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En nuestro tiempo de vínculos debilitados y exacerbación del individualismo, el amor aparece, muchas veces, como una mercancía más, que se elige o deshecha con liviandad. Debiéramos recobrar una concepción del amor vinculada al aprecio... more
Love, as I try to develop in this essay, is not the ontological or ethical basis from which all other elements of society emerge, but it is tied to a social form that depends upon the categorial system of reproduction, which is the way in... more
En este artículo realizamos un análisis de la última parte de la obra de Gabriela Liffschitz. En ella, la escritora y fotógrafa argentina elabora poéticamente una experiencia de cáncer de mama. Aquí, creemos, en primer lugar, que la... more
In Mathematics of the Transcendental, Alain Badiou painstakingly works through the pertinent aspects of category theory, demonstrating their internal logic and veracity, their derivation and distinction from set theory, and the 'thinking... more
This is the English version of "El tungsteno: La fidelidad de César Vallejo y Alain Badiou al Acontecimiento de la Revolución de Octubre" forthcoming from A/Contracorriente in May of 2016. It was originally presented as “Tungsten and... more
Tanulmányomban Alain Badiou egyik szemináriumi előadásának írott verziója alapján fogalmazok meg néhány gondolatot a halál, a végesség problémájáról. Először röviden megvizsgálom Heidegger, Sartre és Badiou halálfelfogásának... more
Fundamental to Badiou’s so-called mature philosophy is his declaration in Being and Event that ‘mathematics is ontology’. Everything that follows from this assertion—from the structure of situations and their states all the way to events... more
In his new book MÉTAPHYSIQUE DU BONHEUR RÉEL ("Metaphysics of Real Happiness", 2015 ), Alain Badiou asserts and attempts to elucidate the relation between real happiness and the philosophical life, between the cultivation of a happy life... more
The purpose of this work is to comprehend the importance and scope of chance in the poetry of Mallarmé. In order to do that, we will proceed according to a three-pronged approach; recompose the political, poetic and philosophical context... more
El conjunto de trabajos contenidos en el presente libro, producidos entre el 2006 y el 2013, constituyen una provocativa propuesta discursiva desde la cual reconstruir críticamente al Derecho actual y repensarlo o, mejor aún, traspasarlo... more
Naturalizing Badiou offers a naturalist critique and revision of Alain Badiou's philosophy. It argues against some core elements of his systematic philosophy, considering them unacceptable for the naturalist philosopher. At the same time,... more
Çeviren: Murat Erşen Şairleri ve müzisyenleri dinlemek gerekir, sonluluğumuzun çekiciliğinde yaşamak gerekir, rüzgarla, denizle, oyunlarla, kahkahalarla, eğlencelerle, danslarla; ama zaman zaman da filozofları ve matematikçileri dinlemek... more
The rising number of non-status migrants is one of the central political issues of our time. This essay argues that if we want to understand the political and philosophical importance of this phenomenon, the contributions of Alain Badiou,... more
''Thinking Love: Heidegger and Arendt'' explores the problematic nature of romantic love as it developed between Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt, whom Heidegger later called ''the passion of his life.'' I suggest that three different... more
My path through the book is multiple, and comprises the following aspects: 1) a conceptual path centred on philosophical pluralism and on the book's concepts concerning the multiple types of infinites; 2) a poetic path centred on the... more
Il s'agit de la séance du 17 mars 1987 du séminaire de Badiou consacré à Heidegger. Badiou annonce, en commençant cette séance, qu'elle « sera consacrée à une récapitulation synthétique serrée ». Or, en lieu et place d'une récapitulation... more
1. 「反哲学」―この語の位置する諸文脈
2. バディウによる分析実践―マテームと行為
3. 「 哲学」の誘惑―「〈一〉」と「形而上学」の二襞
4. 「出来事」の場所(トポス)―パウロによる「イエス」
5.. 二人の「モーセ」―フロイトとラカン
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
Abstract: How to understand Primordial Sociality and its emergence philosophically in relation to Fundamental Ontology and Existentialism. Primordial Sociality is based on Wild Being. This is distinguished from Existential Sociality... more
The philosophical positions of Alain Badiou and Slavoj Zizek emerge in opposition to the deconstruction of the history of philosophy and to the corresponding rejection of the category of the subject. The subject becomes in their thought... more
The Heideggerian account of the ontotheological constitution of Western metaphysics has been extremely influential for contemporary philosophy of religion and for philosophical perspectives on theology and the divine. This paper... more
Der Beitrag bietet zunächst eine ausführliche genealogische Nachzeichnung des philosophischen Ereignis-Verständnisses beim späten Heidegger, in der Entfaltung des Werks von Emmanuel Levinas (insbes. im Konzept der Spur und der Alterität),... more
ÍNDICE: La ruptura epistemológica, de Bachelard a Balibar y Pêcheux, Pedro Karczmarczyk La ruptura epistemológica según Bachelard, Althusser y Badiou, Carlos Gassmann Visitaciones Derrideanas, Jazmín Anahí Acosta Epistemología sin... more
The international discussion of the communist hypothesis has quickly developed into a debate regarding the adequate party-form for radical politics today. This article argues that the stakes of this development become clearer when it is... more
Vor dem Hintergrund der so oft missverstandenen Rede vom "Tod des Subjekts" zeichnet der Beitrag das "andere" Subjektverständnis nach, das auf unterschiedliche Weise mit und in den Ansätzen von Jacques Derrida und Alain Badiou grundgelegt... more
What is the relationship between metaphysics and political revolution? Despite being two of the most widely discredited concepts in contemporary European philosophy, this chapter argues that we are witnessing the return of both in the... more
On where the Cutting Edge of the Western Tradition might be found with respect to the development of Fundamental Ontology within Continental Philosophy -- Key Words: Continental Philosophy, Ways of Being, Fragmentation of Being, Time,... more