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Many social theorists have suggested that we are currently living in a period in which the identities of the past are becoming increasingly irrelevant and in which new identities, and new identity formations, are being created. The major... more
This paper focuses on the specific role of mid-range universities in knowledge transfer and explores the knowledge flows from these mid-range universities which face a number of additional constraints in transitional Central Eastern... more
ABSTRACT: Currently, the biogas sector in Western Europe is faced by rapid technical and non-technical developments and innovations, and biogas markets are growing at a considerable pace. In contrast, the biogas market in Southern and... more
Although there is growing concern that amphibian populations are declining globally 1, 2, 3 , much of the supporting evidence is either anecdotal 4, 5 or derived from short-term studies at small geographical scales 6, 7, 8 . This ...
The discovery of a huge gas deposit in North Siberia in the 1980s changed somewhat western Europe economy, because an abundant and low cost energy source allowed to alleviate the burden of the 'energy crisis' and, above all,... more
- After the exceptional influx of Booted eagles Hieraaetus pennatus from Western Europe in October 2004, we reviewed thespecies’ presence in Italy over the period December 2004 - February 2005 and during spring 2005. We documented the... more
On November 1, 1755, the city of Lisbon was completely devastated by the combined effect of a tremendous earthquake, tsunami waves, and fire. The 1755 Lisbon earthquake was the most destructive cataclysm recorded in western Europe since... more
Lowland heath is an internationally important habitat type that has greatly declined in abundance throughout Western Europe. In recent years this has led to a growing interest in the restoration of heathland on agricultural land. This... more
The information society has developed with differing levels of success in Western Europe and the United States, as well as in Eastern Europe. E-government – a significant element of the information society – has an important and leading... more
This article shows how the presence of an election campaign affects the way in which the main political leaders of 18 countries communicate on Facebook. Findings indicate the presence of robust qualitative and quantitative differences... more
Este artículo es una refl exión sobre los estereotipos y la realidad intercultural sur/norte en esta era contemporánea. El propósito de este escrito es contribuir tanto a la demolición de los aparatos fabricadores de otredades... more
Historical records of sand drift and dune-building along the coastline of Western Europe provide insights into the natural processes of sand dune accretion and both the impacts of, and human responses to, sand incursions. The analysis of... more
We did a systematic search and synthesis of evidence on the incidence of invasive pneumococcal disease, symptomatic disease, and circulating Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes in western Europe. Using data from studies published between... more
It is one of the great ironies of the history of fascism that, despite their fascination with ultra-nationalism, its adherents understood themselves as members of a transnational political movement. While a true “Fascist International”... more
Over the last thirty years, many national higher education systems (HESs) in Europe have undergone structural changes following domestic pressure or international prescriptions. These changes have mainly been intended to enhance the... more
This article argues that both socio-economic disadvantage and political factors, such as foreign policy of the West about the Muslim world, along with historical grievances, play a part in the development of Islamic radicalized collective... more