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[PL] Zdecydowana większość systemów politycznych na Bliskim Wschodzie jest sklasyfikowana jako autorytaryzmy lub reżimy hybrydowe, tj. łączące elementy demokratyczne i autorytarne. Jak dotychczas klasyczne teorie demokratyzacji nie były w... more
Most ―mainstream accounts of the West-East divergence gain theoretical inspiration from Max Weber and/or Karl Marx, and have therefore traced the ―rise of the West to the unique social processes that apparently fostered capitalism in... more
This dissertation examines the development and implementation of revolutionary ideas and philosophy in Detroit's black power movement from 1954-1972. Utilizing a
Not-guilty verdicts, mistrials, and impunity for the Bundy family and many of their supporters in the armed confrontations over public land use in Nevada and Oregon. Expanded access for private oil, gas, mining, and logging industries and... more
There are many histories of the police as a law-enforcement institution, but no genealogy of the police as a form of power. This book provides a genealogy of the modern police by tracing the evolution of ‘police science’ and of police... more
International relations as we know them emerged through the peace of Westphalia, and the discipline of International Relations emerged in 1919 and developed through a First Great Debate between idealists and realists. These are the... more
This paper explores changing representations of the nation in 19th and 21st century Serbia and Croatia. I analyse how the changed structural conditions influence different visualisation strategies of a nation over long periods of time.... more
Méprises et tentatives d’annexion n’ont cessé de marquer la réception de l’œuvre du sociologue. Avec leur lot de contresens et de parti-pris. N’est-ce pas ce qui attend tout penseur qui se veut à contretemps, mieux qui se considère... more
Resumen Este artículo presenta un mapa del giro a la derecha en América Latina en el siglo XXI para luego repensar el con-cepto "derecha" y sus referencias histórico-empíricas más recientes. El concepto ha sido muy utilizado en las... more
Türkiye, her iki dünya savaşı ertesi köklü dönüşümler geçirdi. İlki 600 yıllık Osmanlı hanedanına son verdi. İkincisi ise Tek Parti döneminin sonu oldu; Türkiye’de siyasi demokrasinin yolunu açtı. İkinci Dünya Savaşı’nda Türkiye tarafsız... more
Selefilik beşe ayrılır. Sahabiler, Tabin, tebeyi tabinle, Selefi Salihin ilk saf çeşidi idi. Hakiki Müslümanlardı. Bu dönemin Abdülkadir Geylani’nin tarikatları kurumsallaştırmasına kadar sürdüğü varsayılabilir. İslam’ın altın çağındaki... more
This is the first in a series of blog posts on realism and social movements. The purpose of it is to refine the explanatory purchase of realist thought within social movement studies and consider what it means ‘to be realist’ about social... more
The central contention of this article is that early nineteenth-century Irish landlords were constrained in their ability to control their estates by the prospect of peasant resistance. The apex of that resistance took the form of what... more
Le citoyen britannique tel qu’il apparaît au seuil de la modernité, dans l’Angleterre du 17ème siècle est un individu naturellement propriétaire. Il est avant tout propriétaire de sa propre personne. C’est ce que Macpherson a appelé «... more
Die Etablierung des Außenseiters Norbert Elias als eines Klassikers der Soziologie verlief bekanntlich keineswegs reibungslos, über Umwege und im internationalen Vergleich höchst heterogen. Auch dort, wo eine Kanonisierung des Elias’schen... more
The reverence for Stalinism by the main kibbutz movements, which through revolutionary rhetoric helped perpetuate leaders who had reached the dysfunctional phase, was wrongly interpreted. Historians missed leaders’ efforts to induce... more
Once within borders: territories of power, wealth, and belonging since 1500. By Charles S. Maier. Cambridge, MA, and London: Harvard University Press. 2016. 387pp. £23.95. ISBN 978 0 674 05978 8. Available as e-book.
Since the end of the Cold War, religion has become an ever more explicit and systematic focus of US foreign policy across multiple domains. US foreign policymakers, for instance, have been increasingly tasked with monitoring religious... more Episode 4 of CHILDHOOD: History & Critique offers a brief review essay of the 2008 book _A Historical Sociology of Childhood_ and an extended conversation with its author... more
(2016). In: Ensaios em Ciências Ambientais: Crises, Riscos e Racionalidades, Sandro Dutra e Silva, Doris Sayago, Fabiano Toni, Francisco Itami Campos (eds.). Rio de Janeiro: Garamond, 167-184.
Concern about high rates of mental health disorders amongst young people has underwritten a proliferation of social and educational policy aimed at improving youth wellbeing. This chapter examines educational concerns with mental health... more
Beyond the “Sick Man” Metaphor: Ottoman Modernisation and State Capacity Abstract This article focuses on the question of how to balance the internal and external factors in understanding the Ottoman modernisation. While the emphasis... more
In diesem Aufsatz wird untersucht, wie Tiernutzung und Fleischkonsum zu einer umstrittenen Praxis werden konnten. Erst eine Analyse der Genese dieser moralischen Problematisierung ermöglicht ein Verständnis der komplexen soziokulturellen... more
This article explores the historiographical, empirical, and theoretical challenges of combining ethnographic methods with sociohistory. It shows why and how the unity of the social sciences displays itself in the active complementarity of... more
In this essay I examine the racial achievement gap in American education in terms of an impaired psychosocial developmental process. I argue that the well-documented academic underperformance of certain minority groups may stem from the... more
In order to map out the extent to which the interplay between professional creationist and anti-creationist organizations in the United States determines the state of the creation/evolution debates, I shall proceed in three steps. First,... more
Avec la mise en place progressive d’un véritable marché électoral et d’une professionnalisation de l’activité politique, la Troisième République consacre le succès ou l’échec à l’élection comme le moment déterminant du cursus politique.... more
The paper focuses on the (re)emergence in the late twentieth century of a specific form of cross-border labour migration--viz. guest-work or circular/managed migration--that is designed to keep migrants from settling in receiving... more