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In this chapter we explore the ethical and epistemological implications of affective dynamics within collaborative a qualitative research project with a transformative social justice agenda in a community college in New York City carried... more
This article explores the polyvocal and inherently contested arena of Palestinianness as a moral place of belonging, for which I suggest the term "home" as an anthropological category denoting affective places of belonging for a given... more
The ability to focus on relevant information is central to human cognition. It is therefore hardly unsurprising that the notion of relevance appears across a range of different disciplines. As well as its central role in... more
The article re-examines the relationship of power and subordination that Hegel brought to the fore in the figures of master and slave. Rather than following the standard practice of analyzing their struggle for recognition of... more
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) (2013) recently proposed shifting the quantitative risk metrics system from Value-at-Risk (VaR) to Expected Shortfall (ES). The BCBS (2013) noted that “a number of weaknesses have been... more
Education in Mexico has been the subject of numerous studies, analyzes and reflections. Implementing a constant teacher training program in the Academic Unit of Accounting and Administration will significantly resolve the... more
En México el Examen General de Egreso (EGEL) es un examen de escala nacional que evalúa el nivel de conocimientos y habilidades académicas de una serie de recién egresados ​​de licenciatura. De esta manera, se puede determinar si los... more
A key claim of Classical Phenomenology is that intentional experiences involve a distinctive kind of implicit intentionality, which accompanies the relevant explicit intentionality. This implicit intentionality is purportedly... more
This work seeks to examine the God-given purpose of emotions, and the way that faith in Jesus Christ impacts the affectivity of our souls. First, I will define the various types of emotional elicitation and expression, arguing against the... more
L’article 1030 du Code civil du Québec est mieux connu pour son principe du droit au partage que pour la possibilité qu’il offre de le tenir en échec lorsque le bien commun se trouve affecté à un but durable. Bien que l’affectation à but... more
Based on empirical research with working-class students studying in Australian universities, this article frames class as a structuring relation, but also as a series of affective events, through which we emphasise capacities. Putting the... more
The concept of "ressentiment" has seen a recent revival in journalistic and academic circles. Especially events such as Brexit, the Trump election, or neo-populist movements in continental Europe have stirred up discussions about... more
Based on the premise that Korsakow configurations are not merely another form of interactive film, we will explore the entanglement of the epistemological and ontological dimension of this unorthodox manifestation of digital media... more
Entre os anos de 2005 e 2012, a artista brasileira Ana Teixeira sentou-seem uma cadeira em vias públicas de diferentes cidades com uma cadeira vazia ao seu lado. Uma placa que dizia Escuto histórias de amor convidava os passantes... more
Resumen: a través de una recuperación de las reflexiones metodológicas de Favret-Saada sobre la afectación, en este artículo realizaré una descripción analítica de las prácticas de colectivización en la comunidad aborigen de San Miguel de... more
Architecture exceeds the distinction between the cultural and the natural. It is an artifact that deploys its own force, and thus points us to our relatedness.By way of a thought experiment, the article introduces architecture as a fellow... more
Im Zentrum dieses Aufsatzes steht das "Lesen" und Interpretieren von Affekten. Dies soll am Beispiel einer diskursiv-dekonstruktiven Analyse von Interviews mit "Care"- bzw. Hausarbeiterinnen sowie deren... more
This chapter critically addresses the historicity of the refiguration of spaces by confronting the “increasing mobility” hypothesis of the “refiguration of spaces” approach with the increase of homelessness in São Paulo from the 1980s. I... more
The present study was done to compare emotional and affective temperament in trauma-exposed women with and without Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) following intimate partner violence. Methods: A total of 195 trauma-exposed women... more
The aim of this paper was to accurately and efficiently forecast from multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic models. The Rotated Dynamic Conditional Correlation (RDCC) model with the Normal, Student’s-t and... more
This book challenges the widespread view of Kierkegaard's idiosyncratic and predominantly religious position on mimesis. Taking mimesis as a crucial conceptual point of reference in reading Kierkegaard, this book offers a nuanced... more
Abstract. Credit risk is the most important type of risk in terms of monetary value. Another key risk measure is market risk, which is concerned with stocks and bonds, and related financial derivatives, as well as exchange rates and... more
O artigo discute os elementos composicionais do zumbi sentimentalizado na ficção seriada. Tais representações são debatidas em um panorama de séries e minisséries do Brasil, Estados Unidos, França, Reino Unido e Austrália. O objetivo é... more
Architecture exceeds the distinction between the cultural and the natural. It is an artefact that deploys its own force, and thus points us to our relatedness. In the gesture of a thought experiment, the article introduces architecture as... more
Acting and affectation. My article deals with a characteristic focus on the importance of human personality in Danish thinking around the middle of the 19th century. A philosopher and poet – Poul Martin Møller (1794-1838) – inspired Søren... more