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In Spike Jonze’s Her (2013), we watch the film’s protagonist, Theodore, as he struggles with the end of his marriage and a growing attachment to his artificially intelligent operating system, Samantha. While the film remains unique in its... more
2017 marks the centenary of an artwork judged to be the single most influential of the twentieth century: Marcel Duchamp’s famous “readymade” entitled Fountain. The final verdict on Fountain has been widely accepted, despite the fact that... more
Dirt is evoked to signify many important facets of mountain bike culture including its emergence, history and everyday forms of practice and affect. These significations are also drawn upon to frame the sport's (sub)cultural and... more
The thesis of this essay can be stated quite directly: Slavoj Žižek, despite having little to say about mashup and remixing in any direct way, engages this new media phenomena in both theory and practice, providing contemporary culture... more
Introduction to a special issue of the International Journal of Zizek Studies on Zizek and Art. Four different introductions are presented, each revolving around articulating what we refer to as "arts-based philosophy". Each introduction... more
In The Ticklish Subject, Žižek argues that the Hegelian concrete universal is not the organic comprehensive totality that it is often assumed to be. Rather, he argues that Hegel's concrete universality is defined in its very concretion by... more
This thesis examines the ways in which political journalists in the USA and UK talk about issues of truth and power as it relates to journalism’s role as the Fourth Estate. The theoretical basis comes from a critique of the two major... more
In what ways is comedy subversive? This vital new book critically considers the importance of comedy in challenging and redefining our relations to race and racism through the lens of political correctness. By viewing comedy as both a... more
In Marvel Studios’, WandaVision, we are transported to a familiar television location: suburbia – in fact, we’re almost given a history of suburbia on-screen. In episode one, we watch Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) live... more
A Short Informal Talk Tenet is a film by Christopher Nolan. We relate it to the Syntheses of the Unconsicous of Deleuze and Guattari, Zizek's non-orientable surfaces, and the kinds of Being as well as the Aspectual Field. Draft... more
The rising number of non-status migrants is one of the central political issues of our time. This essay argues that if we want to understand the political and philosophical importance of this phenomenon, the contributions of Alain Badiou,... more
FROM THE BACK COVER: What is the essential nature of meaning? . . . . . This book answers by examining interpretive theories from the past and present. It finds that an historical struggle with meaning has been underway since the... more
"ABSTRACT: This study assumes the subject's pursuit of meaning is generally incapacitating and should be suspended. It aims to demonstrate how such a suspension is theoretically accomplished by utilizing Lacan's formulae of... more
The philosophical positions of Alain Badiou and Slavoj Zizek emerge in opposition to the deconstruction of the history of philosophy and to the corresponding rejection of the category of the subject. The subject becomes in their thought... more
Abstract -- Filipino migration is characterized by taking up positions abroad that conform to gender roles, while nonmigrating household members take over the duties of the absent migrant. When those duties do not conform to one’s gender... more
This paper aims to elaborate on some of the possible connections between Hegel and Lacan. Subjectivity, negativity and desire will be the guiding notions of this endeavor, as they are fundamentally intertwined in both thinkers. A... more
Thought does not only make use of images to give it concrete illustrations or applications, but is also organised in terms of certain overarching images that give form and plausibility to its exercise in a particular epoch. There are two... more
This essay 'Instead, They Danced With Joy' deals with concepts from productive misreading to writing as a mode of becoming-spider, through what dance means and where lies joy in dance. It is an attempt to trace the contours of an... more
This is a longer version of what will appear as a chapter in a forthcoming volume on Žižek and his critics. In it, I raise some problems for Žižek's dialectical materialist rendition of quantum mechanics by elaborating a series of... more
The international discussion of the communist hypothesis has quickly developed into a debate regarding the adequate party-form for radical politics today. This article argues that the stakes of this development become clearer when it is... more
The present text constitutes a preliminary exercise in investigating the productive consequences for psychoanalysis of a Zizekian reading of Lacan. By providing a new periodization of Lacan’s teaching - one which renders legible an... more
In this review essay I am reading Zizek’s DISPARITIES as he asks it to be read, against the grain, following the guiding thread of the disparate in his text and drawing a simple line of demarcation between the disparate and the monist... more
On where the Cutting Edge of the Western Tradition might be found with respect to the development of Fundamental Ontology within Continental Philosophy -- Key Words: Continental Philosophy, Ways of Being, Fragmentation of Being, Time,... more
-- Abstract: Did Schelling Discover the Higher Logical Types of Being? Also Syntheses of the Unconscious as Anti-Aufhebung and as the Renaissance Episteme. -- Key Words: Potencies, Meta-levels of Being, Fundamental Ontology,... more
In a recent article, Martin McQuillan has inaugurated a vigorous Derridean critique of a “violent tone” that has recently arisen in continental philosophy, exemplified by Slavoj Žižek’s attempt to retrieve Robespierre’s notion of... more
Many idealists treated Kant’s system as a wound that needed to be healed: the rigorous dichotomy Kant presented between the phenomenal world and its noumenal counterpart. By the time Schelling came to see a special problem with evil, in... more
I was disappointed with Zizek's review, as it was less ontologically oriented and more reductively Oedipal and political than his comments on the original BLADE RUNNER in his THE TICKLISH SUBJECT. K passes the Turing test, the empathy... more
In "Building Envelope as Surface," Sang Lee and Stefanie Holzheu first trace the role that building envelopes play in terms of their functional and presentational qualities, while drawing from a deep historical perspective of what... more