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Have you heard about Mark Ling "Quit 9 to 5 Academy" training course?? If you really want to know more details about this brand NEW "Quit 9 to 5 Academy" Training Hosted by "Mark Ling" Kindly visit the following links >>... more
Acting and affectation. My article deals with a characteristic focus on the importance of human personality in Danish thinking around the middle of the 19th century. A philosopher and poet – Poul Martin Møller (1794-1838) – inspired Søren... more
This essay examines racial discrimination in Shakespeare’s The Tempest in terms of sensory deprivation and sensory punishment through incarceration and neglect, painful abuses and unpleasant contacts. As my reading of The Tempest will... more
This study is devoted to the emotional experience of the famous Renaissance sculptor, goldsmith, and writer, Benvenuto Cellini (1500–1571), as it is portrayed in his life writing, the Vita. Providing the variety of arguments on the... more
This book challenges the widespread view of Kierkegaard's idiosyncratic and predominantly religious position on mimesis. Taking mimesis as a crucial conceptual point of reference in reading Kierkegaard, this book offers a nuanced... more
Courtrooms are dynamic and emotionally imbued spaces. In these environments, case processing challenges, shortcomings, successes, and power struggles impact court actors, defendants, and victims. We asked: What happens when you immerse a... more
This chapter investigates the somatically empathic limits of corporeal engagement with cinematic mutilation and argues that all senses, and the perception of movement in particular, play an important role in the ways we experience cinema.... more
Este Documento de Trabajo tiene por objetivo intentar efectuar una pequeña aproximación al campo de la sensibilidad, vivencialidad y sociabilidad villera a través de diferentes vías y corpus de análisis, al tratarse éste de un fenómeno... more
In this article, we affirm that the feminist march of March 8, 2019, in Santiago constituted a safe and secure space for the women who participated in it. As a result, it created the conditions for the deployment of individual... more
Im Zentrum dieses Aufsatzes steht das "Lesen" und Interpretieren von Affekten. Dies soll am Beispiel einer diskursiv-dekonstruktiven Analyse von Interviews mit "Care"- bzw. Hausarbeiterinnen sowie deren... more
The present study was done to compare emotional and affective temperament in trauma-exposed women with and without Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) following intimate partner violence. Methods: A total of 195 trauma-exposed women... more
As introduction, I show how passions have been conquering more and more importance in the structure of the modern western societies, and – consequently – that contemporary philosophy has denoted the crisis of the calculative-instrumental... more
The articles in this issue study the uses and importance of orality in a range of contexts: the sung performance of poems in the piazza, language varieties on stage, the presentation of women’s speech in literary works, spoken and sung... more
Hace treinta años, cuando las carreras de comunicación y periodismo comenzaban a instituirse en Latinoamérica, la disputa se entablaba entre el concepto y las prácticas de la comunicación, y el concepto y las prácticas de la información.... more
Grounded in an open systems perspective, we build and test new theory about how the kinds of industries in which an organization participates influence organizational af-fective tone and connect to workforce strain. We propose that the... more
Jean-Luc Marion obliquely suggests that we return to religion when we think through and struggle with those topics that philosophy excludes or subjugates. This paper investigates a selection of such subjugated motifs. Marion’s recent... more
This article clarifies the nature of meta-emotions, and surveys the prospects of applying a version of the perceptualist model of emotions to them. It first considers central aspects of their intentionality and phenomenal character. It... more
Vulnerability acts as a kind or moral lodestar in literatures on resilience, whether ecological or social, and I think that misunderstands the condition of being open. I’ll touch briefly on key facets of a contemporary, moralized... more
The contributors to Affective Trajectories examine the mutual and highly complex entwinements between religion and affect in urban Africa in the early twenty-first century. Drawing on ethnographic research throughout the continent and in... more
Resumen: a través de una recuperación de las reflexiones metodológicas de Favret-Saada sobre la afectación, en este artículo realizaré una descripción analítica de las prácticas de colectivización en la comunidad aborigen de San Miguel de... more
O artigo discute os elementos composicionais do zumbi sentimentalizado na ficção seriada. Tais representações são debatidas em um panorama de séries e minisséries do Brasil, Estados Unidos, França, Reino Unido e Austrália. O objetivo é... more
Abstract Courtrooms are dynamic and emotionally imbued spaces. In these environments, case processing challenges, shortcomings, successes, and power struggles impact court actors, defendants, and victims. We asked: What happens when you... more
This article considers four responses to the 2015 volume _Religious Affects_ and draws out their implications for thinking religion, affect, science, and contemporary politics. In response to Courtney O'Dell-Chaib's "Biophilia's Queer... more
There is an emergent disconnection between the focuses of activism and the current structure of oppression in everyday life. What revolutionary politics lacks is a new psychology, an anti-psychiatry that will help us to undertake the... more
Предмет данного исследования – феноменологический метод Жан-Поля Сартра, представленный в его ранних философских эссе. Исследование ведётся на материале работ «Трансценденция эго», «Набросок теории эмоций», «Воображаемое.... more
I’ll hedge a bet: anyone who picks up Brian Massumi’s Power at the End of the Economy is already open to the idea that rational choice is neither the subsequent nor the actant of neoliberal capitalism. Surely there are various exemplars... more
In a studio apartment in New York City’s Chinatown, a naked Asian man swims in a vat of MSG. He then crawls, walks, and runs on the Bonneville Salt Flats in the western Utah desert. Completely covered in salt, the man then quietly sits... more
Cómo entender la posibilidad de una ciencia entre todos y no sólo para todos y qué papel asignarle al trabajo afectivo o a la innovación ciudadana.
Abstract. Credit risk is the most important type of risk in terms of monetary value. Another key risk measure is market risk, which is concerned with stocks and bonds, and related financial derivatives, as well as exchange rates and... more
Architecture exceeds the distinction between the cultural and the natural. It is an artefact that deploys its own force, and thus points us to our relatedness. In the gesture of a thought experiment, the article introduces architecture as... more
The contributors to Affective Trajectories examine the mutual and highly complex entwinements between religion and affect in urban Africa in the early twenty-first century. Drawing on ethnographic research throughout the continent and in... more
In this paper, I explore the multiplicity of the everyday city that unfolds through the coexistence of regulation and its divergences, or an affective co-imbrication in which varying forces of the everyday shape a fragile ground that... more
From the shores of Lesvos, Lampedusa and Nauru islands to the Indo-Pakistani fence; along the Israel-Palestine wall and across the Rio Grande; into the besieged Southern Damascus where hundreds perish of starvation trapped behind man-made... more
ABSTRACT Rhetorical scholarship has recently made significant contributions to an emerging “meta-field” that we might loosely call “shit studies.” In this essay, we review scholarship pertaining to the study of “shit” in communication.... more