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Numerose ambivalenze, conflitti interpretativi e problemi di traduzione culturale sorgono quando si usa il concetto di care. Per l’antropologia medica, esso ha offerto la possibilità di criticare forme di riduzionismo bio-medico della... more
US Latino adults are disproportionately affected by the HIV epidemic and experience disparities in access to HIV care. However, relatively little is known about how acculturation affects perceived barriers to engagement in care among... more
Conveying Health Care in America, Seventh Edition is the most current and extensive outline of the essential structures and activities of the U.S. wellbeing framework from its verifiable birthplaces and assets, to its individual... more
Pay-for-performance (P4P) programs which reward clinical providers with incentive payments based on one or more measures of quality of care are now common in the United States and the United Kingdom and it is likely they will attract... more
Improving access to primary healthcare (PHC) for vulnerable populations is important for achieving health equity, yet this remains challenging. Evidence of effective interventions is rather limited and fragmented. We need to identify... more
There has not yet been an audit of achievement rates of therapeutic targets for cholesterol management in the rural Italian primary care setting. The purpose of this study was to measure the percentage of patients with... more
Primary health care encompasses laboratory testing where the entire analysis is performed by health care professionals in close proxim­ity to the patient. The purpose of this survey was to understand the range of testing performed in... more
There is increasing importance placed on conducting clinical trials in dentistry to provide a robust evidence base for the treatment provided, and models of care delivered. However, providing the evidence upon which to base such decisions... more
This qualitative study used the grounded theory method to investigate district nurses' experiences of caring for leg ulcers in accordance with clinical guidelines at seven primary health care centres in Stockholm, Sweden. Group... more
Purpose. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Colombian Ministry of Health and Social Protection have determined a need for an approach to include Equity Focus (EF) and Social Determinants of Health (SDH) in health training... more
T o examine whether quality of care (QOC) improves when nurse practitioners and pharmacists work with family physicians in community practice and focus their work on patients who are 50 years of age and older and considered to be at risk... more
Drug switching is a common medical practice. It indicates continuation of treatment regardless of the reason why the original therapy was stopped and switched. Therefore, the aims of this study were to develop a novel method for... more
RESUMO: Este artigo propõe-se a construir uma possibilidade de utilização dos Grupos Balint- Paidéia como ferramenta pedagógica para a supervisão prática no Programa Mais Médicos para o Brasil, que incluiu o Programa de Valorização do... more
A central component of the primary health care approach in developing countries has been the development and utilization of community-based health workers (CHWs) within the national health system. While the use of these front line workers... more
OBJECTIVES The goals of this study were to: (1) determine if management according to a standardized clinical management pathway/algorithm (compared with usual treatment) improves clinical outcomes by 6 weeks; and (2) assess the... more
O avanço verificado no enfrentamento de neoplasias malignas por meio dos sistemas de saúde envolve melhorias nas áreas de vigilância, organização de redes de assistência, programas específicos voltados às prevenções primária e secundária... more
This paper describes the development of and lessons learned in implementing the Primary Health Care Access Program (PHCAP) in the Northern Territory. The implementation of the PHCAP is a major Aboriginal health policy reform. PHCAP... more
Abstract: “You can tell the condition of the nation by looking at the status of women.”Jawaharlal Nehru.Women's empowerment is vital to sustainable development and the realization of human rights for all. When women are empowered,... more
BACKGROUND Recommendations suggest that all patients with diabetes who use insulin should home test their blood glucose. Recommendations for those not using insulin remain contradictory. These recommendations are in part based upon the... more
Lifestyle factors (eg, smoking, diet) and compliance with screening recommendations play a role in cancer risk, and emerging technologies (eg, new vaccines, genetic testing) hold promise for improved risk management. However, optimal... more