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Digital soil morphometrics is defined as the application of tools and techniques for measuring and quantifying soil profile attributes and deriving continuous depth functions. This paper reviews how proximal soil sensing and other tools... more
... decline in soil mineralogy, soil morphology and soil genesis research in comparison to a ... part of an ecosystem interacting with environmental factors generating complex patterns and processes ... consider broader issues such as... more
"Spatial Relationships between Soil Nematodes and Heavy Metals Contamination from Mines of La Union (Spain). Heavy Metal Relationships Between Arable and Greenhouse Soils using a Geostatistical Analysis to Evaluate Spatial Variability... more
Geostatistical modelling has proven to be a good tool for decision making in soil nutrient management because it has the ability to map spatial heterogeneity and uncertainty. This study outlines a comparative approach to quantify the... more
VESPER (Variogram Estimation and Spatial Prediction plus Error) is a user-friendly PC-windows software program that can calculate andmodel global local variograms and do global and local kriging in either punctual or block form
We describe in this paper, a broad overview of spatial scale concepts and scaling procedures that are specifically relevant for digital soil mapping (DSM). Despite the recent growth and operational status of DSM, one existing and... more
I have here only made a bouquet of other people’s flowers,
having brought nothing of my own but the string that binds
them together
Soil erosion is a treat to global food security. The objective of this study was to evaluate factors influencing erosion on the arable lands of the Jos Plateau; and to estimate the extent of soil erosion in the area. Universal Soil Loss... more
Distinguishing between different sources of potentially toxic elements in soils can be difficult. This paper describes an application of principal component analysis (PCA) to distinguish between geogenic enrichment and anthropogenic... more
The pedosphere is the largest terrestrial reservoir of organic carbon, yet soil-carbon variability and its representation in Earth system models is a large source of uncertainty for carbon-cycle science and climate projections. Much of... more
In many places in the world, soil information is difficult to obtain and can be non-existent. When no detailed map or soil observation is available in a region of interest, we have to extrapolate from other parts of the world. This paper... more
Conventional soil maps represent a valuable source of information about soil characteristics, however they are subjective, very expensive, and time-consuming to prepare. Also, they do not include explicit information about the conceptual... more
Pedotransfer functions (PTFs) have become a ‘white-hot’ topic in the area of soil science and environmental research. Most current PTF research focuses only on the development of new functions for predicting soil physical and chemical... more
Introduction Soil survey, due to the complexity of collected information is a time loosing activity with high costs. Besides the survey, soil sample analysis are also costly. This high survey and analytical costs may be reduced by the... more
approved: Jay S. Noller Conventional soil maps represent a valuable source of information about soil characteristics, however they are subjective, very expensive, and time-consuming to prepare. Also, they do not include explicit... more
We review various recent approaches to making digital soil maps based on geographic information systems (GIS) data layers, note some commonalities and propose a generic framework for the future. We discuss the various methods that have... more
Legacy soil data form an important resource for digital soil mapping and are essential for calibration of models for predicting soil properties from environmental variables. Such data arise from traditional soil survey. Methods of soil... more
Abstract Techniques that disaggregate complex soil-terrain polygons from legacy maps are becoming more relevant, as cost effective highly detailed soil information is required to advise agriculture, hydrology, ecology, engineering, and a... more
The use of the apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) to map soil characteristics such as clay content is mostly limited to the field scale because of field-specific random effects e.g. due to different management history. Soil... more