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This article uses a phenomenological approach to unsettle the reproductive narrative that circumscribes the maternal relation. Drawing on scholarship on skin and touch within philosophy and feminist and queer theory, 'Beside myself'... more
Etude des pratiques baptismales dans le doyenné de Matha, connu au XIXe siècle pour être une zone de détachement religieux particulièrement marqué et de conflits entre fidèles et clergé locale. Les populations, sous-encadrées, sont très... more
Prof. Doutor, Universidade Federal do Piauí-UFPI, Bom Jesus-PI. RESUMO: O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o número de concepções e parições e de nascimentos de machos e fêmeas por monta natural (MN) e inseminação artific ial (IA). A... more
This paper describes a rare case presentation of congenital asymptomatic intrapericardial diaphragmatic hernia. In this case, the female patient survived without symptoms for over 30 years until becoming symptomatic at childbirth.... more
Introduction - L'objectif est de mesurer les chances, pour un couple débutant un traitement par fécondation in vitro (FIV) dans un centre d'AMP, de finalement réaliser son projet parental grâce aux traitements, suite à une conception... more
Comment comprendre les événements apocalyptiques relatés dans l'évangile de Matthieu après la mort de Jésus? La question est traitée en deux étapes, à commencer par un bref rappel de quelques interprétations courantes (historique,... more
L’uso della voce in relazione alla maternità e nascita è innato e coltivato dagli esseri umani per decine di migliaia di anni. Oggi crescono le evidenze scientifiche sulla bontà del canto materno, una risorsa salutogenica per madri e per... more
... abnormal'. Radically different from the structure of the textbooks by Hirano and Kido, they were similar to the classic German Textbook of Midwifery (Lehrbuch der Hebammenkunst), by Arthur Bernhard Sigmund Schultze. 51 ...
A talk on birth and death in medieval thought (sic!), after the showing of the film "American Life" (with Maria Grazia Crepaldi).
ABSTRACT (CAST) Se realiza un análisis crítico sobre la violencia obstétrica utilizando como ejemplo algunos videojuegos infantiles sobre el parto. Los conceptos que marcan la reflexión proceden del campo literario-artístico: el... more
Researchers say that women with inflammatory bowel disease should be given more advice about pregnancy, so that they can make informed choices about their options and care. The study, led by the University of Leeds, chronicled the... more
Early term birth-compared to term delivery-is associated with increased rate of perinatal complications. The authors evaluated the short term prognosis of infants delivered at 37 weeks gestation compared to term neonates using a... more
Semmelweis Ignác története rányomta bélyegét a hazai orvoslásra, és agyonvert prófétaként kísérti azt. Puncipolitika című ötrészes sorozatunkban a hazai szülészeti horrort járjuk körül. Ítélkezés helyett megvizsgáltuk, mekkora pénzbeli és... more
This two-part article introduces my working background in grassroots Canadian midwifery, and my subsequent shift into ‘thinking birth’ through what I call the ‘philosopher-midwife’. I broach the idea that midwifery is a site of not only... more
An analysis of who was present at normal and problematic births in France c. 1530-1630, based on all data identified in printed birthing treatises in French (by physicians, surgeons and the midwife Louise Bourgeois). Examines evidence... more
A heightened self-question is that why we take birth? One who has past life experience; perhaps knows better. The different faiths have different explanations of the problem but no one can give perfect and fit to all aspects solution. One... more
In his article, "The Moral Significance of Birth," José Bermúdez explores the following questions. Is a complex concept of self-consciousness required to determine moral personhood? Is it possible that a less complex, primitive... more
ABSTRACT: Background:Postnatal breastfeeding support in the form of home visits is difficult to accommodate in regional Australia, where hospitals often deal with harsh economic constraints in a context where they are required to provide... more
The purpose of this case-control study was to determine whether multivitamin use is associated with the occurrence of multiple congenital anomalies (MCA). MCA case-infants were infants with two or more major birth defects affecting at... more
ABSTRACT: Background:Cesarean delivery avoids perineal trauma and has therefore often been assumed to protect sexual function after childbirth. We sought to examine this assumption by using data from a study of women's sexual health after... more
Accumulating research demonstrates that both archival indicators and residents' self-reports of neighborhood conditions are useful predictors of a variety of physical health, mental health, substance use, criminal, and educational... more