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Received: 13 January 2016 Accepted: 1 March 2017 DOI 10.1002/hyp.11163 RESEARCH ARTICLE Cokriging for enhanced spatial interpolation of rainfall in two Australian catchments Sajal Kumar Adhikary1,2 | Nitin Muttil1,2 | Abdullah Gokhan Yilmaz3 1 College of Engineering and Science, Victoria University, P.O. Box 14428, Melbourne, Victoria 8001, Australia 2 Institute for Sustainability and Innovation, Victoria University, P.O. Box 14428, Melbourne, Victoria 8001, Australia 3 College of Engineering, University of Sharjah, P.O. Box 27272, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Correspondence Sajal Kumar Adhikary, College of Engineering and Science, Victoria University, Footscray Park Campus, P.O. Box 14428, Melbourne, Victoria 8001, Australia. Email: sajal.adhikary@live.vu.edu.au Abstract Rainfall data in continuous space provide an essential input for most hydrological and water resources planning studies. Spatial distribution of rainfall is usually estimated using ground‐based point rainfall data from sparsely positioned rain‐gauge stations in a rain‐gauge network. Kriging has become a widely used interpolation method to estimate the spatial distribution of climate variables including rainfall. The objective of this study is to evaluate three geostatistical (ordinary kriging [OK], ordinary cokriging [OCK], kriging with an external drift [KED]), and two deterministic (inverse distance weighting, radial basis function) interpolation methods for enhanced spatial interpolation of monthly rainfall in the Middle Yarra River catchment and the Ovens River catchment in Victoria, Australia. Historical rainfall records from existing rain‐gauge stations of the catchments during 1980–2012 period are used for the analysis. A digital elevation model of each catchment is used as the supplementary information in addition to rainfall for the OCK and kriging with an external drift methods. The prediction performance of the adopted interpolation methods is assessed through cross‐validation. Results indicate that the geostatistical methods outperform the deterministic methods for spatial interpolation of rainfall. Results also indicate that among the geostatistical methods, the OCK method is found to be the best interpolator for estimating spatial rainfall distribution in both the catchments with the lowest prediction error between the observed and estimated monthly rainfall. Thus, this study demonstrates that the use of elevation as an auxiliary variable in addition to rainfall data in the geostatistical framework can significantly enhance the estimation of rainfall over a catchment. KEY W ORDS cross‐variogram model, digital elevation model, kriging with an external drift, ordinary cokriging, positive‐definite condition, variogram model 1 | I N T RO D U CT I O N in the field because the number of stations in a network is often restricted by economic, logistics, and geological factors (Goovaerts, 2000). As a result, Rainfall data provide an essential input for many hydrological investiga- point rainfall data are generally accessible from a limited number of tions and modelling tasks. Accuracy of various hydrological analyses such stations. These limitations increase the need for using suitable spatial esti- as water budget analysis, flood modelling, climate change studies, drought mation methods to obtain the spatial distribution of rainfall and generate management, irrigation scheduling, and water management greatly rainfall map from the point rainfall values. Moreover, the network is often depends on the correct estimation of the spatial distribution of rainfall not deployed on a regular grid and rainfall data may not be available in the (Delbari, Afrasiab, & Jahani, 2013; Moral, 2010). This usually requires a target location where it is most required (Adhikary et al., 2016a). In such dense rain‐gauge network with a large number of stations (Adhikary, cases, spatial interpolation plays a vital role to simulate rainfall in areas with Muttil, & Yilmaz, 2016a). However, the rain‐gauge network is often sparse no stations based on the observed rainfall values in the surrounding areas. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial‐NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non‐commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made. © 2017 The Authors. Hydrological Processes Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Hydrological Processes. 2017;1–19. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/hyp 1 2 ADHIKARY ET Several interpolation methods have been frequently employed to AL. (e.g., Di Piazza et al., 2011; Feki et al., 2012; Hevesi et al., 1992; Lloyd, interpolate rainfall data from rain‐gauge stations and produce the spatial 2005; Martínez‐cob, 1996; Moral, 2010; Phillips, Dolph, & Marks, distribution of rainfall over a catchment. Examples of such methods range 1992; Subyani & Al‐Dakheel, 2009). from simple conventional (e.g., Thiessen polygons [Thiessen, 1911], A wide variety of spatial interpolation methods have been devel- isohyet mapping [ASCE, 1996], simple trend surface interpolation oped for the interpolation of spatially distributed point rainfall values. [Gittins, 1968]), and deterministic methods (i.e., inverse distance However, it is often challenging to distinguish the best interpolation weighting (IDW; ASCE, 1996), radial basis function (RBF; Di Piazza, Conti, method to estimate the spatial distribution of rainfall for a particular Noto, Viola, & Loggia, 2011) to complex stochastic or geostatistical catchment or study area. The reason is that the performance of an methods (i.e., ordinary kriging [OK], ordinary cokriging [OCK] and kriging interpolation method depends on a number of factors such as catch- with an external drift [KED; Goovaerts, 2000]). Although the conven- ment size and characteristics, sampling density, sample spatial distribu- tional and deterministic methods have been improved over time, their tion, sample clustering, surface type, data variance, grid size or limitations continue to exist. These limitations have been described elab- resolution, quality of auxiliary information to be used as well as the orately in Goovaerts (2000) and Teegavarapu and Chandramouli (2005). interactions among these factors. Moreover, it is unclear how the afore- Geostatistical methods have been shown superior to the conven- mentioned factors affect the performance of the spatial interpolation tional and deterministic methods for spatial interpolation of rainfall methods (Dirks, Hay, Stow, & Harris, 1998; Li & Heap, 2011). Hence, (Goovaerts, 1997; Isaaks & Srivastava, 1989). Several studies have the best interpolation method for a particular study area is usually reported that rainfall is generally characterised by a significant spatial established through the comparative assessment of different interpola- variation (e.g., Delbari et al., 2013; Lloyd, 2005). This suggests that inter- tion methods (e.g., Delbari et al., 2013; Dirks et al., 1998; Goovaerts, polation methods, which are explicitly able to incorporate the spatial 2000; Hsieh, Cheng, Liou, Chou, & Siao, 2006; Mair & Fares, 2011; variability of rainfall into the estimation process should be employed. Moral, 2010). The comparison among different interpolation methods In view of that, kriging has become the most widely used geostatistical is made through a validation procedure. The interpolation method that method for spatial interpolation of rainfall. The ability of kriging to provides better results with lower bias and higher accuracy in rainfall produce spatial predictions of rainfall has been distinguished in many estimation is identified as the best interpolation method. studies (e.g., Adhikary et al., 2016a; Goovaerts, 2000; Jeffrey, Carter, In the past, many studies have been devoted to the comparison Moodie, & Beswick, 2001; Lloyd, 2005; Moral, 2010; Yang, Xie, Liu, Ji, and evaluation of different deterministic and geostatistical interpola- & Wang, 2015). The major advantage of kriging is that it takes into tion methods in a range of different regions and climates around the account the spatial correlation between data points and provides world. Dirks et al. (1998) compared four spatial interpolation methods unbiased estimates with a minimum variance. The spatial variability in using rainfall data from a network of 13 rain‐gauges in Norfolk Island kriging is quantified by the variogram model that defines the degree concluding that kriging provided no substantial improvement over of spatial correlation between the data points (Webster & Oliver, 2007). any of the simpler Thiessen polygon (TP), IDW, or areal‐mean Another key advantage of kriging over the conventional and deter- methods. Goovaerts (2000) employed three multivariate geostatistical ministic methods is that while providing a measure of prediction stan- methods (OCK, KED, simple kriging with varying local means [SKVM]), dard error (also called kriging variance), it is capable of complementing which incorporate a DEM as secondary variable and three univariate the sparsely sampled primary variable, such as rainfall by the correlated methods (OK, TP, and IDW) that do not take into account the elevation densely sampled secondary variable, such as elevation to improve the for spatial prediction of monthly and annual rainfall data available at 36 estimation accuracy of primary variable (Goovaerts, 2000; Hevesi, rain‐gauge stations. The comparison among these methods indicated Istok, & Flint, 1992). This multivariate extension of kriging is referred that the three multivariate geostatistical methods gave the lowest to as the cokriging method. The standard form of cokriging is the errors in rainfall estimation. Martínez‐cob (1996) compared OK, OCK, OCK method, which usually reduces the prediction error variance and and modified residual kriging to interpolate annual rainfall and evapo- specifically outperforms kriging method if the secondary variable (i.e., transpiration in Aragón, Spain. The results indicated that OCK was elevation) is highly correlated (correlation coefficient higher than .75) superior for rainfall estimation, reducing estimation error by 18.7% with the primary variable (i.e., rainfall) and is known at many more and 24.3% compared with OK and modified residual kriging, respec- points (Goovaerts, 2000). The KED is another commonly applied tively. Hsieh et al. (2006) evaluated OK and IDW methods using daily cokriging method, which can incorporate the exhaustive secondary var- rainfall records from 20 rain‐gauges to estimate the spatial distribution iable (i.e., elevation) to give an enhanced estimation of rainfall when of rainfall in the Shih‐Men Watershed in Taiwan. The results demon- dealing with a low‐density rain‐gauge network. Thus, cokriging includ- strated that IDW produced more reasonable representations than ing the OCK and KED methods has been the increasing preferred OK. Moral (2010) compared three univariate kriging (simple kriging geostatistical methods all over the word. As highlighted by Goovaerts [SK], universal kriging, and OK) with three multivariate kriging methods (2000) and Feki, Slimani, and Cudennec (2012), rainfall and elevation (OCK, SKVM, and regression kriging) to interpolate monthly and tend to be related because of the orographic influence of mountainous annual rainfall data from 136 rain‐gauges in Extremadura region of topography. Therefore, topographic information such as the digital ele- Spain. The results showed that multivariate kriging outperformed uni- vation model (DEM) can be used as a convenient and valuable source of variate kriging and among multivariate kriging, SKVM and regression secondary data for the OCK and KED methods. The efficacy of incorpo- kriging performed better than OCK. rating elevation into the interpolation procedure for enhanced estima- Ly, Charles, and Degré (2011) used IDW, TP, and several kriging tion of rainfall has been highlighted in many studies across the world methods to interpolate daily rainfall at a catchment scale in Belgium. ADHIKARY ET 3 AL. The results indicated that integrating elevation into KED and OCK did 2003; Schreider, Jakeman, Pittock, & Whetton, 1996; Yu, Cartwright, not provide improvement in the interpolation accuracy for daily rainfall Braden, & de Bree, 2013). The Yarra River catchment is a major source estimation. OK and IDW were considered to be the suitable methods of water for more than one third of Victoria's population in Australia as they gave the smallest error for almost all cases. Mair and Fares (Barua, Muttil, Ng, & Perera, 2012). Although the catchment is not (2011) compared TP, IDW, OK, linear regression, SKVM to estimate large with respect to other Australian catchments, it produces the seasonal rainfall in a mountainous watershed concluding that OK pro- fourth highest water yield per hectare of the catchment in Victoria vided the lowest error for nearly all cases. They also found that incor- (Adhikary et al., 2015). There are seven storage reservoirs in the catch- porating elevation did not improve the prediction accuracy over OK for ment that supports about 70% of drinking water supply in Melbourne the correlation between rainfall and elevation lower than 0.82. Delbari city (Barua et al., 2012). The Ovens River catchment is another impor- et al. (2013) used two univariate methods (IDW and OK), and four mul- tant source of water in northeast Victoria, which forms a part of the tivariate methods (OCK, KED, SKVM, and linear regression) for map- Murray‐Darling basin (Yu et al., 2013). The Ovens River is consid- ping monthly and annual rainfall over the Golestan Province in Iran. ered one of the most important tributaries of the Murray‐Darling They reported that KED and OK outperformed all other methods in Basin due to the availability of sufficient volume of water with accept- terms of root mean square error (RMSE). Jeffrey et al. (2001) derived a able quality and its good ecological condition. The average annual flow comprehensive archive of Australian rainfall and climate data using a of the river constitutes approximately 7.3% of the total flow of the state thin plate smoothing spline to interpolate daily climate variables and of Victoria (Schreider et al., 1996). The catchment contributes approxi- OK to interpolate daily and monthly rainfall. The aforementioned mately 14% of Murray‐Darling basin flows in spite of its relatively small studies on spatial interpolation of rainfall indicate that each method catchment area of less than 1% of the total Murray‐Darling basin area has its advantages and disadvantages and thus performs in a dissimilar (EPA Victoria, 2003; Yu et al., 2013). Thus, both the catchments have sig- way for different regions. There is no single interpolation method that nificant contribution towards the sustainable development of Victoria's can work well everywhere (Daly, 2006). Therefore, the best interpolator economy. However, high rainfall variation and diverse water use for a particular study area or catchment should essentially be achieved activities in these catchments has complicated the water management through the comparative assessment of different interpolation methods. tasks, which has further created strong burden on the water managers To date, many studies have been conducted on spatial interpola- and policy makers for effective water resources management. Therefore, tion of rainfall at a regional and national scale in Australia (Gyasi‐Agyei, enhanced estimation of rainfall and its spatial distribution is important, 2016; Hancock & Hutchinson, 2006; Hutchinson, 1995; Jeffrey et al., which could be beneficial for effective water supply and demand man- 2001; Johnson et al., 2016; Jones, Wang, & Fawcett, 2009; Li & Shao, agement, and sustainable agricultural planning in both the catchments. 2010; Woldemeskel, Sivakumar, & Sharma, 2013; Yang et al., 2015). The rest of the paper is arranged as follows. First, a brief descrip- However, none of these studies was conducted at a local or catchment tion of the study area and data used are presented, which is followed scale. Likewise, elevation and rainfall relations locally have been rela- by the detailed description of the methodology adopted in this study. tively little studied in Australia and no such studies have been under- The results are summarized next, and finally, the conclusions drawn taken specifically within the Yarra River catchment and the Ovens from this study are presented. River catchment in Victoria, Australia. Sharma and Shakya (2006) highlighted that any analysis of hydroclimatic variables should be car- 2 STUDY AREA AND DATA USED | ried out at the local scale rather than at a large or global scale because of the variations of hydroclimatic situations from one region to another. Therefore, the main aim of this study is to assess if relatively 2.1 | The study area more complex geostatistical interpolation methods that take into This study considers two catchments in Victoria as the case study area, account the elevation and rainfall relation provide any benefits over which includes the Middle Yarra River catchment and Ovens River simpler methods for enhanced estimation of rainfall within the Yarra catchment in south‐eastern Australia. Figure 1 shows the approximate River catchment and the Ovens River catchment in Victoria, Australia. location of the case study area. The Yarra River catchment is located in The specific focus is to evaluate the effectiveness of the cokriging northeast of Melbourne covering an area of 4,044 km2. The water methods including OCK and KED that make use of elevation as a sec- resources management is an important and multifaceted issue in the ondary variable over those methods including OK, IDW, and RBF that Yarra River catchment because of its wide range of water uses as well do not make use of such information to estimate the spatial distribu- as its downstream user requirements and environmental flow provi- tion of rainfall within the catchment. This study is expected to provide sions (Barua et al., 2012). The catchment significantly contributes to an important contribution towards the enhanced estimation of rainfall the water supply in Melbourne and has been playing an important role in the aforementioned two Australian catchments using the cokriging in the way Melbourne has been developed and grown (Adhikary et al., methods by incorporating elevation as an auxiliary variable in addition 2015). The Yarra River catchment consists of three distinctive sub‐ to rainfall data. One specific contribution of this paper is in explaining catchments including Upper, Middle, and Lower Yarra segments based how rainfall varies with elevation from catchment to catchment. on different land use activities (Barua et al., 2012). This study concen- The Yarra River catchment and the Ovens River catchment in trates on the Middle segment of the Yarra River catchment, which Victoria are selected for this study because they are two important forms part of the case study area in Figure 1. The Upper Yarra segment water resources catchments in Australia in terms of water supply and includes mainly the forested and mountainous areas with minimum agricultural production (Adhikary, Yilmaz, & Muttil, 2015; EPA Victoria, human settlement, which is mainly used as a closed water supply 4 ADHIKARY ET FIGURE 1 AL. Location and topography of (a) Middle Yarra River catchment and (b) Ovens River catchment in Victoria with existing rain‐gauge stations catchment for Melbourne and has been reserved for more than The Ovens River catchment in northeast Victoria is also consid- 100 years for water supply purposes. The MiddleYarra segment, starting ered as a part of the case study area in this study, which is shown in from the Warburton Gorge to Warrandyte Gorge, is notable as the only Figure 1. The catchment covers an area of 7,813 km2 (Yu et al., part of the catchment with an extensive flood plain, which is mainly used 2013), which extends from the Great Dividing Range in the south for agricultural activities. The Lower Yarra segment of the catchment, to the Murray River in the north, with the Yarrawonga Weir forming which is located downstream of Warrandyte, is mainly characterized the downstream boundary. It is considered to be one of the least by the urbanized floodplain areas of Melbourne city (Adhikary, Muttil, modified catchments within the Murray‐Darling basin. The catchment & Yilmaz, 2016b). Most of the land along rivers and creeks in the middle contributes approximately 14% to the average flows of the Murray and lower segments has been cleared for the agricultural or urban River in spite of its relatively small size (0.75 percent of the total development (Barua et al., 2012; Melbourne Water, 2015). Rainfall varies significantly through different segments of the Yarra Murray‐Darling Basin area; EPA Victoria, 2003; Yu et al., 2013). The Ovens River is the main river in the catchment, which originates on River catchment. The mean annual rainfall varies across the catchment the northern edges of the Victorian Alps and flows in a north‐west- from 600 mm in the Lower Yarra segment to 1,100 mm in the Upper erly direction until its junction with the Murray River near Lake Yarra segment (Daly et al., 2013). The Middle Yarra segment (part of Mulwala. The riverine plains and alluvial flats are primarily cleared the case study area in Figure 1) covers an area of 1,511 km2 and consists for agricultural use, while the hills and mountains are covered by of three storage reservoirs. Decreasing rainfall patterns in the catchment forests with native plant species (Yu et al., 2013). Total average water will reduce the streamflows, which in turn will lead to the reduction in use in the catchment is about 30,000 million litres per year, 64% of reservoir inflows and hence impact the overall water availability in the which is diverted from the Ovens River and its tributaries. A major catchment. Moreover, the reduced streamflows may cause increased risk part of this water use is irrigation, which constitutes more than of bushfires. Conversely, increasing rainfall patterns and the occurrence 16,000 million litres annually (Schreider et al., 1996). The river itself of extreme rainfall events (as reported in Yilmaz and Perera [2014] and provides natural conditions suitable for many significant native fish Yilmaz, Hossain, and Perera [2014]) will result in excess amount of species, particularly the endangered Murray Cod (EPA Victoria, streamflows that may cause flash floods in the urbanized lower segment 2003). Thus, the catchment is considered to be important, not only and makes it vulnerable and risk‐prone. The urbanized lower part of the at a regional scale, but also at the national scale in terms of its water catchment is also dependent on the water supply from the storage supply volume for domestic and agricultural production, and high reservoirs mainly located in the middle and upper segments of the environmental value. catchment (Adhikary et al., 2015). Therefore, accurate spatial distribution The climate of the Ovens River catchment varies considerably of rainfall in the middle and upper segments of the catchment could be with topography and elevation (Yu et al., 2013). The average annual useful for accurate estimation of future streamflows for optimal reservoir rainfall varies from 1,127 mm in the Alpine region at Bright to operation and effective flood control in the urbanized lower part. 636 mm on the alluvial plains in Wangaratta with most rainfall ADHIKARY ET 5 AL. occurring in winter months (Yu et al., 2013). Approximately 45% of the part in the study area. September is the wettest month (rainfall amount annual rainfall occurs during the winter (June to September) whereas equals to 112.5 mm) with the highest variation in rainfall. The driest the summer is warm and dry. Winter snowfalls are common at alti- month is February (rainfall amount equals to 56.4 mm) with the second tudes above 1,000 m (EPA Victoria, 2003). Therefore, enhanced esti- highest variability. On the other hand, the annual average rainfall for mation of rainfall and its spatial distribution could be useful for the the same period in the Ovens River catchment varies from 231 to effective management of water supply and agricultural activities in 2,473 mm with a mean value of 913 mm. The wettest month is July the catchment. (rainfall amount equals to 112.9 mm) with the highest variability and February (rainfall amount equals to 51.3 mm) appears to be the driest 2.2 | month with the third highest variation in rainfall. Data used For the OCK analysis, a DEM of both the catchments with 10 m In this study, historical rainfall data from existing rain‐gauge stations in resolution (shown in Figure 1) is collected from the Geoscience the Middle Yarra River catchment and the Ovens River catchment Australia. The elevation of the Middle Yarra River catchment varies (Figure 1) for 1980–2012 period are considered. There are 19 rain‐ from 25 m (lowest‐mainly in central, north‐western, and western part) gauge stations in the Middle Yarra River catchment, whereas the to 1,243 m (highest‐mainly in northern, north‐eastern, and eastern Ovens River catchment includes 42 rain‐gauge stations operated by part) with a mean elevation of 621 m above mean sea level. Whereas, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Daily rainfall data are collected the elevation of the Ovens River catchment varies from 124 m (lowest‐ from the Scientific Information for Land Owners climate database mainly in the upper north‐western part) to 1903 m (highest‐mainly in (http://www.longpaddock.qld.gov.au/silo/) and compiled to generate the lower southern, south‐eastern and eastern part) with a mean eleva- monthly and annual rainfall, which are then used for the analysis. Sum- tion of 874 m above mean sea level. Monthly and annual rainfall gen- mary statistics of monthly rainfall data are given in Table 1. The annual erally tend to increase with the higher elevations caused by the average rainfall in the Middle Yarra River catchment for the aforemen- orographic effect of mountainous terrain (Goovaerts, 2000). Several tioned period varies from 710 mm to 1422 mm with a mean value of studies have revealed that rainfall usually shows good correlation with 1082 mm. The southern and south‐eastern part experiences the elevation. For example, Goovaerts (2000) showed that a good to signif- highest rainfall, whereas the lowest rainfall occurs in the north‐western icant correlation exists between the monthly rainfall and elevation, TABLE 1 Summary statistics for monthly rainfall data of Middle Yarra River catchment and Ovens River catchment Month Mean (mm) Minimum (mm) Maximum (mm) Standard deviation (mm) Correlation coefficient (versus elevation)a Middle Yarra River catchment January 67.3 1.8 201.4 31.23 0.79 February 56.4 0.0 269.5 53.40 0.69 March 66.3 9.2 217.8 36.89 0.77 April 84.7 15.2 246.0 45.81 0.74 May 88.3 10.2 239.7 42.47 0.67 June 106.4 13.8 300.2 46.18 0.70 July 102.1 17.9 303.9 48.95 0.73 August 108.6 21.1 289.7 50.67 0.72 September 112.5 25.3 350.3 56.98 0.67 October 101.6 4.0 333.9 50.86 0.69 November 96.1 15.3 258.7 47.60 0.77 December 91.3 8.2 301.2 52.88 0.74 Ovens River catchment a January 55.8 0.0 364.7 51.41 0.49 February 51.3 0.0 421.9 65.66 0.26 March 53.7 0.3 418.1 51.01 0.49 April 54.5 1.0 234.6 38.63 0.72 May 74.6 2.0 360.7 56.71 0.61 June 95.4 1.4 457.0 62.99 0.65 July 112.9 6.0 622.4 71.92 0.60 August 105.2 5.8 468.0 68.94 0.61 September 86.3 5.2 484.1 55.44 0.65 October 73.4 0.1 410.8 61.61 0.67 November 73.6 0.6 290.8 47.70 0.68 December 64.1 0.2 374.6 54.79 0.68 Linear correlation coefficient between rainfall and elevation data. 6 ADHIKARY ET AL. which varies from .33 to .83. Subyani and Al‐Dakheel (2009) found that good correlation ranging from .34 to .77 exists between seasonal rainfall and elevation in the Southwest Saudi Arabia. Moral (2010) identified a good correlation ranging from .33 to .67 between monthly and annual rainfall and elevation in the southwest region of Spain. As can be seen in Table 1, the correlation coefficient (CC) between the monthly average rainfall and elevation for the Middle Yarra River catchment varies from .67 to .79, where 8 months have the CC values greater than .70. This indicates that a strong correlation exists between the monthly rainfall and elevation in the catchment, suggesting that elevation may enhance the monthly rainfall estimates when used as a secondary variable in the OCK analysis. On the contrary, the CC between the monthly average rainfall and elevation for the Ovens River catchment varies from .26 to .72, where 6 months exhibit the CC values higher than .65. Apart from the driest month of February, the correlation ranges from .49 to .72 in the Ovens River catchment. Thus, it seems beneficial taking into account this exhaustive secondary variable (elevation in this study) into the enhanced estimation and mapping of rainfall in both the catchments. Goovaerts (1997) men- 2 Methodological framework adopted in this study. IDW = inverse distance weighting; KED = kriging with an external drift; OCK = ordinary cokriging; OK = ordinary kriging; RBF = radial basis function FIGURE tioned that use of multiple elevation data other than the colocated positions of rain‐gauges can lead to unstable cokriging systems because the correlation between near elevation data is much greater than the correlation between distant rainfall data. Therefore, the colocated elevation data are used for the OCK analysis in this study, which are extracted at the same positions of rain‐gauge stations from n bOK ðs0 Þ ¼ ∑ ωOK Zðsi Þ Z i the DEM of the catchments. n with i¼1 3 METHODOLOGY | The methodological framework adopted in this study for spatial inter- ¼1 ∑ ωOK i (1) i¼1 bOK ðs0 Þ is the estimated value of variable Z (i.e., rainfall) at target where Z indi(at which estimation is to be made) unsampled location s0; ωOK i cates the OK weights linked with the sampled location si with respect polation of rainfall includes three kriging‐based geostatistical (OK, to s0; and n is the number of sampling points used in estimation. While OCK, and KED) and two deterministic (IDW and RBF) interpolation giving the estimation at target location, OK provides a variance mea- methods, which is shown in Figure 2. A brief description of these sure to signify the reliability of the estimation. methods is presented in this section. The variogram and its estimation OK is known as the best linear unbiased estimator (Isaaks & technique are also summarised with each of the kriging methods Srivastava, 1989). It is linear in the sense that it gives the estimation because it is a key component of kriging. For a more detailed descrip- based on the weighted linear combinations of observed values. It is tion of the methods used in the current study, readers are referred to best in the sense that the estimate variance is minimized while interpo- several recent geostatistical textbooks including Journel and lating the unknown value at desired location. And it is unbiased Huijbregts (1978); Isaaks and Srivastava (1989), Goovaerts (1997), because it tries to have the expected value of the residual to be zero Chilès and Delfiner (1999), Wackernagel (2003), and Webster and (Adhikary et al., 2016b). The weight constraint in Equation 1 ensures Oliver (2007). the unbiased estimation in OK. For OK, the kriging weights are determined to minimize the estimation variance and ensure the unbiasedness of the estimator. 3.1 | Ordinary kriging Kriging refers to a family of generalized least‐squares regression methods in geostatistics that estimate values at unsampled locations using the sampled observations in a specified search neighborhood (Goovaerts, 1997; Isaaks & Srivastava, 1989). OK is a geostatistical interpolation method based on spatially dependent variance, which The OK weights ωOK i can be obtained by solving a system of (n + 1) simultaneous linear equations as follows: n     ∑ γ si −sj ωOK þ μOK i 1 ¼ γ sj −s0 i¼1 n for j ¼ 1; … … … …; n (2) ∑ ωOK ¼1 i i¼1 gives unbiased estimates of variable values at target location in space using the known sampling values at surrounding locations. The unbi- where γ(si − sj) is the variogram values between sampling locations si asedness in the OK estimates is ensured by forcing the kriging weights and sj, γ(sj − s0) is the variogram values between sampling location sj to sum to 1. Thus, the OK estimator may be stated as a linear combina- and the target location, s0, and μOK 1 is the Lagrange multiplier parame- tion of variable values, which is given by ter. Equation 2 indicates that OK highly depends on a mathematical ADHIKARY ET 7 AL. function called variogram model that indicates the degree of spatial functional forms these variogram models are given in Table 2. The autocorrelation in datasets. three models are fitted to the experimental variogram using regression For OK interpolation of variables, first an experimental variogram b γðdÞ is derived by by noting the residual sum of squares (RSS) between the experimental b γðdk Þ and modelled γ(dk) variogram values (Mair & Fares, 2011) with a trial‐and‐error approach for different lag sizes and lag intervals 1 NðdÞ b γðdÞ ¼ ∑ ½Zðsi þ dÞ−Zðsi ފ2 2NðdÞ i¼1 (3) (Goovaerts, 1997) such that the RSS is minimum. RSS is given by K 2 RSS ¼ ∑ ½b γðdk Þ−γðdk ފ pling locations si and (si + d), respectively, located at d distance apart and N(d) is the number of data pairs. A variogram cloud is initially generated using Equation 3 for observations at any two data points, in which all semivariance values are plotted against their separation distance. The experimental variogram is computed from the variogram cloud by subdividing it into a number of lags and taking an average of each lag interval (Johnston, VerHoef, Krivoruchko, & Lucas, 2001; Robertson, 2008). A variogram model γ(d) is then fitted to the experimental variogram. A typical variogram cloud based on Equation 3 and a typical experimental variogram with a typical fitted model is shown in Figure 3. Exponential, Gaussian, and spherical are the most commonly used variogram models for kriging applications in hydrology (Adhikary et al., 2015), which are also used to model the experimental variogram. The (4) k¼1 where Z(si) and Z(si + d) are the variable values at corresponding sam- RSS in Equation 4 provides an exact measure of how well the variogram model fits the experimental variogram (Robertson, 2008). Lag sizes and number of lags are varied based on a general rule of thumb, in which the lag size times the number of lags should be about half of the largest distance among all data pairs in the variogram cloud (Johnston et al., 2001, p. 66). The variogram parameters (nugget, sill, and range) are also iteratively changed to obtain the best fitted model. The model with its corresponding parameters that minimizes RSS is selected as the best variogram model and finally used in OK analysis. Variogram model fitting is performed using GS+ geostatistical software (Robertson, 2008) and OK is implemented through ArcGISv9.3.1 software (ESRI, 2009) and its geostatistical analyst extension (Johnston et al., 2001). 3.2 | Ordinary cokriging OCK method is a modification of the OK method. The key advantage of OCK is that it can make use of more than one variable rather than using only a single variable in the estimation process. The OCK method is used to enhance the estimation of primary variable by using secondary variable assuming that the variables are correlated to each other (Isaaks & Srivastava, 1989). In this study, rainfall and elevation are considered, respectively, as the primary and secondary variables in the OCK method. Like OK method, the aim of the OCK method is to estimate the primary variable. The OCK estimator (Goovaerts, 1997) considering one secondary variable (i.e., elevation), which is cross‐correlated with the primary variable (i.e., rainfall) may be written as m n   bOCK ðs0 Þ ¼ ∑ ωOCK Zðsi Þ þ ∑ ωOCK V si Z i2 i1 1 2 with (5) i2 ¼1 i1 ¼1 n m i1 ¼1 i2 ¼1 ∑ ωOCK ¼0 ¼ 1; ∑ ωOCK i2 i1 bOCK ðs0 Þ is the estimated value of primary variable at target where Z unsampled location s0, ωOCK and ωOCK are the kriging weights associated i1 i2 with the sampling locations of the primary and secondary variables Z TABLE 2 Commonly used positive‐definite variogram models Model name Exponential Gaussian Spherical (a) a typical variogram cloud for a finite set of discrete lags, and (b) a typical experimental variogram based on the variogram cloud fitted by a typical variogram model with its parameters FIGURE 3 Model equation    γðdÞ ¼ C0 þ C1 1− exp − 3d a h  i 2 γðdÞ ¼ C0 þ C1 1− exp − 3d a2 h    3 i γðdÞ ¼ C0 þ C1 32 da − 12 da3 ; =C0 + C1 , d<a d≥a C0 = nugget coefficient, C0 + C1 = Sill, a = range of variogram model. d = distance of separation between two locations. 8 ADHIKARY ET AL. and V, respectively, n and m are the number of sampling points for the (elevation) variables in the OCK method are obtained by fitting with primary and secondary variables. an experimental cross‐variogram that is given by The OCK weights are obtained by solving a system of (n + 2) simultaneous linear equations (Goovaerts, 1997) that can be given by m n       þ μOCK ¼ γzz sj1 −s0 þ ∑ γzv si2 −sj1 ωOCK ∑ γzz si1 −sj1 ωOCK i2 1 i1 i2 ¼1 i1 ¼1 n   m   ∑ γvz si1 −sj2 ωOCK þ ∑ γvv si2 −sj2 ωOCK þ μOCK i1 i2 2 i1 ¼1 n ∑ ωOCK ¼1 i1 i2 ¼1   ¼ γvz sj2 −s0 for j1 ¼ 1; ……; n for j2 ¼ 1; ……; m 1 NðdÞ ∑ ½Zðsi þ dÞ−Zðsi ފ׽V ðsi þ dÞ−V ðsi ފ 2NðdÞ i¼1 (7) It is important to note that the variogram models must satisfy the positive‐definite condition (PDC) in kriging. For a single variable (rainfall) in the OK method, the condition is satisfied by using the posi- i1 ¼1 m tive‐definite variogram model functions given in Table 2. However, ¼0 ∑ ωOCK i2 the OCK method considering two variables (rainfall and elevation) con- i2 ¼1 (6)     where γzv si2 − sj1 and γvz si1 − sj2 are the cross‐variogram values between sampled Z and V values, and b γzv ¼ b γvz ¼ μOCK 1 and μOCK 2 are the Lagrange multiplier parameters accounting for the two unbiased conditions. The elementary step in the OCK method is to establish an appro- sists of one cross‐variogram and two direct variograms, and additional requirement for satisfying the PDC (Goovaerts, 1999). In order to make sure that the cross‐variogram model is positive‐definite (all eigenvalues are positive), an indicator called the Cauchy‐Schwarz inequality (Journel & Huijbregts, 1978; Phillips et al., 1992) must be satisfied for all distance values d, which is given by priate model for cross continuity and dependency between the primary (rainfall) and secondary (elevation) variable. This positive 1 γzv ðdÞ≤½γzz ðdÞγvv ðdފ2 (8) correlation between variables is referred to as the cross‐regionalization or coregionalization (Goovaerts, 1997; Wackernagel, 2003), which can where γzv(d) is the cross‐variogram model between primary and sec- be quantified by cross‐variogram or cross‐covariance. These models ondary variables, and γzz(d) and γvv(d) are the direct variogram models are used to define the cross continuity and dependency between for primary and secondary variables, respectively. Based on the indica- two variables in the OCK method (Subyani & Al‐Dakheel, 2009). The tor shown in Equation 8, Hevesi et al. (1992) suggested a graphical test cross‐variogram models between the primary (rainfall) and secondary of PDC for the fitted models as follows: Experimental variograms and fitted variogram models for the monthly rainfall data of the Middle Yarra River catchment used in the ordinary kriging interpolation method FIGURE 4 ADHIKARY ET 9 AL. 1 n (9) PDC ¼ ½γzz ðdÞγvv ðdފ2 bKED ðs0 Þ ¼ ∑ ωKED Zðsi Þ Z i i¼1 The model is considered positive‐definite if the absolute value of the cross‐variogram model γzv(d) in Equation 8 is less than the slope and corresponding absolute value of PDC curve in Equation 9 for all distance values d. In the OCK method, direct and cross‐variogram models are fitted as linear combination of the same set of basic models given in Table 2 such that the RSS value by Equation 4 is minimum under the requirement of PDC. Variogram model fitting is performed using GS+ geostatistical software (Robertson, 2008) and OCK is implemented through ArcGISv9.3.1 software (ESRI, 2009) and its n ¼1 with ∑ ωKED i The KED weights ωKED can be obtained by solving a system of i (n + 2) simultaneous linear equations as follows: n       ∑ γR si −sj ωKED þ μKED þ μKED i 0 1 V sj ¼ γR sj −s0 | for j ¼ 1; … …; n i¼1 n ¼1 ∑ ωKED i ; i¼1 n V ðsi Þ ¼ V ðs0 Þ ∑ ωKED i i¼1 (11) geostatistical analyst extension (Johnston et al., 2001). 3.3 (10) i¼1 where γR(si − sj) is the residual variogram values between sampling Kriging with an external drift locations si and sj, γR(sj − s0) is the residual variogram values between KED is a particular type of universal kriging that gives the estimation of sampling location sj and the target location, s0, and μKED are and μKED 1 0 a primary variable Z, known only at a small number of locations in the the Lagrange multiplier parameters. study catchment, through a secondary variable V, exhaustively known OCK and KED differ in the way the secondary variable V is used. in the same area (Feki et al., 2012). The trend or local mean of the pri- The secondary variable (e.g., elevation in this study) gives only the mary variable is first derived using the secondary variable (Goovaerts, trend information in KED, whereas estimation with OCK is directly 1997; Wackernagel, 2003) and then simple kriging is carried out on influenced by it (Delbari et al., 2013). In case of KED, the primary residuals from the local mean. The KED estimator (Wackernagel, and secondary variables should exhibit a linear relationship. In addition, 2003) is generally given as estimation with KED requires the secondary variable values at all the TABLE 3 Results of fitted variogram models for monthly rainfall data for using in the OK interpolation method Variogram parameters Month Model name 2 Nugget, C0 (mm ) 2 Cross‐validation statistics Sill, C0 + C1 (mm ) Range, a (km) SM SRMS Middle Yarra River catchment January Spherical 0.15 163.65 25.20 0.068 0.998 February Spherical 0.20 58.70 24.75 0.059 1.000 March Spherical 0.00 205.38 25.25 0.059 0.863 April Spherical 1.25 270.75 24.85 0.054 0.897 May Spherical 1.10 327.20 25.25 0.039 0.916 June Spherical 0.10 727.60 26.85 0.041 0.847 July Spherical 0.10 849.60 27.00 0.031 0.795 August Spherical 4.00 839.00 26.11 0.035 0.851 September Spherical 1.00 816.00 27.07 0.045 0.883 October Spherical 0.00 390.00 24.18 0.049 0.903 November Spherical 0.00 292.50 21.53 0.058 0.861 December Spherical 0.00 320.00 22.00 0.060 0.863 Ovens River catchment January Spherical 92.00 455.00 109.50 ‐0.048 0.992 February Spherical 83.00 360.00 70.00 0.007 1.024 March Spherical 85.00 501.00 107.10 ‐0.021 0.991 April Gaussian 93.00 793.00 162.29 ‐0.060 1.000 May Spherical 109.00 1016.00 108.60 ‐0.047 1.016 June Spherical 50.00 1240.00 90.00 ‐0.039 1.001 July Gaussian 180.00 2030.00 80.50 ‐0.083 0.992 August Spherical 58.00 1420.00 65.00 ‐0.040 0.990 September Spherical 25.00 937.00 67.00 ‐0.028 0.997 October Spherical 102.00 519.00 75.40 ‐0.027 1.001 November Spherical 19.00 430.00 68.00 0.001 0.988 December Spherical 35.00 296.00 89.10 ‐0.028 0.988 Note. OK = ordinary kriging; SM = standardized mean error; SRMS = standardized root mean square error. 10 ADHIKARY ET AL. estimation grid nodes as well as all the sampling locations si. The resid- analysis of spatial correlation unlike kriging. When interpolating a grid ual variogram models are fitted based on the basic models in Table 2 node, the basis kernel functions define the optimal set of weights to be such that the RSS value between the experimental and modelled used with the sampling points. There are several radial basis functions variogram values by Equation 4 is minimum. Variogram model fitting available (Johnston et al., 2001) However, thin plate spline is the most and estimation with KED are performed using GS+ geostatistical soft- commonly used radial basis function for interpolation (e.g., Boer, de ware (Robertson, 2008). Beurs, & Hartkamp, 2001; Di Piazza et al., 2011; Hutchinson, 1995). In this study, thin plate spline is also used as the radial basis function, 3.4 | which is given by Inverse distance weighting IDW interpolation method (ASCE, 1996) gives a linear weighted aver- ∅ðr Þ ¼ ðcrÞ2 lnðcr Þ age of several neighbouring observations to estimate the variable value (14) at target location. This method assumes that each observation point has local influence that diminishes with distance. IDW assigns greater where c is the smoothing parameter, which is obtained through cross‐ weights to observation points near to the target location, and the validation process. The optimal value of the smoothing parameter is weights diminish as a function of distance (Johnston et al., 2001). selected based on the lowest RMSE value between the observed and The estimation by IDW can be written as estimated values. RBF interpolation method is performed by ArcGISv9.3.1 software (ESRI, 2009) and its geostatistical analyst n bðs0 Þ ¼ ∑ ωi Zðsi Þ Z where ωi ¼ i¼1 d−k i0 = n ∑ i¼1 d−k i0 (12) bðs0 Þ is the estimated rainfall value at desired location s0, Z(si) is where Z extension (Johnston et al., 2001). 3.6 | Assessment of interpolation methods the Z value at location si, ωi is the weight assigned to observation The performance of different interpolation methods (OK, OCK, KED, points, di0 is the distance between the sampling point at locations si IDW, and RBF) used in this study are evaluated and compared through and s0, n is the number of sampling points, and k is a power, which is cross‐validation process. The cross‐validation is a simple leave‐one‐out referred to as a control parameter. As “k” approaches zero and the weights becomes more similar, IDW estimates approach the simple average of the surrounding observations. However, the effect of the farthest observations on the estimated value is diminished with the increase of k. The value of k ranges from 1 to 6 (Teegavarapu & Chandramouli, 2005). Several studies have investigated with variations in a power to examine its effects on the spatial distribution of information from rainfall observations (Chen & Liu, 2012). Therefore, k value is varied in the range of 1 to 6 with an increment of 0.1 in the current study. The optimal k value is selected based on the lowest RMSE value between the observed and estimated values. All rain‐gauge stations are considered in the search neighbourhood in the estimation process. IDW interpolation is performed by ArcGISv9.3.1 software (ESRI, 2009) and its geostatistical analyst extension (Johnston et al., 2001). 3.5 | Radial basis function RBF (Chilès & Delfiner, 1999) is an exact interpolation method, which stands for a diverse group of interpolation methods. The RBF estimator can be viewed as a weighted linear function of distance from grid point to data point plus a bias factor, which is given by n bðs0 Þ ¼ ∑ ωi ∅ðksi − s0 kÞ þ μ Z (13) i¼1 where ∅(r) is the radial basis function (r = ‖si − s0‖), r is the radial distance from target point s0 to sampling points si, ωi are the weights and μ is the Lagrangian multiplier. The weights are obtained by solving of a system of (n + 1) simultaneous linear equations. The basis kernel functions in the RBF method are analogous to variograms in kriging, which makes it similar to geostatistical interpolation methods. However, RBF does not have the advantage of a prior Experimental variograms and fitted variogram models based on the collocated elevation data for (a) Middle Yarra River catchment, and (b) Ovens River catchment FIGURE 5 ADHIKARY ET 11 AL. validation procedure (Haddad, Rahman, Zaman, & Shrestha, 2013) in with the lowest MBE and RMSE values and the highest R2 value is cho- which observations are removed one at a time from the dataset and sen as the best interpolation method. then re‐estimated from the remaining observations using the adopted As has been mentioned earlier, kriging gives the prediction model. Cross‐validation provides important evidence of the perfor- standard error while giving the estimation of unsampled variables, mance measures for the interpolation methods. In this study, the per- the adequacy of the variogram model for kriging and cokriging estima- formance of all the interpolation methods for rainfall estimation is tion should also be tested to produce correct interpolation results compared based on mean bias error (MBE), RMSE, and coefficient of (Johnston et al., 2001; Phillips et al., 1992). Therefore, two additional determination (R2) values between the observed and estimated rainfall standardized cross‐validation statistics are used in this study, which values, which are given by Equations 15–17. are standardized mean error (SM) and standardized root mean square error (SRMS) as given by Equations 18–19 i 1 n h bðsi Þ MBE ¼ ∑ Zðsi Þ−Z n i¼1 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi i2 1 n h bðsi Þ RMSE ¼ ∑ Zðsi Þ−Z n i¼1 h n oi2 bðsi Þ−Z bm ∑ni¼1 fZðsi Þ−Zm g Z 2 R ¼ n o2 bm bðsi Þ−Z ∑n fZðsi Þ−Zm g2 ∑n Z i¼1 (15) (16) (17) i¼1 bðsi Þ are the observed and predicted In Equations 15–17, Z(si) and Z bm are the mean of the observed and predicted values, values, Zm and Z and n is the number of sampled data points. The interpolation method h i b 1 n Zðsi Þ−Zðsi Þ SM ¼ ∑ bðsi Þ n i¼1 σ vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi " #2ffi u u1 n Z ðs Þ−Z bðsi Þ i t SRMS ¼ ∑ bðsi Þ n i¼1 σ (18) (19) bðsi Þ is the prediction standard error for location si. SM should where σ be close to 0 if the estimates using the adopted variogram model are unbiased. SRMS should be close to 1 if the estimation variances are consistent and the variability of the prediction is correctly assessed (Adhikary et al., 2015; Johnston et al., 2001). FIGURE 6 Experimental cross‐variograms with the fitted cross‐variogram models and positive‐definite condition curve based on the monthly rainfall and collocated elevation data for the Middle Yarra River catchment used in the ordinary cokriging interpolation method 12 ADHIKARY ET 4 RESULTS A ND DIS CUS SION | AL. For convenience in this study, results obtained for the Middle Yarra River catchment are presented and discussed elaborately and 4.1 | compared with that obtained for the Ovens River catchment. Variogram models for OK analysis Figure 4 shows the experimental variograms and fitted variogram The OK analysis requires the estimation of the direct variogram models models with optimal variogram parameters (i.e., nugget, sill, and range) for rainfall data. In this study, an isotropic experimental variogram is for monthly rainfall data of the Middle Yarra River catchment, which estimated from the rainfall dataset for each month assuming an identi- are used in OK analysis. The best fitted variogram models are selected cal spatial correlation in all directions and neglecting the influence of based on the minimum RSS values using a trial‐and‐error process with anisotropy on the variogram parameters. Isotropy is assumed for the different lag intervals. The variogram parameters are iteratively methodological simplicity. Isotropy is a property of a natural process changed to get the best fitted model, which yields the minimum RSS. or data where directional influence is considered insignificant and spa- As can be seen from Figure 4, the spherical model is the best fitted tial dependence (autocorrelation) changes only with the distance variogram model for all months having spatial structure of between two locations (Johnston et al., 2001). Under the isotropic con- .66 < R < .97 (results of R not shown in Figure). It can be also noted that dition, the semivariance is assumed the same for a given distance, 10 months (except November and December) have R values greater regardless of direction. Initially, the directional experimental variograms than .75. The optimal variogram parameters for each monthly rainfall are estimated from each monthly rainfall dataset. However, the direc- dataset for both the catchments are provided in Table 3. As can be tional variograms are found noisy because of the less number of rain‐ seen from Table 3, the ratio of nugget coefficient to sill of the gauge stations in the study area. Therefore, the directional influence variogram model is small for all months for both the catchments. This is ignored in the experimental variogram calculation. The experimental evidently indicates that a strong spatial correlation exists between variogram is then fitted with three predefined variogram model func- the monthly mean rainfall and the spatial distribution of the rain‐gauge tions (exponential, Gaussian, and spherical as given in Table 2) to obtain stations over the study area. This supports the use of geostatistical the variogram models for each monthly rainfall dataset. interpolation methods such as OK, OCK, and KED, which consider TABLE 4 Results of fitted cross‐variogram models between monthly rainfall and elevation for using in the OCK interpolation method Variogram parameters Month Model name 2 Nugget, C0 (mm ) 2 Cross‐validation statistics Sill, C0 + C1 (mm ) Range, a (km) SM SRMS 1.001 Middle Yarra River catchment January Gaussian 1.0 1387.0 12.65 0.053 February Gaussian 40.0 801.0 16.19 0.067 1.000 March Gaussian 1.0 1545.0 14.36 0.055 1.006 April Gaussian 150.0 1653.0 18.35 0.057 1.004 May Gaussian 80.0 1651.0 19.40 0.042 1.019 June Gaussian 300.0 1874.5 19.75 0.055 1.001 July Gaussian 55.0 3081.2 13.50 0.008 1.002 August Gaussian 57.5 2872.9 12.10 0.007 1.006 September Gaussian 179.4 2746.0 14.25 0.042 1.002 October Gaussian 114.5 1860.9 15.85 0.053 1.004 November Gaussian 3.4 1804.4 12.00 0.034 1.000 December Gaussian 1.7 1774.7 15.66 0.096 1.002 Ovens River catchment January Gaussian 485.2 2197.9 60.98 ‐0.020 0.989 February Gaussian 525.8 2540.3 50.56 0.001 1.119 March Gaussian 635.1 2349.5 52.45 ‐0.012 1.093 April Gaussian 373.7 2209.3 36.01 ‐0.019 0.904 May Gaussian 595.0 3170.7 32.99 ‐0.015 1.090 June Gaussian 342.6 3961.7 52.48 ‐0.022 1.117 July Gaussian 652.2 4175.6 71.62 ‐0.030 1.028 August Gaussian 919.2 4223.1 96.48 ‐0.024 1.095 September Gaussian 733.6 3717.8 66.49 ‐0.018 1.000 October Gaussian 256.0 2048.1 29.73 ‐0.010 1.010 November Gaussian 413.5 1925.5 64.09 ‐0.013 1.050 December Gaussian 123.5 1935.7 32.60 ‐0.021 1.007 Note. OCK = ordinary cokriging; SM = standardized mean error; SRMS = standardized root mean square error. ADHIKARY ET 13 AL. the spatial correlation in the estimation process. The range of influence 4.2 | Cross‐variogram models for OCK analysis and the sill of the variogram model vary from one month to another, but the variogram exhibit a same spherical structure in all months. This The OCK analysis requires the simultaneous estimation of the direct may be caused due to the control of the relief on the spatial distribu- and cross‐variogram models for the rainfall and elevation variables. tion of rainfall (Delbari et al., 2013). The range of influence is lowest The three variogram models are fitted as a linear combination of the for November (21.53 km) and highest for September (27.07 km). Fur- same set of standard models given in Table 2 so that the RSS value is thermore, the cross‐validation statistics in Table 3 for both the catch- minimum under the constraints of PDC (Goovaerts, 1999). Figure 6 ments confirm that the fitted variogram models for all monthly shows the experimental and fitted cross‐variogram models for the rainfall data satisfy the unbiased condition and thus can be used for Middle Yarra River catchment. The number of data pairs in each lag size the OK analysis. For elevation data, an isotropic experimental variogram is com- is the same for all the three direct and cross‐variogram models. puted ignoring the directional influence. The experimental variogram to examine the positive‐definiteness criteria of the cross‐variogram Figure 6 also shows the PDC curve computed based on Equation 9 is then fitted with the aforementioned three variogram model func- models obtained for the catchment. Additionally, the cross‐validation tions. The best fitted variogram model is selected using the same pro- statistics are used for identifying the adequacy and final selection of cedure described above. The Gaussian variogram model gives the best the adopted cross‐variogram model for the OCK analysis. The cross‐ fitted model for both the catchments with the lowest RSS value, which validation results obtained using all the adopted cross‐variogram is shown in Figure 5. The optimal variogram parameters for both the models for both the catchments are presented inTable 4. The results in catchments are also shown in the figure. In order to avoid possible Table 4 indicate that the cross‐variogram models of all monthly inconsistencies in the subsequent modelling of direct and cross‐ datasets are variograms in OCK analysis (Goovaerts, 1997, 2000), the colocated neighbourhoods for both the catchments. suitable for the OCK analysis considering all elevation data (see Figure 1) are used for estimating the variogram of As can be seen from Figure 6, the Gaussian variogram model fits elevation, not the entire DEM of the catchment. Therefore, the well for all monthly datasets of the Middle Yarra River catchment, cokriging method adopted in this study is referred to as the colocated which also satisfy the PDC criteria defined by Equation 9. Further- OCK method (Wackernagel, 2003). more, the correlation between monthly rainfall and elevation for all Experimental residual variograms and fitted residual variogram models for the Middle Yarra River catchment used in the kriging with an external drift interpolation method FIGURE 7 14 ADHIKARY ET months in Table 1 indicates that elevation will contribute to enhance 4.3 | AL. Residual variogram models for KED analysis the monthly rainfall estimation in the catchment. The figure also shows that the values of the sample cross‐variogram increase for distances In order to implement the KED analysis, experimental residual from 0 to 25 km (more than half of the maximum interstation distance) variograms are estimated based on the residuals obtained from linear for almost all months. This indicates that a positive spatial cross‐ regression between rainfall and elevation data neglecting the influence correlation exists between rainfall and elevation in the catchment. This of anisotropy on the variogram parameters. The experimental residual wide ranges may be due to the high correlation (.67 < R < .79) between variogram is then fitted using the three standard models given in the monthly rainfall and elevation (Table 1). Such high correlation con- Table 2. Figure 7 shows the experimental and fitted residual variogram firms that the monthly rainfall in the Middle Yarra River catchment is models for all monthly datasets of the Middle Yarra River catchment. It mainly caused by the orographic effects. Figure 6 also shows the PDC curves, which are computed to can be seen from the figure that the spherical model gives the best fitted model for all monthly datasets. The optimal variogram parame- examine the positive‐definite conditions of the cross‐variogram ters and the corresponding cross‐validation statistics of the selected models of the catchment. It is worth pointing out that the PDC curve residual variogram models for both the catchments are presented in may give a qualitative indication for the degree of correlation. As can Table 5. As can be also seen from Figure 7 and Table 5, the residual be observed from Figure 6, the plotted PDC curve for most of the variogram models exhibit relatively smaller sills than those obtained months showed a close fit to the cross‐variogram model for smaller from the actual rainfall datasets (see Figure 4) but they follow very sim- distances with few exceptions (February, April, May, and June ilar structure. This is not unexpected because the residual variograms months). For example, the PDC curve is closer to the cross‐variogram from the linear regression represents variation, which remains after model in the case of January, March, July, November, and December removing the trend (Lloyd, 2005). The cross‐validation statistics shown months depending on the degree of correlation. This conclusion holds in Table 5 also indicate that the residual variogram models of all true based on the higher correlation for these months as given in monthly datasets for both the catchments are satisfactory for the Table 1. KED analysis. TABLE 5 Results of fitted residual variogram models for using in the KED interpolation method Variogram parameters Month Model name 2 Nugget, C0 (mm ) 2 Sill, C0 + C1 (mm ) Cross‐validation statistics Range, a (km) SM SRMS Middle Yarra River catchment January Spherical 0.10 43.14 8.86 0.029 1.022 February Spherical 0.01 23.11 13.10 0.025 0.981 March Spherical 0.10 56.69 9.35 0.060 0.999 April Spherical 0.10 75.70 10.76 0.010 1.000 May Spherical 0.10 115.80 11.61 ‐0.034 1.031 June Spherical 39.90 298.70 27.03 0.005 0.981 July Spherical 5.70 257.70 11.59 ‐0.024 0.990 August Spherical 0.10 265.00 11.57 ‐0.013 0.984 September Spherical 0.10 283.50 11.77 0.027 0.982 October Spherical 0.10 139.40 10.60 ‐0.010 1.004 November Spherical 0.10 84.94 9.69 0.054 0.992 December Spherical 0.10 100.70 10.61 0.058 0.990 Ovens River catchment January Spherical 38.90 239.40 42.90 ‐0.017 1.012 February Spherical 60.10 320.90 32.72 0.004 1.029 March Spherical 13.40 246.20 26.80 ‐0.011 0.996 April Gaussian 67.20 188.00 103.05 ‐0.043 1.008 May Spherical 217.00 597.00 108.40 ‐0.026 1.071 June Spherical 60.00 841.00 70.20 ‐0.044 1.028 July Spherical 5.00 1713.00 106.00 ‐0.092 1.005 August Gaussian 250.00 2084.00 90.54 ‐0.045 1.001 September Spherical 1.00 975.00 100.85 ‐0.027 1.029 October Spherical 42.10 383.60 87.00 ‐0.018 1.041 November Spherical 6.00 367.30 92.30 ‐0.012 0.989 December Spherical 31.00 192.50 88.75 ‐0.028 0.993 Note. KED = kriging with an external drift; SM = standardized mean error; SRMS = standardized root mean square error. ADHIKARY ET 4.4 | 15 AL. Spatial prediction of rainfall the catchment. As can be seen from the table, geostatistical (OK, OCK, and KED) interpolation methods perform better than determinis- In this study, different geostatistical and deterministic interpolation tic (IDW and RBF) interpolation methods for monthly rainfall estima- methods including OK, OCK, KED, IDW, and RBF are adopted to tion in the study area. The OCK method gives the best results for estimate the spatial distribution of monthly mean rainfall in the rainfall estimation over the study area for all months when considering Middle Yarra River catchment and the Ovens River catchment in all the performance measures. The KED method gives the second best Australia. Several performance measures including MBE, RMSE, and results, which is very close to the performance of the OCK method but R2 are frequently used to indicate how accurately an interpolator performs better than the OK method for both the catchments. IDW predicts the observed data. Smaller values of MBE and RMSE with and RBF give similar performance with higher error in rainfall estima- a higher R2 value of an interpolator indicate better prediction by tion over the study area. For the Middle Yarra River catchment, the corresponding method. In case of the scatter plot, the better pre- Table 6 also shows that in some months, the RBF method performs diction is that if all scattered points lay close to the 450 line with the better than the OK method for rainfall estimation. However, no highest R2 value between the predicted and observed values remarkable differences are seen between them when considering all (Adhikary et al., 2016a). the performance measures. Table 6 presents the different performance measures of the For OK, OCK, KED, IDW, and RBF methods, the average RMSE adopted interpolation methods (or interpolators) for estimating values (Table 6) for the Middle Yarra River catchment are 11.93, monthly rainfall over both the study catchments. The different interpo- 10.29, 10.85, 12.66, and 12.22 mm, respectively, whereas the average lation methods are quantitatively compared based on these perfor- RMSE values for the Ovens River catchment are 17.42, 16.15, 16.65, mance measures in order to identify the best interpolator for each of 17.54, and 23.41 mm, respectively. For OK, OCK, KED, IDW, and TABLE 6 Performance of different interpolation (OK, OCK, KED, IDW, and RBF) methods for monthly rainfall estimation in the study area MBE (mm) Month OK OCK R2 RMSE (mm) KED IDW RBF OK OCK KED IDW RBF OK OCK KED IDW RBF Middle Yarra River catchment January 0.98 0.63 0.73 1.76 1.56 8.92 6.96 7.99 8.96 9.99 0.40 0.66 0.56 0.42 0.31 February 0.51 0.38 0.41 0.73 0.85 5.25 3.80 4.45 5.26 5.46 0.42 0.71 0.59 0.42 0.42 March 0.97 0.65 0.70 1.67 1.78 8.71 6.79 8.41 9.58 9.50 0.54 0.73 0.58 0.45 0.46 April 1.03 0.83 0.89 1.70 2.27 9.80 8.26 8.75 10.68 10.04 0.54 0.67 0.64 0.46 0.55 May 0.78 0.72 ‐0.40 1.43 2.41 11.55 10.78 11.98 11.58 11.80 0.49 0.56 0.51 0.49 0.55 June 1.19 1.26 1.17 2.25 3.29 15.15 13.77 13.44 17.26 15.15 0.61 0.67 0.69 0.49 0.63 July 0.89 0.11 ‐0.36 1.73 2.77 15.50 14.63 14.84 16.85 15.01 0.65 0.69 0.68 0.59 0.68 August 1.05 0.03 ‐0.20 2.08 3.04 16.75 15.94 14.67 18.19 16.12 0.59 0.63 0.69 0.52 0.64 September 1.38 0.87 0.92 2.69 3.52 16.79 15.73 15.38 18.46 17.17 0.57 0.62 0.63 0.48 0.57 October 1.07 0.79 ‐0.11 1.86 2.32 12.34 10.70 11.56 12.05 12.48 0.53 0.64 0.60 0.56 0.56 November 1.23 0.55 0.58 2.16 2.28 11.00 8.25 9.10 11.43 11.72 0.50 0.73 0.66 0.47 0.46 December 1.31 1.07 1.08 2.25 2.28 11.43 7.93 9.58 11.65 12.17 0.51 0.78 0.66 0.50 0.48 Average 1.03 0.66 0.45 1.86 2.36 11.93 10.29 10.85 12.66 12.22 0.53 0.67 0.62 0.49 0.54 ‐0.62 ‐0.56 ‐0.25 ‐1.78 ‐1.13 12.86 12.39 12.45 13.68 18.42 0.41 0.44 0.42 0.34 0.18 0.11 ‐0.01 0.08 ‐0.96 1.26 17.51 16.32 17.34 17.53 25.64 0.15 0.23 0.19 0.11 0.02 ‐0.28 ‐0.22 ‐0.15 ‐1.26 ‐0.25 13.13 12.30 12.87 14.44 17.14 0.44 0.59 0.51 0.33 0.32 Ovens River catchment January February March April ‐0.62 ‐0.38 ‐0.41 ‐0.53 ‐0.58 10.31 9.19 9.58 11.00 14.91 0.56 0.71 0.66 0.49 0.31 May ‐1.07 ‐0.59 ‐0.60 ‐1.94 ‐1.56 23.18 21.16 22.89 23.27 34.19 0.18 0.29 0.25 0.15 0.01 June ‐0.92 ‐0.87 ‐0.94 ‐1.19 ‐0.81 22.13 21.98 22.04 22.21 32.50 0.52 0.66 0.61 0.57 0.30 0.44 July ‐1.94 ‐1.36 ‐2.01 ‐3.53 ‐2.09 23.16 22.89 22.92 23.01 31.35 0.62 0.68 0.65 0.64 August ‐0.94 ‐0.92 ‐1.05 ‐1.35 ‐1.16 22.24 21.92 21.97 22.27 30.01 0.66 0.70 0.68 0.68 0.49 September ‐0.62 ‐0.55 ‐0.62 ‐0.46 ‐0.87 20.39 20.01 20.08 20.44 28.12 0.50 0.57 0.54 0.56 0.32 October ‐0.53 ‐0.31 ‐0.35 ‐0.63 ‐0.41 19.37 17.65 19.01 19.64 26.24 0.23 0.39 0.32 0.19 0.04 November 0.01 ‐0.33 ‐0.05 0.18 0.30 10.52 9.37 9.48 12.17 11.61 0.73 0.80 0.78 0.65 0.70 December ‐0.27 ‐0.21 ‐0.11 ‐0.41 ‐0.22 9.67 8.59 9.12 10.82 10.83 0.63 0.71 0.69 0.54 0.61 Average ‐0.64 ‐0.53 ‐0.54 ‐1.15 ‐0.63 17.42 16.15 16.65 17.54 23.41 0.47 0.57 0.53 0.44 0.31 Note. IDW = inverse distance weighting; KED = kriging with an external drift; MBE = mean bias error; OCK = ordinary cokriging; OK = ordinary kriging; R2 = coefficient of determination; RBF = radial basis function; RMSE = root mean square error. 16 ADHIKARY ET AL. RBF methods, the average R2 values (Table 6) for the Middle Yarra coefficient to sill) of the direct variogram models for rainfall (Table 3) River catchment are .53, .67, .62, .49 and .54, respectively whereas and elevation (Figure 5), and the cross‐variogram models for rainfall‐ the average R2 values for the Ovens River catchment are .47, .57, elevation (Table 4) for both the catchments are found very small in .53, .44, and .31, respectively. The higher R2 value in the OCK and all months. This results in the improvement in the rainfall estimation KED methods indicate that using elevation as a secondary variable by the OCK method, which is thus selected as the best interpolator brings more information in the rainfall estimation process under the for the study area in this study. Therefore, the OCK method (the best kriging‐based geostatistical analysis framework. interpolator) is used to generate a continuous rainfall dataset of the As explained by Delbari et al. (2013), using elevation as a second- monthly average rainfall for each of the catchments, which are shown ary variable may not always improve the prediction accuracy through in Figure 8 and Figure 9. The created datasets are expected to be very the OCK analysis if the spatial continuity of elevation is weaker than useful in various hydrological and water resources planning studies that of rainfall despite a high correlation exists between rainfall and within the Yarra River catchment and the Ovens River catchment elevation. In this study, the relative nugget effect (i.e., ratio of nugget in Australia. Spatial distribution of monthly rainfall in the Middle Yarra River catchment using the ordinary cokriging (the best interpolator in this study) interpolation method FIGURE 8 ADHIKARY ET AL. 17 Spatial distribution of monthly rainfall in the Ovens River catchment using the ordinary cokriging (the best interpolator in this study) interpolation method FIGURE 9 5 | C O N CL U S I O N S show that the geostatistical methods outperform the deterministic methods for spatial interpolation of rainfall over the study area. Specif- In this study, three kriging‐based geostatistical (OK, OCK, and KED) ically, the performance of the cokriging methods (OCK and KED) is and two deterministic (IDW and RBF with thin plate spline) interpola- better than that of other geostatistical methods. The performance of tion methods are used for estimating spatial distribution of monthly the RBF with thin plate spline is found practically as good as the ordi- mean rainfall in the Middle Yarra River catchment and the Ovens River nary kriging method for rainfall estimation, whereas the IDW method catchment in Victoria, Australia. The objective is to compare the per- is shown to have the worst results for the study area. OCK performs formances of these interpolation methods to select the best interpola- the best among all the interpolators and gives the improved estimates tion method for generating a high quality continuous rainfall dataset in of rainfall in all months for both the catchments. It provides the lowest the form of a rainfall map for the study area. The elevation data estimation errors and the highest correlations between the estimated obtained from a DEM of the study area is used as a supplementary var- and observed monthly average rainfall. Thus, ordinary cokriging is iable in addition to rainfall records for the cokriging analysis using the identified as the best interpolator in this study for estimating spatial ordinary cokriging and kriging with an external drift methods. Results distribution of rainfall in both the catchments. The obtained results 18 indicate that making use of elevation as an auxiliary variable in addition to rainfall data can enhance the estimation of rainfall in a catchment with the mountainous and/or complex terrain. This study thus recommends the use of cokriging for the generation of continuous rainfall map especially in catchments with high spatial variation of rainfall as ADHIKARY ET AL. 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