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Remote sensing data can be effectively used as a mean to build geological knowledge for poorly mapped terrains. Spectral remote sensing data from space- and air-borne sensors have been widely used to geological mapping, especially in... more
Sand dunes encroachment is a challenge that faces land development in arid zone countries. Movement of such dunes threatens cultivated lands, roads, and urban settlements. This study modeled the potential risk of sand dunes encroachment... more
In tropical areas, mass movements are common phenomena, especially during periods of heavy rainfall, which frequently take place in the summer season. These phenomena have caused loss of life and serious damage to infrastructure and... more
Rainfall data in continuous space provide an essential input for most hydrological and water resources planning studies. Spatial distribution of rainfall is usually estimated using ground-based point rainfall data from sparsely positioned... more
Deslizamentos são movimentos gravitacionais de massa que estão relacionados aos processos de desestabilização de encostas. No Brasil a maioria dos escorregamentos acontece devido à ação das chuvas. Os processos de instabilidade de... more
Flood is considered to be the most common natural disaster worldwide during the last decades. The study area Sipajhar Development Block of Darrang district of Assam is prone to flood and bank erosion because of its topographical and... more
Managing natural resources in wide-scale areas can be highly time and resource consuming task which requires significant amount of data collection in the field and reduction of the data in the office to provide the necessary information.... more