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The 'end of the world' opens up philosophical questions concerning the very notion of the world, which is a fundamental element of all existential, phenomenological and hermeneutical philosophy. Is the 'end of the world' for us... more
Prólogo de Carlos Blanco Pérez ❖ Muerte, mortalidad e inmortalidad derraman su esencia en el crisol de la mundana vida humana; horrores que nos arrojan a soñar, leer y escribir. Los libros filosóficos, literarios y poéticos aparentan ser... more
È veramente possibile comprendersi? Siamo in grado di coesistere con gli inviolabili spazi che ci separano? La psicologia cognitiva ha elaborato alcuni modelli che tentano di spiegare la comprensione dell’altro. Ma cosa accade se questo... more
In “Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses,” Louis Althusser proposed a complete rethinking of the category of the Subject. Despite the many critiques of Subjectivity that proliferated in France at the time, Althusser intended to... more
The last twenty years have seen a growing interest in the ethical value and ethical significance of literature. Some argue that literary works have moral affects on their readers while some others claim that literature can be approached... more
Literary works of art present us a f ictional world in which the objects and states of affairs are purely intentional. These objects and state of affairs do not have a correlative in an ontic sphere that is independent from the work... more
Virginia Woolf 1905 tarihli “ Yazınsal Coğrafya” başlıklı makalesinde şöyle der: “Bir yazarın ülkesi, o yazarın zihninde bir bölgedir ve eğer biz bu hayali şehirleri somut tuğla ve harca dönüştürmeye... more
This thesis explores the ethical impact of literary narrative fictions on the reader. It does so by focusing mainly on the reading experience since one of the main claims of the thesis is that literary narrative fictions are co-products... more
À mi-chemin entre philosophie morale et métaphysique de la liberté, cet essai se propose de méditer la possibilité d’une « éthique de la conviction » pour notre temps, et de réinventer ses coordonnées en la liant de manière indissoluble à... more
Die Beiträge dieses Bandes werfen die Frage nach dem Erkenntniswert der Literatur auf. Der erste Teil des Bandes enthält Beiträge, welche die Frage nach dem Verhältnis zwischen literarischen und anderen Weisen menschlicher... more
This article attempts to reinstate the inherent rigor of “image” as a literary term by addressing the theoretical issues related to the image that W. J. T. Mitchell discusses in his encyclopedia entry and his articles on the concept. The... more
The thesis discussed here is that a main subject of literature is evil while its main goal is good. Is it possible that depicting the evil (crime, suffering, cruelty) could causes in good consequences (for reader or author)? Three main... more
This paper focuses on the intertwining themes of creativity, sacrifice, and radical imagination in two pieces of contemporary Black Speculative fiction, "Book of Martha" (2005), by Octavia Butler, and "El is a Spaceship Melody" (2018), by... more
The paper distinguishes three levels of the text, specifies relations between their identity conditions, and argues that literary interpretation includes two mutually dependent moves: identification of the highest (most complex) level of... more
Can literary fictions convey significant philosophical views, understood in terms of propositional knowledge? This study addresses the philosophical value of literature by examining how literary works impart philosophy truth and knowledge... more
ABSTRACT Philosophy and Literature 19.2 (1995) 406-407 Rethinking Knowledge: Reflections Across the Disciplines, edited by Robert F. Goodman and Walter R. Fisher; 246 pp. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995, $59.50 cloth,... more
The view that narrative artworks can offer insights into our lives, in particular, into the nature of the emotions, has gained increasing popularity in recent years. However, talk of narrative often involves reference to a perspective or... more
Μια πολυσχιδής επισκόπηση του έργου Mobius Dick του Andrew Crumey /  A complete review on Andrew Crumey's "Mobius Dick"
ARTÍCULOS 1) Pablo E. Pavesi (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad Torcuato Di Tella) Las provincias del ser: aniquilación del yo e invención poética en Jorge LuisBorges RESUMEN: Este trabajo examina la aniquilación del yo personal... more
On the whole, "Political Emotions" is a remarkably successful book that combines several areas of philosophical research in which the author’s proficiency is well known. It shows how problems that lie on the more intimate side of ethics,... more
This paper answers the questions ‘what is the Merchant of Venice?’ and ‘how may it accomplish its purpose?’ I argue that the usual treatments of this play are inadequate and show how the play is a comedy through which the passions... more
Words Underway offers the first full account of the important contributions the Continental tradition has made to the philosophy of language. The book examines the vital work of a range of thinkers, including Heidegger, Gadamer, Blanchot,... more
Both writers and scholars frequently emphasize the difficulties of writing successful narratives that are expressive of happiness, but detailed and systematic inquiries into the problem are rare. An exception is Charles Baxter’s essay... more
La più grande produzione del mondo sviluppato è la spazzatura. Se i rifiuti diventassero una fonte di benessere, saremmo tutti ricchi. Per farlo, però, ci vuole una filosofia della spazzatura. Tra esperimenti già in atto e fantaecologia,... more
The authoress analyses problems of disease, dying, and death addressed by a play by Margaret Edson titled Wit. She pays special attention to the structure of metatheatre and the function of wit in the play. Then she investigates... more
Memoir, a genre that dates back, arguably, to Augustine's Confessions, if not even earlier, is today enjoying enormous critical as well as popular success. In this essay, I discuss what I see as the most recent ramification of memoir,... more
Some philosophers, such as Alex Rosenberg, claim that the natural sciences deliver epistemic values such as knowledge and understanding, whereas, say, literature and literary studies, merely have aesthetic value. Many of those working in... more
osjećaji i patetičnost u razdoblju ekspresionizma; filozofija književnosti
Two recent novels, Ian McEwan’s Atonement and Margaret Atwood’s The Blind Assassin, are philosophically instructive. These books are interesting, I argue, because they reveal something about understanding and appreciating narrative. They... more
Is poetry a topic for philosophical reflection? This paper seeks to argue that it is by exhibiting poetry as a form of knowledge. What the claim that poetry is a form of knowledge amounts to, is that something can be knowledge in virtue... more
Invited to write a short piece for The Guardian (a UK newspaper) on a philosophically interesting movie, Haack deliberately chose, not Serious Cinema, but a light-hearted comedy, Galaxy Quest, for the questions it provokes about the real... more
В статье в рамках концепции «философского иберизма» рассматриваются вопросы специфики испанской и португальской мысли, для которой характерно слияние философии и литературы как выражение «трагического чувства жизни». Этот подход... more
সাহিত্যের কথিত দায়-দায়িত্ব প্রসঙ্গে উঠা বিতর্কে ব্লাশোঁর অবস্থানের ছাপ আমরা The Gaze of Orpheus লেখাটায় পাই। এটি মরিস ব্লাশোঁর সেই “The Gaze of Orpheus” লেখার অনুবাদ। লেখাটি ব্লাশোঁর The Space of Literature (l'Espace Littéraire)... more
The purpose of this paper is to underline some aspects of the play La vida es sueño (Life as a Dream), arguably the best known play by the Spanish Golden Age dramatist D. Pedro Calderón de la Barca. There have been extended reviews from... more
My theme is ‘life-writing’, understood as the shaping of one's life through the contemplation of values, although this activity is mostly unreflective. To become an art so that one's life can be shaped in greater accord with clearly held... more