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The purpose of this study was to assess the spatial variability of the activity of three hydrolytic enzymes, i.e. urease activity (UAc), alkaline phosphatase activity (APAc), and arylsulfatase activity (ASAc), in pasture topsoils using... more
Gridding methods produce a regularly spaced, rectangular array of Z values from irregularly spaced XYZ data. Gridding generates a Z value at each grid node by interpolating or extrapolating the data values. Different gridding methods... more
Lack of accurate climate data is a problem that facing many Arab countries including Libya. This problem affects integrated planning on the environment and the agriculture. There is an increasing demand for gridded datasets of climate... more
The aim of this study was the spatial analysis of the elements copper, lead and cinc in soil of the plate 168 (Algeria), located in the southeastern region of Antioquia Colombia. The samples used are part of the "Survey and... more
To evaluate the relationship between the enrichment of rare earth elements (REEs) and U, we carried out a principal component analysis (PCA) of sandstones in the REE-rich Maw Zone in the Athabasca Basin, Canada. The Maw Zone, a breccia... more
Conventional geostatistical methodology solves the problem of predicting the realized value of a linear functional of a Gaussian spatial stochastic process S(x) based on observations Yi = S(xi) + Zi at sampling locations xi, where the Zi... more
Resumen es: En este trabajo se presenta un metodo geoestadistico para realizar estimaciones espacio-temporales y se aplica a la estimacion de la carga hidraulica del...
This paper explores the use of point pattern statistics in urban analysis. The study adopts a systems view of urban space and identifies three discernible tiers for the analysis of the latter. For each of these tiers, it is demonstrated... more
Knowledge on the spatial variability and temporal trends of mean rainfall is essential for efficient management of water resource and agriculture. We have analyzed the rainfall data of the Cauvery river basin, a larger river basin in... more
Nowadays, people anticipate floods using flood warning systems, and building stop banks and flood ways in place that use flood models generated with hydrological information in their design. Nevertheless, various regions in the world are... more
The cooperation of agents in smart grids to form coalitions could bring benefit both for agent itself and the distribution power system. To tackle the problem as a game of partition form function poses significant computing challenges due... more
Dans cet article nous essayons d’approcher l’ampleur et l’intensité du phénomène de l’occupation du sol à travers une cartographie multidate de sa dynamique, le suivi et la modélisation de ses changements et la simulation de son évolution... more
Watershed management and hydrological modeling require data related to the very important matter of precipitation, often measured using rain gauges or weather stations. Hydrological models often require a preliminary spatial interpolation... more
The current era is witnessing serious geopolitical changes during the Arab spring and its waves in the Arab countries specifically. This geopolitics change is reflecting serious geostrategic changes on the OIC (Organization of Islamic... more
The unpredictability of the location, grade and width of narrow-vein deposits presents difficulties for mine geologists and engineers attempting to estimate, schedule, forecast and mine their deposit profitably. This unpredictability... more
urce data and it is necessaw to standardize the traditional classification pracedeies by quantifying the three basic evaluation criteria of economic feasibility, geologic assurance and recovery. For well documcntcd deposits,... more
This thesis addresses the important question of how to incorporate location into a model for the mass valuation of residential (domestic) real property. Two new methods for doing so are described. The first is a process for detecting... more
Pour beaucoup de pays, les eaux souterraines constituent la principale source d'eau d'irrigation et de consommation dans les régions où cette ressource est rare, telles que les régions à climat semi-aride et aride. Cependant,... more
A brief outlines on the techniques of ore body modelling, including reserve estimation and other techniques using geostatistics.
Geostatistika sebagai bagian ilmu yang merupakan modifikasi dari statistika