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En prenant appui sur la pensée politique et phénoménologique de Claude Lefort, cet article cherche à se doter d’un cadre conceptuel descriptif et normatif afin d’interpréter la manière selon laquelle la démocratie, en raison de son... more
Manifeste de Kyoto, published in Dissertatio, revista de filosofia - volume suplementar 4, dossiê Bergson, 2016. Forthcoming in in S. Abiko, H. Fujita, Hisashi & Y. Hirai (eds), The Anatomy of Matter and Memory: Bergson and... more
Heidegger’s critique of modern technology and its relation to metaphysics has been widely accepted in the East. Yet the conception that there is only one—originally Greek—type of technics has been an obstacle to any original critical... more
Two definitions of algorithm, their uses, and their implied models of computing in society, are reviewed. The first, termed the structural programming definition, aligns more with usage in computer science, and as the name suggests, the... more
Ao sustentar o argumento de que toda a Biologia é queer o presente trabalho tem como objetivo jogar luzes sobre a importante discussão que diz respeito ao uso equivocado do conhecimento biológico frente à complexidade da temática da... more
Regarding money, the theme of belief is usually formulated in terms of belief in money. The same is true of trust, as well the value of money. One should also raise the question of trust, belief and value through money, or given its... more
By going back to the critical moment of the cybernetisation of the museum and of the exhibition, this essay aims to put forward a thesis considering exhibition as medium. It elaborates on the notion of medium by contrasting it with... more
The purpose of this talk is to explore, through several concepts extracted from the philosophies of Henri Bergson, Gilbert Simondon and Gilles Deleuze, the relationships between narrative and extra-narrative elements in Revolutionary Girl... more
Ciclo di seminari con professori, giovani ricercatori e studenti con l'obiettivo di esaminare, tramite l'incrocio transdisciplinare di filosofia, storia della scienza e etnosemiotica, lo statuto teoretico, etico e epistemologico del... more
Ce texte d'une conférence donnée en avril 2019 pour le colloque "Desining Community" propose une théorie critique de la participation en relation avec les enjeux du co-design, en vue d'une "mésopolitique", c'est-à-dire d'une politique des... more
Avvertenza: la tesi qui riportata è stata sottoposta a una lieve revisione formale rispetto alla versione sottoposta alla commissione di laurea. Condurre una vita associata significa oggi, in buona parte, condurre una vita connessa.... more
Si intende insomma offrire al lettore italiano un viaggio all’interno del “prisma Simondon”, in grado di ripartirsi su una grande varietà di ambiti disciplinari senza al contempo allontanarsi dalla sua ispirazione più profondamente... more
"The growing proliferation of urban interactive technologies into our everyday lives demands a move from an initial fascination for the technologies in themselves to their actual experiential impact and how they ‘...affect the ways in... more
This article engages with the activities of the alternative international media centre FC/MC which was established and operated during the 2017 G20-Summit in Hamburg. Rather than following established narratives on alternative media or... more
This paper weaves together two recurring themes in philosophical and political debates of recent years: the idea, loosely inspired by Walter Benjamin, that describes melancholia as a dominant structure of feeling and desire among the... more
The article raises the hypothesis that the activity of imagination cannot be fully described by a functional description. To this end, two positions are analyzed: the philosophy of Cornelius Castoriadis, who emphasizes social imaginary... more
The term ‘design space’ implies that the particular space of possibilities within any evolving system always has a sort of transformative ‘elbow room’ for things to unfold. Yet such space of possibilities for future evolutions is itself... more
Japanese animation stands in a particularly complex relationship with technology: being a technological medium itself, its thematic content tends also to concern technological issues, such as the artificial extension of human capacities... more
This paper introduces Deleuze’s philosophy of becoming in a system theoretic framework and proposes an alternative ontological foundation to the study of systems and complex systems in particular. A brief critique of systems theory and... more
The article considers some explicit or implicit and yet fundamental references to Althusser in Balibar's text about transindividuality. Of particular significance is the attempt to think of an articulation of ideology and the unconscious... more
paper published in AUT AUT 371, "Bernard Stiegler: Per una farmacologia della tecnica", ed. by Sara Baranzoni and Paolo Vignola, pp. 16-30.
El problema de la unidad temática en la obra de Gilbert Simondon es una de las cuestiones más discutidas en la literatura sobre el autor. La hipótesis de lectura que plantea la presente tesis ofrecería, por primera vez, una solución... more
This paper introduces Deleuze’s philosophy of becoming in system theoretic terms and proposes an alternative ontological foundation to the study of systems and complex systems in particular. A brief critique of system theory and... more
In this essay we analyze the paradigmatic type of machine that supports the currently hegemonic similarity in the relations between the brain and the machine. Thus, we present how the fundamental elements of the functionality of the... more
In forme et matière, Gilbert Simondon discusses how matter—all matter—takes form. It is neither the essential qualities of the underlying matter, nor the shaping qualities of an applied form that dictate the final shape and nature of any... more
2017 veröffentlichten die MedienwissenschaftlerInnen Orit Halpern, Robert Mitchell und Bernard Dionysos Geoghegan einen Artikel mit dem Titel The Smartness Mandate: Notes toward a Critique. ¹ Sie beschreiben darin zunächst die... more
Publié aux Editions du Seuil, coll. "L'ordre philosophique". Qu’est-ce qui fait que quelque chose se passe devant une œuvre – ou qu’il ne se passe rien ? À la croisée de la philosophie et de l’histoire de l’art, ce livre part sur la... more
This paper provides two examples of concretization, an important concept in philosophy of technology that can also be applied to the study of media more broadly construed. It begins with a short summary of the preexisting literature on... more
We find ourselves in a media-intensive milieu comprising networks, images, sounds, and text, which we generalize as data and metadata. How can we understand this digital milieu and make sense of these data, not only focusing on their... more
This article aims to bring forward a critical reflection on a renewed relation between nature and technology in the Anthropocene, by contextualizing the question around the recent debates on the " ontological turn " in Anthropology, which... more
Disegno e Design sono termini coestensivi perché ogni teoria del progetto presuppone una teoria dell’immaginazione progettuale e, in definitiva, una teoria delle immagini. Questo libro cerca di circoscrivere una teoria del Disegno... more
È possibile ricavare dall’opera di Gilbert Simondon non soltanto delle suggestioni, ma anche degli elementi di filosofia politica? Questo libro tenta di farlo considerandone l’intero corpus e scavando nelle sue fonti: da Bergson a Wiener,... more
This paper draws attention to the somewhat neglected domains of affects, emotions, and subjectivity in the study of the commons. The paper argues that a focus on affective and communicative relations among humans and between humans and... more
Estudamos neste trabalho as condições desviantes inerentes às ações composicionais no contexto da relação comparativa entre ideias musicais e subsequentes produtos do ato. No primeiro capítulo, expusemos o arcabouço conceitual e a matriz... more