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Slides for an invited lecture at Scuola Superiore di Catania, Università di Catania, 2017-03-21. [Also available on ResearchGate at]
Every Thing Must Go argues that the only kind of metaphysics that can contribute to objective knowledge is one based specifically on contemporary science as it really is, and not on philosophers' a priori intuitions, common sense, or... more
This research project examines the use of Feynman diagrams in Quantum Field Theory (QFT) to substantiate a defence of a structuralist approach to scientific representation. I argue that a structuralist conception can uniquely account for... more
Naturalizing Badiou offers a naturalist critique and revision of Alain Badiou's philosophy. It argues against some core elements of his systematic philosophy, considering them unacceptable for the naturalist philosopher. At the same time,... more
Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menjelaskan sebuah fenomena hubungan internasional yang tergambar dalam rivalitas antar aktor, yaitu Rusia dan Uni Eropa, yang dipicu oleh konflik antar aktor lainnya, yaitu konflik Rusia dan Ukraina yang... more
Siamo abituati a vedere intorno a noi oggetti, la cui esistenza sembra la cosa da dare più per assodata. Eppure, le nostre vite sono sempre più immerse in reti di interazioni: che cosa accadrebbe allora, se cominciassimo ad accorgerci che... more
Here I examine the way in which Russell tries to justify the inference from sense experience to the structural features of the external world by means of his five postulates. I first explain how logical constructions allow him to relate... more
RESEARCH ARTICLES J. Angelo Corlett, Are Women Beach Volleyballers ‘Too Sexy for Their Shorts?’ Arnold Cusmariu, The Prometheus Challenge Paul Gomberg, Workers without Rights Erick Jose Ramirez, A Conditional Defense of Shame and Shame... more
Desde hace siglos, la ciencia se ha erigido como la fuente de conocimiento sobre el mundo natural por antonomasia. Su metodología y práctica presentan numerosas y profundas complejidades que han ocupado por igual a filósofos y miembros de... more
Much debate has ensued regarding the challenge to scientific realism provided by consideration of certain problematic episodes of theory change in the history of science. This paper contends that there is an interesting case which has... more
El tema central de esta tesis de licencatura gira en torno a la metafísica del problema mente/cuerpo y el realismo estructural epistémico. La propuesta es que una posición en el espíritu de la de Bertrand Russell en The Analysis of Matter... more
O presente trabalho versa sobre o projeto empirista de Bas van Fraassen, cuja obra é referência obrigatória no quadro das teorias empiristas contemporâneas não apenas na filosofia da ciência, mas também na filosofia em geral. Projeto esse... more
El debate entre realistas y antirrealistas científicos enfrenta dos posturas antagónicas respecto del estatus epistémico de las teorías científicas. Para los realistas científicos la mejor explicación del éxito predictivo de ciencia es... more
The appeal of both neutral monism and panpsychism is that they appear to have the makings of two theories which are powerful, elegant and parsimonious (as the jargon has it). In other words, they join the philosophical dots. However, it... more
The debate about scientific realism is concerned with the relation between our scientific theories and the world. Scientific realists argue that our best theories or components of those theories correspond to the world. Anti-realists deny... more
Western science and philosophy are from the beginning inextricably linked with each other. As philosophical reflection accompanies the history of science, a good number of questions have accumulated over time: Do the theories or... more
Realism refers to a range of ontological and epistemological positions within which research may be conducted. Realist ontologies (assumptions about the nature of reality) range from the view that the world of objects and social... more
Twenty years ago John Worrall offered an alleged non-standard viable form of scientific realism under the name of structural realism. Structural realism was supposed to be both an alternative to standard scientific realism and a viable... more
Resumen: El realismo estructural epistémico (REE) afirma que el conocimiento que nos brindan las teorías científicas es acerca de la estructura del mundo inobservable, y no sobre su naturaleza. La objeción más importante que esta posición... more
We set out a fundamental ontology of atomism in terms of matter points. While being most parsimonious, this ontology is able to match both classical and quantum mechanics, and it remains a viable option for any future theory of cosmology... more
This paper argues that in some explanations mathematics are playing an explanatory rather than a representational role, and that this feature unifies many types of non-causal or non-mechanistic explanations that some philosophers of... more
En 1975 Hilary Putnam plasmó en unas pocas líneas una intuición de larga data acerca del estatus epistémico de las teorías científicas. Dichas líneas son casi universalmente reconocidas como la primera formulación explícita del Argumento... more
This paper examines whether, and in what contexts, Duhem’s and Poincaré’s views can be regarded as conventionalist or structural realist. After analysing the three different contexts in which conventionalism is attributed to them – in the... more
This essay tries to make a tangential cut between the debate that seeks the most adequate definition of scientific progress (involving authors such as K. Popper, T Kuhn, A Bird or J Saatsi) and the debate on the viability of structural... more
MELOGNO, P.; PELEGRIN, D. (compiladores), Realismo, verdad y significado, Índice Grupo Editorial/ Facultad de Información y Comunicación-Universidad de la República, Montevideo, 2015, 152 pp.
Ontic Structural Realism is a version of realism about science according to which by positing the existence of structures, understood as basic components of reality, one can resolve central difficulties faced by standard versions of... more
According to a certain kind of naïve or folk understanding of physical matter, everyday 'solid' objects are composed of a homogeneous, gap-less substance, with sharply defined boundaries, which wholly fills the space they occupy. A... more
Una seleción de Trabajos presentados en las 'VII Jornadas Rolando Chuaqui Kettlun' que se llevaron a cabo el año 2005. [Editado por Andrés Bobenrieth M.]
El Realismo Estructural Óntico (REO) afirma que una lectura realista de las teorías científicas (especialmente de la física moderna) requiere aceptar que las estructuras son ontológicamente fundamentales. Más allá de cómo se articule ese... more
In this article I discuss a recent argument due to Dan McArthur, who suggests that the charge that Michael Friedman’s relativised a priori leads to irrationality in theory change can be avoided by adopting structural realism. I provide... more
In his 1927 Analysis of Matter and elsewhere, Russell argued that we can successfully infer the structure of the external world from that of our explanatory schemes. While nothing guarantees that the intrinsic qualities of experiences are... more
In this essay I will argue that both ramsified realism, and epistemic structural realism more widely, are untenable positions. As to the former, I will argue that it is untenable for at least two reasons: (i) it is susceptible to the... more
by Marcos Rodrigues da Silva and Debora Minikoski Resumo: o breve artigo é uma réplica à resposta de Alessio Gava ao artigo "Van Fraassen e a inferência da melhor explicação", publicado em Problemata (v. 7. n. 1, 2016), de autoria de... more
The Gadamerian formula "Sein, das verstanden werden kann, ist Sprache" condenses one of the main issues that we inherit from the contemporary hermeneutics. The contribution intends to develop some of its implications, deepening the... more
This paper challenges the scientific realist claim that science aims to provide a truthful account of the world, contending that this is too strong a logical commitment, which condemns science to unnecessary and persistent failure... more
Current debate on Structural Realism (SR) starts when Worrall (1989) suggest this position is capable of accounting for the central intuitions of both Scientific Realism and Antirealism. Since then, it has become a rich field of debate in... more
In this paper, we argue that formal ontological relations avoid Bradley's reductio of relations, including his famous relation regress.
This aim of this paper is to defend Theodore Sider’s project in Writing the Book of the World. I attempt to accomplish this by presenting a novel notion of structurality that avoids the complications that face Sider’s account. The paper... more