, Post-divorce financial independence in Houston Texas the great process! Houston Family Law Lawyer: Divorce is one of those steps in life that you may go through and will never stop to think about what life is actually going to be like after the divorce. So much time and energy goes into getting through the divorce itself and negotiating on the " terms " of your divorce that you may find it hard to catch your breath and consider what it will actually be like to live as a single adult once your divorce concludes. What are the important steps to take in order to prepare for your post-divorce life and how can you balance taking care of those issues with ensuring your divorce is done correctly? We will go that information in today's blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan. ASK YOURSELF TO CONSIDER WHAT ROLE YOU TOOK IN HANDLING THE HOUSEHOLD FINANCES WHILE YOU WERE MARRIED
Research Interests:
Family Lawyer Houston: In yesterday’s blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, we introduced the topic of retirement accounts and how the funds within them are divided in a divorce. Today we will continue that discussion and will... more
Family Lawyer Houston: In yesterday’s blog post from the Law Office of Bryan Fagan, we introduced the topic of retirement accounts and how the funds within them are divided in a divorce.

Today we will continue that discussion and will focus more on military retirement as our blog concludes.
Research Interests:
Spring Divorce Lawyers: The heat in Texas definitely has an effect on how we behave? Don’t believe me? Consider how the summertime, specifically the second half of summer, is a peak time during the year for divorces.
Research Interests:
Family Lawyers in Houston: Time and Money. Those are two of the things that we as human beings are most concerned about, especially when considered in the context of our families. That goes double when you are going through a divorce.
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And 105 more

Is it accurate to say that you are the one pondering petitioning for separate? Regardless of why a separation is later on, you can depend on the Law Office of Bryan Fagan and our Kingwood DivorceAttorney for all the educated and... more
Is it accurate to say that you are the one pondering petitioning for separate? Regardless of why a separation is later on, you can depend on the Law Office of Bryan Fagan and our Kingwood DivorceAttorney for all the educated and empathetic lawful portrayal you require. We get a kick out of the chance to start our customer cases with a free meeting, enabling us to truly become more acquainted. To present your defense individual, we trust it causes us carry out our occupation and your best advantages.
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