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En el cruce entre los estudios animales, los estudios decoloniales, los feminismos y la teoría crip, este artículo argumenta que la "modernidad-colonialidad" ha distribuido a las formas de vida en escalas jerárquicas en base a la... more
La tesi presenta inizialmente il pensiero di Jacques Derrida sull'animalità. Il tema affrontato è la sovranità dell'uomo sul resto dei viventi, in particolare nei riguardi della discriminazione dell'animalità. Nei capitoli a seguire si... more
Le roman intitulé Truismes de Marie Darrieussecq est fondé sur un monde semi-fantastique dans lequel on raconte ce qu’une jeune fille fait pour s’intégrer à la société dans les conditions extrêmes de l’époque. La protagoniste subit deux... more
One of the most distinguishing features of J. M. Coetzee's novels is their pervasive and intensive critique of Cartesian rationalism, specifically, its valorisation of the abstract mind at the expense of the physical ('animal’) body. As... more
In Theory of Religion, translated by Robert Hurley, Bataille’s argument starts creating an ontological distinction between the world of being which belongs to the animal, and world of being of humankind. Using the simile of like water in... more
Resumen En el contexto de los colectivos sociales modernos, colocar a los animales en el ámbito de la naturaleza y a los humanos en el de la cultura parece moneda corriente. Sin embargo, otros colectivos claman por la incorporación de los... more
Charles Darwin won worldwide fame for claiming that people and primates evolved from a shared ancestor. Since his times, humans are perceived as a biological species and natural scientists often compare their behaviours to animal... more
La questione legata all’etica animale è stata, negli ultimi anni, oggetto di discussioni e dibattiti, nonché strettamente correlata alla sostenibilità ambientale e al surriscaldamento globale: da un lato, infatti, risulta evidente la... more
The ontology of animality, starting from Derrida's writings, determines the reconsideration of the human being and his ontological condition within an environment (Umwelt) in which the anthropocentric point of view has hitherto been... more
This article discusses the concept of carnophallogocentrism and its place in Derrida's philosophy of animality. I read Derrida's embryonic account of carnophallogocentrism in light of his treatment of the primal parricide of Freud's Totem... more
A presente tradução da oitava elegia das "Elegias de Duíno" de Rainer Maria Rilke foi composta em julho do ano de 2015. Renunciando ao desafio de reproduzir a extraordinária concisão poética de sua composição, esta tradução busca,... more
The purpose of this study is to foreground one specific aspect of the continuation of the influence of British Romanticism, its aesthetic, and, subsequently, to delineate its modern form in Cody-Rose Clevidence’s Beast Feast. To do so... more
El presente artículo intenta rastrear las consecuencias de la muerte del Hombre para pensar, desde allí, la denominada “cuestión de los animales” a partir de las perspectivas posnietzscheanas abiertas por Rosi Braidotti, Judith Butler y... more
The present Master’s dissertation offers a bibliographic review of two of the most relevant contemporary theoretical positions on anthropocentrism and animal studies. It lays out an analysis of the criticism of anthropocentrism by two... more
In her chapter entiteled "Kafka as Animal, Animal as Kafka. Deleuze and Derrida on Literary Animality", Michaela Fišerová focuses on Gilles Deleuze's approach to literature by emphasizing, on the one hand, the interconnection between... more
Este número de Instantes y Azares está dedicado a la problemática de la animalidad en el pensar contemporáneo. Los animales pasan por este número de Instantes y azares mostrando que tal vez una de las mayores fuerzas del pensamiento... more
A partire dalla formulazione dello sguardo di Lacan, siamo condotti alla scoperta di quello felino e dei complessi, privatissimi risvolti che provoca il rispecchiarsi in esso. In altre parole, chiedersi chi sia il gatto passa... more
Resumo: O objetivo deste artigo é analisar o conto " Eva está dentro de su gato " (1947), do escritor colombiano Gabriel García Márquez, enfatizando a presença dos animais na narrativa e os possíveis efeitos de sentido causados por uma... more
Abstract: This article, starting from Konrad Lorenz’s thesis that links human being and dog inside the common destiny og domestication, dwells on the figure of the dog in Kafka. The dog appears to be an ambiguous figure, on the border... more
L’animalità filosofica è il tentativo di rappresentare e comprendere la diversità a partire dallo sguardo. In tale prospettiva si cercherà di comprendere che la rappresentazione che abbiamo di noi stessi emerge dalla nostra relazione con... more
At an urban parrot sanctuary in the Midwestern USA, humans care for eightysome parrots from more than a dozen species. Many of these parrots have personal histories that include various forms of neglect, abuse, and abandonment. The... more
Un estudio histórico que sigue la reflexión de Nietzsche sobre el fenómeno del sueño a través de todas sus obras, mostrando las transformaciones generales de su pensamiento y, en especial, las inflexiones y cesuras que en tal desarrollo... more
At a distance of more ten years from publication (2000 French/2005 English translation), with this essay I will re-read, comment and discuss, in different way and in form of anthological sketch, the Derridean volume ‘On Touching-Jean Luc... more
This essay argues that modern perceptions of the agency of fat people have been inflected by older ways of thinking about fat and fattening. This claim rests on two basic points. Firstly, the potentially encumbering materiality of fat has... more
Solo ante la evidencia de una inesperada noticia, la confirmación de la cuarentena, cobramos dimensión del significado de la indeterminación del tiempo. En el momento en que esta se presenta acuden, arremolinadas, imágenes de nuestra... more
Homo sapiens has always been an animal species which somewhat ‘exceeds’ its own nature. Therefore, transhumanism is not that different from humanism. In fact, the latter is but another form of humanism, while posthumanism... more
Ecophenomenology has rekindled two of the oldest and most profound insights into nature. The first, following the famous aphorism of Heraclitus, is that “nature loves to hide.” Pierre Hadot has shown in The Veil of Isis how a series of... more
Introduction [In the gaze] …. 'the other person transforms me into an object and denies me, I transform him into an object and deny him, it is asserted. In fact, the other’s gaze transforms me into an object and mine him, only if both... more
La forma-de-vida es una reunión de lo que se halla dividido por la lógica del poder, de la maquina gubernamental: la zoé y la bios. Es decir, Agamben describe la separación entre vida general (zoé) de una vida políticamente organizada... more
I was first introduced to Aph and Syl Ko when they reached out to me in early 2013, just in the infancy of our blogging careers. It was an exciting time for digital activism, as feminist online publishing seemed to bridge the gap between... more
This paper presents some preliminary considerations about dogs and their relationship to human animals. First, the dog figure is examined in two famous paintings, in order to explore its symbolic power beyond the myth of “man’s best... more
Ghosts symbolically represent the social recognition of a subject's personhood as well as the legitimacy of that individual's experience with inequality since many haunting narratives center grievance. Marginalized groups may be so... more
Animals are omnipresent in Deleuze‘s work, and throughout Deleuze and Guattari‘s common body of work: the tick‘s world, the assemblage (agencement) of the wasp and orchid, the spider‘s prehension of the fly, the cat who knows better than... more
In this paper, I propose an analysis of the quite original Wittgenstein naturalism. Wittgenstein included human language into the wider category of animal language. Wittgenstein's naturalism clearly shows itself in his ethological... more