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Indoor Mobile Mapping Systems (IMMS) are attracting growing attention, especially when LiDAR sensors are considered, thanks to the possibility to obtain wide range and complete data in those areas where GNSS signal is not available.... more
El procesamiento de datos fotogramétricos mediante VANT para resaltar rasgos arqueológicos. Dos aplicaciones en la cuenca de México. (En prensa: Sistemas de información geográfica para arqueólogos: Repensando el espacio en contextos... more
An overview of Brighton Toy and Model Museum’s exploration of photogrammetry during 2017-2019.
The digital storage and communication of significant geological data became increasingly more objective and accessible through the development of new technologies or the implementation of already well-known techniques as photogrammetry.... more
SUMMARY Close Range Photogrammetry is an alternative-next to classical topographical measurementsto obtain metric documentation about important archaeological objects or monuments. As a partial collapse of the remnants of the walls around... more
Commission VI, WG VI/4 ABSTRACT: The Villa Reale in Monza (ITALY) was founded as a symbol of the prestige and the greatness of the Asburgic family. The complex was built in an area not far from the Real Palace in Milan, the main imperial... more
The increasing demand for up-to-date 3-D geographic information systems (GIS) in planning, transportation, and utility management applications poses significant challenges to the Geomatics community. Of all the challenges in acquiring,... more
Acoustic signals that reliably indicate body size, which usually determines competitive ability, are of particular interest for understanding how animals assess rivals and choose mates. Whereas body size tends to be negatively associated... more
Obtaining high precision spatial documentation of archaeological sites in cramped places can be challenging. This poster outlines an ad hoc procedure for spatially documenting artifacts and structural elements of a 13th century burial in... more
The common challenge of all aerospace advancements is greening the air transport. This led the recent research programs towards the study of 'metamorphic' wing structures, capable of adapting their geometry to the different conditions of... more
Une comparaison est effectuee entre les facons employees en photogrammetrie et en vision par ordinateur pour traiter les problemes lies a l'acquisition de la 3D a partir d'images stereoscopiques. Le formalisme adopte, assez... more
The advent of the smartphones brought with them higher processing capabilities and improved camera specifications which boosted the applications of mobile-based imagery in a range of domains. One of them is the 3-D reconstruction of... more
We present a fast algorithm to estimate the penetration depth between convex polytopes in 3D. The algorithm incrementally seeks a "locally optimal... more
Photogrammetry has revolutionised in the last decade, with the advent of computer vision techniques such as Structure from Motion (Westoby et al., 2012).These techniques now allow us to capture outcrops, in 3D, at high resolution simply... more
Застосування фотограмметричних методів у керамології Подано досвід використання фотограмметрії в керамології (необхідні прилади, обладнання, програмне забезпечення, процес фіксації та його особливості для певних глиняних виробів,... more
Behr, B. (2016). Mining Images. In: Williams, A. and Wooldridge, D., eds., What is Photographic Research?, London: Camberwell Press.
Imaging technologies are transforming the study and presentation of artefacts. The contributors to this volume are at the vanguard of applying developing technologies to cultural heritage, and their chapters... more
The ultimate goal of pattern recognition systems in remote sensing is to achieve the best possible classification performance for recognition of different objects such as buildings, roads and trees. From a scientific perspective, the... more
In September 2018 maritime archaeologists from the Australian National Maritime Museum, and its major research partner and major sponsor the Silentworld Foundation worked with the Rhode Island Marine Archaeology Project (RIMAP) to... more
We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of cyber-physical systems, what can be done... more
Powerpoint Presentation (45') on the handbook "On the popularization of digital close-range photogrammetry"
This paper traces the development of techniques of recording carvings on megalithic tombs and on open-air rock-art in Ireland from 1699 to the present day. Analysis shows that after the initial pioneering phase, recording methodologies... more
Abstract. In most of Nigeria’s rural communities, land holdings are small and uneven; and this impacts significantly on their mechanisation potentials. This fragmented nature of the farmlands also inhibits the creation of an effective... more