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The paper proposes an overview of decision support systems in order to define the role of a system to assist decision in university management. The authors present new technologies and the basic concepts of multidimensional data analysis... more
The DUBES game aimed to support decision-making for sustainable urban development by the combined application of two techniques, a decision-support tool MEDIA and a simulation game. DUBES is an acronym for Sustainable Decision-Making (in... more
This project explored functional requirements for an institution-wide method, at Partners HealthCare, for interpreting clinical knowledge for decision support. Such knowledge is currently incorporated in a variety of clinical... more
ABSTRACT A data warehouse provides information for analytical processing, decision making and data mining tools. As the concept of real-time enterprise evolves, the synchronism between transactional data and data warehouses, statically... more
Title: Gap acceptance for vehicles turning left across on-coming traffic: Implications for Intersection Decision Support design ... Author: Ragland, David R, UC Berkeley Traffic Safety Center Arroyo, Sofia, UC Berkeley Traffic Safety... more
A building must be energy-efficient and provide comfortable indoor environment to the residents. The Building Energy Code of Pakistan (BECP) only focuses on commercial buildings. In today’s scenario a standard must include the context and... more