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An essay that digests some of the themes in my new book entitled Metanoia: Rhetoric, Authenticity, and the Transformation of the Self. A version of this essay was delivered at the September Symposium of the English department at the... more
Kenneth Burke confessed that Permanence and Change was a secularization of the writing of Mary Baker Eddy that he learned in his Christian Science childhood. Eddy’s Platonic treatment of substance as “truth” engages with the tension... more
Article Marking and responding to the " participatory turn " in rhetorical criticism, the essays in this issue engage the synergies, tensions , and consequences that arise from intertwining rhetorical and qualitative approaches to... more
В статье рассматривается сходство между теорией построения метафор, описанной в трактате Э. Тезауро «Подзорная труба Аристотеля» и визуально реализованной в сюите офортов Дж. Б. Брачелли “Bizzarie di varie figure”. Согласно рассуждениям... more
This critical essay describes and demonstrates the uses and unique contributions of performative writing as a form of inquiry into the materialities and mobilities of sociocultural communicative phenom- ena. Embracing an Anzaldu an... more
"This publication presents the first study of the defining features of Psellos' Chronographia, written in the 11th century. Character is the single most important feature of the Chronographia written by Michael Psellos (1018-1081?). It... more
This volume is a collection of ten essays on the Bible. It reflects the range of biblical reading I have enjoyed doing over the first third of my thirty-year career as student and teacher of the Bible. Having lived in a multifaith,... more
This book illuminates the rhetorical work performed by contemporary representations of a specific type of postfeminist hero who has garnered a lot of cultural capital: women who are smart, capable, physically agile and fit, and proficient... more
In the book we argue that 2 Cor 10, although presenting strong characteristics of polemical discourse, actually sets in motion a self-praise speech with a pedagogical, not defensive purpose. The chapter in question serves as a... more
Since the mid-1970s in American academia, a series of articles and books in Sinology (comparative literature) appeared with the attention to rhetoric, contending that the Western sense of allegory/metaphor is absent in Chinese poetics and... more
The cohesion of James 1:19-26 is explored, with the specific aim of reconstructing and evaluating its motivational framework. The topic of James 1:19-27 is found to be an injunction to care for widows and orphans. The passage supplies a... more
Perché il teatro occupa una posizione centrale nella civiltà letteraria inglese? Come nasce il romanzo e quali forme specifiche assume nell’isola? Come evolve la poesia inglese da quando gli elisabettiani importano il sonetto dall’Italia?... more
This textbook is chiefly dedicated to interpretation students and possibly to other peaple interested in interpreting studies. In eight chapters, it deals with various theoretical and practical problems concerning the profession of... more
On June 17, 2015, white supremacist Dylann Roof walked into Mother Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) in Charleston, South Carolina with a .45 caliber Glock handgun while members conducted their Wednesday night bible study.... more
Although some scholarship has discussed the argumentative tactics of Holocaust deniers and how they persuade some audiences to reject seemingly obvious factual events, no research has addressed how Holocaust survivors themselves confront... more
This course provides an overview of social justice theories in communication studies. As a discipline, communication draws from theories across the social sciences, humanities, and philosophy, leading to an eclectic mix of theory that is... more
A discussion of why states can't effectively apologize for historical injustices, through a consideration of how metanoia operates within the modern apoology and whether that dynamic is adaptable to statements made by a collective or... more
In Rhetoric and Power, Nathan Crick dramatizes the history of rhetoric by explaining its origin and development in classical Greece beginning the oral displays of Homeric eloquence in a time of kings, following its ascent to power during... more
Most analyses of public opinion polling focus on questions of bias or accuracy. In contrast, this study assumes the validity of polling and instead investigates polling data as a form of rhetorical argument. While ancient and modern... more
Suspendus aux lèvres d’un conteur, incapables d’interrompre la lecture d’un roman, captivés par un film haletant, nous faisons tous l’expérience quotidienne de ce plaisir apparemment paradoxal que nous tirons de notre insatisfaction... more
A cognitive bias is a mistake in reasoning, evaluating, remembering, or other cognitive process, often occurring as a result of holding onto one's preferences and beliefs regardless of contrary information. There are as many as 180 known... more
This paper argues that there is currently no single definition of new materialism but at least three distinct and partly incompatible trajectories. All three of these trajectories share at least one common theoretical commitment: to... more
For no apparent reason, research philosophy tends to send dissertation students into a mild panic. The befuddlement caused by a range of new terminology relating to the philosophy of knowledge is unnecessary when all that you are trying... more
Given the legitimacy deficit of institutions, in particular, Legislative Branch and Executive Branch, the Judicial Branch has become the leading instrument in order to correct the deficit of legitimacy of the other branches. The focus on... more
The entries in this volume introduce technical communicators to foundational practices, current approaches, and emerging trends in translation and localization. To do so, the editors of this collection purposefully recruited authors from... more
Augustine’s Sermon 4 on Esau and Jacob is long (860 lines) and consists of a complex division in 37 chapters. This division makes it difficult to identify quickly and easily the rhetorical arrangement which must have been an important... more
شیعر و پەخشان وەک هەموو هونەرەکانی دیکە بۆ پەیوەندی لەگەڵ بەردەنگی خۆیان پێویستیان بە چەند کەرەستەیەک هەیە؛ یەکێک لەم کەرەستانە، درکەیە. هەر لە کۆنەوە پسپۆڕانی ئەدەبی ئاماژەیان بە کارتێکەریی درکە لەسەر شێوازی ئاخافتنی ئاسایی و شیعر کردووە... more
People abused by angry discipline as children, may tend to abuse or overly punish other people or themselves for perceived wrongs in their adult life. In some individuals, aggressive personality traits may be genetically inherited. The... more
This essay focuses on the pedagogical implications of teaching Atatürk's " Address to the Youth " for a more inclusive and diverse understanding of global rhetorics in the U.S. writing classroom. We propose that the public work of... more
Critical Discourse Studies (CDS) is a transdisciplinary family of theoretical and methodological approaches, focusing on the analysis and critique of discursive practices in relation to broader ideological processes, as well as the... more
Critical Race Theory (CRT) originated in US law schools, bringing together issues of power, race and racism to address the liberal notion of color-blindness and argues that ignoring racial difference maintains and perpetuates the status... more
SESSION I: INTERTEXT AND GENERIC FORM (sponsored by RSA's Humanism discipline) "Parody and the Abstraction of Character" Samuel Fallon, SUNY Geneseo, USA "Characters in Search of a Plot: Intertextual Dynamics in Gascoigne’s... more
This study will highlight how rhetorical devices and stylistic techniques are employed both in the novel Pride and Prejudice and in its 2005 film adaptation to transform and mitigate the destabilizing power of passion. The use of tropes,... more
The pending narrative is an important macrostructure of persuasive speech. With it, the speaker not only describes the world and its social phenomena, but also lays a foundation for transforming the world to conform with the objective... more
شهر آکنده از دلالت‌های معنایی است که هم به‌واسطه‌ طراحان آن و هم شهروندان رمزگذاری و توسط شهروندان، رمزگشایی می‌شود. بنابراین شهر را می‌توان به‌عنوان یک «متن» خواند. ازاین‌رو نشانه‌شناسی شهری روشی است برای بررسی زبان‌شناسانه‌ فضای شهری که... more
Autor artykułu podejmuje się wieloaspektowej interpretacji kontrowersyjnego neologizmu „miękiszon”, którego minister sprawiedliwości Zbigniew Ziobro użył, jak podejrzewali dziennikarze i medioznawcy, do sprowokowania premiera Mateusza... more
There is a particular urgency in this political moment to understand children's experiences with current events. Drawing from data generated following the 2016 presidential election, this paper focuses on three racially and linguistically... more