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  • I am full professor of continental philosophy at Leiden University. At Leiden, I also coordinate the Leiden Centre fo... more
    (I am full professor of continental philosophy at Leiden University. At Leiden, I also coordinate the Leiden Centre for Continental Philosophy LCCP, which organizes seminars, workshops and conferences in the field of continental philosophy. <br /><br />I am qualified in contemporary continental philosophy, especially post-war French philosophy that is the main thematic and methodological framework of my work, with a special focus on the historical background of contemporary French philosophy in German idealism and phenomenology.<br /><br />Short academic biography:<br /><br />I took my master&#39;s degree in theoretical philosophy at the University of Helsinki; my minor was musicology. I got my doctorate of philosophy in 2000 at the Université Marc Bloch de Strasbourg, where I worked under the supervision of prof. Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe and I also enjoyed the teaching of prof. Jean-Luc Nancy. Continuing and developing their line of work, my doctoral dissertation has a historical subject but a contemporary method: it is a comprehensive study on the relation between G.W.F. Hegel and Martin Heidegger that could be presented as a &quot;double deconstruction&quot; of each one by the other, but that really functions as a comparison between dialectics and phenomenology. The main results of this work have been published as two books in&nbsp; 2010: &quot;Heidegger contre Hegel: Les irréconciliables&quot; and &quot;Entre Heidegger et Hegel : L&#39;éclosion et vie de l&#39;être.&quot; I prefer the original manuscript which is available on this academia website: &quot;Les irréconciliables: Heidegger avec Hegel&quot;. In 2014, I published a complementary commentary of GA 83.<br /><br />Apart from the PhD (2000), later I have obtained my French &quot;qualitication pour les fonctions de maître de conférences&quot; et &quot;qualification pour les fonctions de professeur de l&#39;université&quot;, as well as my &quot;Habilitation à diriger les recherches&quot;. In Finland, I have the title of &quot;dosentti&quot; from the University of Helsinki and from the university of Tampere.<br /><br />After my dissertation I worked as postdoctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki financed by the Academy of Finland and by the University of Helsinki. My research subject was the concept of life in the Naturphilosophie of German Idealism and Romanticism, and its inheritance in 20th century phenomenology and poststructuralism.<br />The second theme of my postdoctoral period was the concept of the elemental. This work was preceded by studies of Schelling&#39;s early philosophy of nature and his mature ontology of nature, that develop in the shadow of his ontology of reason and partially in contradiction with it. From there on I continued my inquiry into the theme of the elemental in 20th century phenomenology. The elemental was also the theme of my research visit in Bergische Universität Wuppertal. <br /><br />I have worked as lecturer and professor of philosophy at the university of Tampere (1.10.2010 - 31.7.2014). In Tampere I was responsible of social and political philosophy. The starting point of my research was the notion of the living being which had been the focus of my previous research. While traditional social and political philosophy examines the human being as a citizen and political community as an institution, I tried to show what is the life that is also at the basis of citizenship, and what is the common life at the basis of institutions. The results of this research period are crystallised in my book &quot;Le monde défait. L&#39;être au monde aujourd&#39;hui &quot;(Hermann, 2016) and in the collection &quot;Europe Beyond Universalism and Particularism&quot; (with Mika Ojakangas and Sergei Prozorov, Palgrave, 2014).<br /><br />I spent the academic years 2014-2017 doing research in Paris: financed by the Kone foundation I was an associate researcher at the Université Paris Nanterre. This project started from the desire to better understand globalization by examining technics as the ground of contemporary lifeworld. My research culminates in a book &quot;Techniques en philosophie&quot; (Hermann, 2020). I also edited with Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback the volume &quot;The end of the World,&quot; (Rowman and Littlefield, 2017).<br /><br />From 2017 to 2020 I worked as core fellow at the Collegium for Advanced Studies of the University of Helsinki. My research subject was the notion of technological humanity. The main results of this work is my book &quot;From Technological Humanity to Bio-Technical Existence&quot; (Albany, State University of New York Press, 2023). Together with Hanna-Riikka Roine, I also co-edited a volume including a selection of papers presented at the conference Moral Machines: &quot;The Ethos of Digital Environments: Technology, Literary Theory, and Philosophy&quot; (New York: Routledge: 2021).<br /><br />In 2020 I started my present work as full professor of Continental Philosophy at Leiden university. In Leiden I have continued my work on technology, that I am orienting more and more towards questions concerning ecology. I have also published a series of articles on deconstruction (Derrida, Nancy, Lacoue-Labarthe, Stiegler...) and art.)
  • Philippe Lacoue-Labartheedit
With this edited volume, the authors would like to resume the passionate conversation that Jean-Luc Nancy was engaged in throughout his life, with philosophers and artists from all over the world. Now that he has passed away, it is not... more
With this edited volume, the authors would like to resume the passionate conversation that Jean-Luc Nancy was engaged in throughout his life, with philosophers and artists from all over the world. Now that he has passed away, it is not enough for us to simply reflect on his work: we would like to stay true to the stance to which his thought invites us, in a pluralistic and communal way. Jean-Luc Nancy takes up the old philosophical question of truth as a praxis of a 'with' - understanding truth without any given measure or comparison as an articulation of a 'with'. It is a thinking responsible for the world from within the world, a language that seeks to respond to the ongoing mutation of our civilization.
From Technological Humanity to Bio-Technical Existence can be framed as a metaphysics of the present. It starts from the current epoch, an era increasingly marked not only by technology but also by technics in the most general sense, and... more
From Technological Humanity to Bio-Technical Existence can be framed as a metaphysics of the present. It starts from the current epoch, an era increasingly marked not only by technology but also by technics in the most general sense, and asks how this affects human existence. The book asks what is called technics, and what is called humanity; how to relate these to one another, and how changes in these notions oblige us to revise the philosophical notion of existence. It investigates how the idea of technological humanity – of technology as an extension of the human – is discovered and deconstructed by Martin Heidegger, Helmuth Plessner, Michael Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Bernard Stiegler, and Giorgio Agamben. Finally, the book presents a new idea of bio-technical existence, one that underlies these philosophers' works without being fully elaborated. This idea – of techics as a condition of humanity and humans share with other living and technical beings  is the author's own philosophical proposition and the final result of the book.
Les changements dans l'environnement technologique contemporain ont suscité bien des analyses philosophiques passionnantes, mais peu ont prêté attention aux transformations qu’ils imposent en retour à la philosophie elle-même. Ce livre... more
Les changements dans l'environnement technologique contemporain ont suscité bien des analyses philosophiques passionnantes, mais peu ont prêté attention aux transformations qu’ils imposent en retour à la philosophie elle-même. Ce livre montrera comment les changements technologiques ont laissé leur marque sur de nombreux concepts fondamentaux de la philosophie en sorte que, par exemple, l'objet se pense désormais en termes de contact et de connexion, le sujet en tant qu'existence pro-thétique, l'espace en tant que dé-place, et la nature en tant que techno-nature ou techno-écologie. La recherche porte également sur la façon dont la philosophie avance en s’interrogeant sur ses propres techniques et sur ce qui refuse de s’y réduire.
The 'end of the world' opens up philosophical questions concerning the very notion of the world, which is a fundamental element of all existential, phenomenological and hermeneutical philosophy. Is the 'end of the world' for us... more
The 'end of the world' opens up philosophical questions concerning the very notion of the world, which is a fundamental element of all existential, phenomenological and hermeneutical philosophy. Is the 'end of the world' for us 'somebody's' death (the end of 'being-in-the-world') or the extinction of many or of all (the end of the world itself)? Is the erosion of the 'world' a phenomenon that does not in fact affect the notion of the world as a fundamental feature of all existential-ontological inquiry?

This volume examines the present state of these concerns in philosophy, film and literature. It presents a philosophical hermeneutics of the present state of the world and explores the principal questions of the philosophical accounts of the end of the world, such as finality and finitude. It also shows how literature and cinema have ventured to express the end of the world while asking if a consequent expression of the end of the world is also an end of its expression.
Research Interests:
Le monde contemporain se présente à bien des égards comme un monde défait. Grand analyste de la perte du monde, Heidegger pensait la "dé-mondanisation" moderne en termes du nihilisme contemporain. On examinera ici deux perspectives qu'il... more
Le monde contemporain se présente à bien des égards comme un monde défait. Grand analyste de la perte du monde, Heidegger pensait la "dé-mondanisation" moderne en termes du nihilisme contemporain. On examinera ici deux perspectives qu'il laisse de côté mais qui ont été reprises après lui - la communauté mondiale et la nature. On montrera d'abord l'incompatibilité et l'insuffisance des théories du cosmopolitisme et de la mondialisation. On cherchera ensuite à résoudre leur conflit par une analytique du fondement techno-naturel de l'être-au-monde,
dont on examinera les conditions en termes d'une ontologie de l'élémentaire. Ainsi on cherche à voir en quoi ce monde, à certains égards défait, doit surtout être refait autrement. On esquissera quelques nouvelles conditions, non pas pour habiter au monde, comme le disait Heidegger, mais pour résider dans la techno-nature qui s'offre comme la dimension propre de la démondanéisation. On verra que ceci requiert une pensée politique qui prenne au sérieux un certain détachement du sol, la multiplicité des langues et la condition technologique de la communauté politique.
Research Interests:
Présentation de Limite – illimité, questions au présent, Textes réunis et présentés par Susanna Lindberg et Gisèle Berkman L'enjeu de ce recueil est de contribuer à repenser la notion de limite, en l’envisageant sous les différentes... more
Présentation de
Limite – illimité, questions au présent,
Textes réunis et présentés par Susanna Lindberg et Gisèle Berkman

L'enjeu de ce recueil est de contribuer à repenser la notion de limite, en l’envisageant sous les différentes figures, philosophiques, écologiques, politiques, que lui confère notre présent. Comme le montrent, sous des modalités diverses, les contributions de ce collectif, la limite peut et doit être conçue en dehors des valeurs négatives - borne, restriction ou frontière-, qui en affaiblissent la portée. Elle peut alors être pensée sur le fond de cet illimité où s’ouvre la question même du dehors. Si la finitude demeure la condition de l'existence, de l'art et de la pensée, assumer notre condition finie ne consiste donc pas à se murer dans le connu, mais bien à en transgresser les bornes, et ce faisant, à s’illimiter. Au plus loin de la fermeture des frontières que prônent certaines politiques, ou de la certitude dogmatique dans laquelle certains cherchent à réassurer leur pensée, la limite ne vit que de son rapport fécond à l’llimité. Interrogeant l’existence, la politique, l’art – autant dire, la pensée même -, les textes de ce recueil mettent au jour un certain don de l’illimité.
This article discusses Jean-Luc Nancy's thinking of being in terms of the theme of "éclat" (splinter, shard, brilliance, shining, outburst).
This article discusses the relation of Jean-Luc Nancy with phenomenology.
The starting point of this chapter is Derrida&#39;s reading of Aristotle&#39;s idea of friendship that is at the same time a necessary and impossible condition of philosophy. I will test Derrida&#39;s idea in a specific case, that of the... more
The starting point of this chapter is Derrida&#39;s reading of Aristotle&#39;s idea of friendship that is at the same time a necessary and impossible condition of philosophy. I will test Derrida&#39;s idea in a specific case, that of the &quot;friendship&quot; between Hegel and Heidegger, between whom, as I will show, &quot;there is not friendship&quot; at all, but an active hostility (that I will also refer to Derrida&#39;s discussion of Schmitt).  However, instead of regarding hostility as an obstacle to dialogical philosophy, I will show how it grows into a condition of radically open philosophizing. Finally, this reading also functions as a deconstruction of Heidegger&#39;s conception of love of truth that Derrida presents in the last part of Politiques de l&#39;amitié, Philopolémologie.
Here is a philosophical study of the concepts of space and place, that results in the creation of the concept of displace. It is, I claim, the kind of space in which contemporary existence takes place.
This is a sketch of existence as pure life abandonned direcly on the elemental ground of nature.
... von Ernst Wolfgang Orth und Karl-Heinz Lembeck c Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg. SusannaLindberg Hans Jonas&#x27;s theory of Life in the face of Responsibility The bold and provocative philosophy of Hans Jonas&#x27;s mature period1 is... more
... von Ernst Wolfgang Orth und Karl-Heinz Lembeck c Felix Meiner Verlag, Hamburg. SusannaLindberg Hans Jonas&#x27;s theory of Life in the face of Responsibility The bold and provocative philosophy of Hans Jonas&#x27;s mature period1 is an attempt ...
This is an article on robots in art, written for Ash Kerr&amp;#39;s new art website about work
This article considers the remote meeting technologies that have become the unavoidable framework of (academic) work during the COVID-19 epidemic. I analyze them with the help of Jacques Derrida’s concepts, thus also illustrating the... more
This article considers the remote meeting technologies that have become the unavoidable framework of (academic) work during the COVID-19 epidemic. I analyze them with the help of Jacques Derrida’s concepts, thus also illustrating the reach of the latter. The article presents four “transcendental illusions” as supporting the digital world and, according to Derrida, experience. The illusion of proximity: digitality relies on a haptocentric illusion but it also reveals the distance at the heart of touching. The illusion of presence: digitality functions under the illusion of presence, but it also reveals the spectrality of digital presence. The illusion of a complete memory: although the Internet appears to be a total memory, it is really an archive, that is, a finite set of traces. The illusion of worldwide community: teletechnologies pretend to constitute a universal place, but they only generate a finite dis-place of common alienation.
My hypothesis in this article is that it is possible to use the philosophical concept of technics to solve a conflict in contemporary continental ontology between speculative materialist and (post)phenomenological approaches. More... more
My hypothesis in this article is that it is possible to use the philosophical concept of technics to solve a conflict in contemporary continental ontology between speculative materialist and (post)phenomenological approaches. More precisely, I will show that technics gives a privileged access to ontology because it leads to a “materialist” ontology, avoiding both theological and nihilistic approaches, and because technics, being by definition a domain of artificiality, precludes any explication of it in terms of naturalist materialism. I start by critically examining two techno-ontologies that come from speculative realism and object-oriented ontology: Levi R. Bryant’s onto-cartography and Graham Harman’s tool-being. I then present, as a counter-position, Jean-Luc Nancy’s idea of “ecotechnology”. In conclusion, I evaluate the usefulness of the concept of technics for ontology and argue that Nancy’s post-phenomenological approach is preferable because it avoids indefensible hypostase...
What is the concept of life that, according to Hans Jonas, can and must constitute an object of political responsibility? It is neither mechanist nor purely phenomenological, but rather has a speculative aspect. It is presented through... more
What is the concept of life that, according to Hans Jonas, can and must constitute an object of political responsibility? It is neither mechanist nor purely phenomenological, but rather has a speculative aspect. It is presented through the questions of being, self and teleology: life is a singular’s act of constant creation of itself as a world-relation. Why does Jonas desire the protection of the „image of man“? This makes sense if „image“ is understood not as a given figure, but rather as man’s capacity of freedom and responsibility. If democracy happens in a world as a dialogue with others, than jonassian politics, which concern the very possibility of world and life that does not speak (as in the case of the unborn), are not democratic: yet their democratic element has to be invented.
The article’s aim is to measure the potential of Derrida’s work for a philosophy of technique. It shows why Derrida does not present a positive philosophy of technology but rather describes technique as a quasi-technique, as if a... more
The article’s aim is to measure the potential of Derrida’s work for a philosophy of technique. It shows why Derrida does not present a positive philosophy of technology but rather describes technique as a quasi-technique, as if a technique. The article inquires into the potential of such a quasi-technique for a contemporary philosophy of technology: it is suggested that it can function as a salutary “deconstruction” of mainstream philosophy of technology (that “knows” the “essence of technology”) because it shows how to think technique in the absence of essence and as the absence of essence. The article begins with a survey of the machines that figure in Derrida’s texts. It then examines three propositions concerning technology in Derrida’s work: Derrida thinks technology as a metaphor of writing and not the other way round. Derrida thinks technique as prosthesis, firstly of memory, then more generally of life. Derrida’s quasi-technique relies on his peculiar conception of the incor...
This essay is a comparison between Schelling’s and Blanchot’s conceptions of the night of the imaginary. Schelling is the most romantic of the German idealist philosophers and Blanchot the most extreme of the French “deconstructionists.”... more
This essay is a comparison between Schelling’s and Blanchot’s conceptions of the night of the imaginary. Schelling is the most romantic of the German idealist philosophers and Blanchot the most extreme of the French “deconstructionists.” Their historical link is actually indirect, but they offer two complementary views on the “same” impersonal nocturnal experience of the imaginary, the approach of which requires a certain self-overcoming of philosophy towards literature.
Recent debates on biopolitics have focused on negative and positive interpretations of “life” that is the object of biopolitical apparatuses. Agamben examines the “bare life” that is produced by the sovereign ban, Negri and Hardt speak on... more
Recent debates on biopolitics have focused on negative and positive interpretations of “life” that is the object of biopolitical apparatuses. Agamben examines the “bare life” that is produced by the sovereign ban, Negri and Hardt speak on the contrary of emancipatory biopolitical production, while Derrida and Esposito study (auto-)immunitary reactions that constitute living beings. The aim of this article is to examine a concrete case that permits to evaluate the explanatory power of these positions. The test case pertains to the recent amendment of the Finnish law on the medical use of human organs, tissues, and cells. It shows very clearly how phenomena that conventionally constitute the basis of proper, personal existence, namely the biological body and death, are not natural phenomena anymore, insofar as they are delimited by biopolitical decisions, that also redefine social relations in a radical manner.
Bringing together an international group of philosophers as well as political and IR international relations theorists, this collection mobilizes the insights of modern philosophy and the lessons of contemporary politics to develop a new... more
Bringing together an international group of philosophers as well as political and IR international relations theorists, this collection mobilizes the insights of modern philosophy and the lessons of contemporary politics to develop a new concept of universalism that would be adequate to European politics in the context of globalization and multiculturalism. Europe is reinterpreted as a &#39;singular universal&#39;,– not a model that could be a source of identification, but rather a hypothetical, regulative, or virtual principle that consists in perpetual self-transgression and openness towards the other. The chapters in this volume elaborate this principle by critically re-engaging with the history of European universalism and addressing its contemporary functioning in the politics of European integration and European foreign policy. As a study in the conceptual foundations of contemporary European politics, this book will be of interest to a wide readership interested in global politics and international relations.
The &#39;end of the world&#39; opens up philosophical questions concerning the very notion of the world, which is a fundamental element of all existential, phenomenological and hermeneutical philosophy. Is ...
This article considers the remote meeting technologies that have become the unavoid- able framework of (academic) work during the COVID-19 epidemic. I analyze them with the help of Jacques Derrida’s concepts, thus also illustrating the... more
This article considers the remote meeting technologies that have become the unavoid- able framework of (academic) work during the COVID-19 epidemic. I analyze them with the help of Jacques Derrida’s concepts, thus also illustrating the reach of the lat- ter. The article presents four “transcendental illusions” as supporting the digital world and, according to Derrida, experience. The illusion of proximity: digitality relies on a haptocentric illusion but it also reveals the distance at the heart of touching. The illu- sion of presence: digitality functions under the illusion of presence, but it also reveals the spectrality of digital presence. The illusion of a complete memory: although the Internet appears to be a total memory, it is really an archive, that is, a finite set of traces. The illusion of worldwide community: teletechnologies pretend to constitute a universal place, but they only generate a finite dis-place of common alienation.

This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license.
... Haun kohde: Musiikin suunta Koko Doria. Musiikin vaarallisuudesta : Hegelin musikaalinen eläin. ... Päiväys: 2005. Kuvaus: Artikkeli julkaistu myös antologiassa Musiikin filosofia ja estetiikka : kirjoituksia taiteen ja populaarin... more
... Haun kohde: Musiikin suunta Koko Doria. Musiikin vaarallisuudesta : Hegelin musikaalinen eläin. ... Päiväys: 2005. Kuvaus: Artikkeli julkaistu myös antologiassa Musiikin filosofia ja estetiikka : kirjoituksia taiteen ja populaarin merkityksistä / Juha Torvinen &amp;amp; Alfonso Padilla (toim.). ...

And 46 more

This is my inaugural address to the chair of continental philosophy at Leiden University
Je compare deux "techniques de la fin du monde: la bombe atomique et le réchauffement climatique. Je montre pourquoi ces deux figures de la fin du monde causée par l'humain montrent différemment les concepts du monde, de sa fin, de la... more
Je compare deux "techniques de la fin du monde: la bombe atomique et le réchauffement climatique. Je montre pourquoi ces deux figures de la fin du monde causée par l'humain montrent différemment les concepts du monde, de sa fin, de la science et de la responsabilité humaine.
Research Interests:
This is a sketch of existence as pure life abandonned direcly on the elemental ground of nature.
This is a presentation of Schelling's philosophy of nature and of its inheritage  in Heidegger's and Merleau-Ponty's phenomenological ontologies.
This is a review of different ways of considering human existence in the political community in terms of "life".
Intersections: where technology encounters space. Where the technological transformation, organization and manipulation of what appeared to be the incontestable, unalterable terrain of physics – a fundamental element of nature –... more
Intersections: where technology encounters space. Where the technological transformation, organization and manipulation of what appeared to be the incontestable, unalterable terrain of physics – a fundamental element of nature – challenges the pace of thought. Can our discourses keep up with the transformation that they, as logoi, at the intersection with techne, have wrought? What compasses and cartographies, what instruments of navigation and observation, do our new
territories, environments, multi-scapes and horizons exact?
Deleuze and Guattari’s territories, Foucault’s heterotopias, Derrida’s spectrality, Baudrillard’s hyperreality, Serres’s networks, Auge’s non-places, Bauman’s liquidity and Latour’s ANT, are some of the diverse loci of reflection, through which contributions might attempt to approach
the transformation of: [SEE FULL PDF]
Research Interests: