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The concept of antinatalism is now becoming popular on the Internet. Many online newspaper articles deal with this topic, and numerous academic papers on antinatalism have been published over the past ten years in the fields of philosophy... more
The enigmatic appeal of submission in sexual masochism is a phenomenon that calls for an explanation: What makes receiving pain during sex so appealing? This appeal can be explained conceptually, phenomenologically, and biochemically as... more
This study was conducted using B-mode transrectal (TR) and transabdominal (TA) ultrasonography to determine early pregnancy and fetometry. A total of 110 does aged between 8 and 36 months were used. The detection of early pregnancy and... more
Este artículo dedicado a los procesos procreativos desde la Antropología presenta una propuesta analítica que tiene por finalidad ahondar en las estructuras básicas que subyacen en la procreación humana desde la perspectiva cultural. La... more
L’assistenza durante il travaglio può influenzare la donna a livello fisico e psicologico, oltre che la salute del suo bambino a breve e lungo termine. Una comunicazione efficace, il supporto e l’empatia da parte dell’equipe, così come il... more
Hoy en Chile, si bien nos encontramos con la persistencia del modelo tecnocrático de atención del nacimiento, se ven cambios –lentos pero significativos- hacia la implementación de un modelo personalizado. Es en este contexto que el... more
How quickly and in what ways are United States maternity care practices changing due to the COVID-19 pandemic? Our survey data indicate that partners and doulas are being excluded from birthing rooms while many mothers are isolated,... more
Nursing Ethics has published several pleas for care ethics and/or relationality as the most promising ethical foundation for midwifery philosophy and practice. In this article, we stand by these calls, contributing to them with the... more
A woman who does not recognize her pregnancy early may not initiate prenatal care early. This study examined the relationship between the time of pregnancy recognition and the time of initiation of prenatal care, and the number of... more
Cosa collega la preistorica Venere di Willendorf alla Madonna del parto di Piero della Francesca? E qual è la relazione tra 2001: Odissea nello spazio di Stanley Kubrick e il dipinto Le due madri di Segantini, ambientato in una stalla? E... more
In a 1997 interview as part of the USC Shoah Foundation initiative, survivor Anna Bergman discusses intentionally becoming pregnant in Theresienstadt and remaining pregnant throughout time in Auschwitz, ultimately to deliver her baby upon... more
The views expressed in this report are the authors' and do not necessarily reflect those of the Department for Education and Skills. Introduction: Birth to Three Matters 10 Why Birth to Three? 1 0 About the Birth to Three Matters pack... more
Miben volt igaza és mit rontott el Geréb Ágnes? Pályakép, stratégiák és elméleti keret a magyarországi szabadszülés-mozgalom történetében. A vezér elbukott, a háborút megnyerték: az otthonszülés mára legális, de csak kevesen férnek... more
Il danno da procreazione costituisce una fattispecie giuridica che da qualche decennio impegna molti tribunali di Paesi occidentali. Il testo affronta la questione dal punto di vista filosofico, analizzando il concetto stesso di danno da... more
Los resultados de la primera Encuesta sobre el Nacimiento en Chile buscan contribuir al creciente debate sobre los modelos y calidad de atención del nacimiento en nuestro país, a través de la generación de conocimiento desde las propias... more
Este trabalho busca desvendar quais os caminhos históricos que a sexualidade e o parto tomaram, isto, com o objetivo de compreender algumas representações de parto e prazer na Arte Contemporânea. A investigação inicia-se pelo levantamento... more