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This article presents a brief report of a first-person investigation through drawing, discussing how serially developed drawing can be understood to express the becoming of 'now' – the present moment in time. By employing a... more
This article addresses the recent attempts to integrate evolutionary history in the US national narrative. Focusing on the cultural, legal, and scientific controversy over Kennewick Man, the ancient human remains discovered in Washington... more
The book Sunghaksipdo in the Joseon dynasty contains ten diagrams humans need to study. <Sunghaksipdo VR> project is a virtual reality work that has reinterpreted Sunghaksipdo in a contemporary way. This study discusses... more
Having asked, What, then, is time? Augustine admitted, I know well enough what it is, provided that nobody asks me; but if I am asked what it is and try to explain, I am baffled. We all have a sense of time, but the description and... more
"Artists surveyed include: Marina Abramović // Doug Aitken // Francis Alÿs // Matthew Buckingham // Janet Cardiff // Paul Chan // Jeanette Christensen // Moyra Davey // Dexter Sinister // Olafur Eliasson // Bea Fremderman // Antony... more
This ambitious book is about a way of building that for centuries dominated the making of monumental architecture – yet now not only is it lost as practice, knowledge of its very existence is consigned to oblivion. In pre-modern Europe,... more
From the Romantic era onwards music has been seen as the most quintessentially temporal art, possessing a unique capacity to invoke the human experience of time. Through its play of themes and recurrence of events music has the ability... more
Accelerationism, in its Landian formulation, has always mobilised a diachronic coupling of techonomic velocity and occult methodology as its propulsive dynamo. Land's declaration that 'poetry is invasion and not expression' invites the... more
A multiplicidade dos tempos históricos é a mais instigante questão historiográfica das últimas décadas. Se não a mais complexa, provavelmente a mais incômoda. Autores tão importantes e tão diversos quanto Gaston Bachelard, Alexandre... more
Le paratatikos (passé imperfectif) en tant que modalisateur déréalisant.
Thèse de doctorat sous la direction de Oswald Ducrot.
Spanish American countries exhibited during the nineteenth century many of the features Koselleck associated with the Sattelzeit, the transitioning period into our contemporaneity. However, the region's history was marked by social... more
The public circulation of temporal discourse fashions the way in which subjects experience and value their time. At the turn of the twentieth century, experts in systematic management mandated that wage-earning women must be prodded into... more
“Arquivar a própria vida é se pôr no espelho, é contrapor à imagem social a imagem íntima de si próprio, e nesse sentido o arquivamento do eu é uma prática de construção de si mesmo e de resistência” (ARTIÈRES, 1998, p. 11). Com esta... more
Education permanente, Tome 196, n°3, p. 175-184. Cet article interroge l’activité de soins aux personnes âgées dépendantes et le rôle joué par le collectif de travail dans le développement et les transformations de cette activité. Source... more
Revue de Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, Tome 20, n°1, p. 91-104. Cet article étudie les relations entre le travail de soins et les contraintes temporelles. L’objectif est de comprendre les effets de ces contraintes sur... more
[Publication is in Norwegian] ENGLISH ABSTRACT: QUESTIONS OF «ONTOLOGY»: STEPS TOWARDS A REALISTIC ANTHROPOLOGY The Norwegian Research Council has evaluated Norwegian anthropology and concluded that the discipline is ethnographically... more
In the world we live in today, the presence and claims of crisis abound – from climate change, financial and political crisis to depression, livelihoods and personal security crisis. There is a challenge to studying crisis due to the ways... more
This paper builds on work about rewilding and human–animal relations by focusing inquiry on Portugal&#39;s Coa Valley, where a concentration of prehistoric rock art animal figures shares a landscape with a rewilding pilot which seeks to... more
This paper focuses upon Adorno&#39;s critique of musical temporality-as found in his musical criticism and as implied by his philosophy as a whole. I shall contend that the two do not necessarily coincide. Adorno presents temporality in a... more
The short title of this work: Autobiography, Time, and Narrative in Philosophy and Psychology, expresses the principal topics discussed. The temporal dispersion of an individual's actions throughout life, makes their unification and... more
This paper focuses on a particular exposition of one of Critical Legal Studies’s claims, more commonly associated with Mark Kelman and less so associated to Kevät Nousiainen. Kelman, setting his sights on criminal law, highlights the... more
A reclamação é constante: estamos sem tempo. A vida contemporânea nos sufoca, aniquila nosso tempo livre, cria fluxos em que tudo acontece ao mesmo tempo, aqui e agora. Nosso tempo é escasso e parece que o dia passa em ritmo acelerado.... more
By the early 1980s, many life scientists had begun to maintain small collections of cryopreserved tissues for their own specific research purposes. It became apparent that these materials could be successfully reused as new techniques and... more
The 2012-phenomenon includes apocalyptic fantasies regarding an impending collapse of our contemporary society, supposedly prophesized by the ancient Maya and their Long Count calendar. Sometimes connections to the ancient Maya collapse... more
The present article argues that despite growing rates of single living worldwide, alternative representations of the single women who do not necessarily spend their life 'waiting for the one' are regularly absent from public view. By... more
Global Cinema Networks investigates the evolving aesthetic forms, technological and industrial conditions, and social impacts of cinema in the twenty-first century. The collection’s esteemed contributors excavate sites of global... more
The nature of temporal experience is typically explained in one of a small number of ways, most are versions of either retentionalism or extensionalism. After describing these, I make a distinction between two kinds of temporal character... more
I was given the assignment to write a paper connecting Jay Prosser's 1998 "Second Skins: The Body Narratives of Transsexuality," specifically the chapter titled A Skin of One's Own: Toward a Theory of Transsexual Embodiment, and a more... more
Testi di Angela Vettese, Yves Hersant, Andrea Pinotti, Gérard Wajcman, Cristina Baldacci, Clarissa Ricci, Sophie-Isabelle Dufour, Marinella Venanzi, Tania Vladova, Valeria Burgio, Anna Rosellini, Patrizia Magli, Andrea Mattiello, Paola... more
THE FUTURE IS KID STUFF IN HIS INAUGURAL ADDRESS IN JANUARY 2009, President Obama alluded to an often-quoted passage from the Bible and adapted it to recast America’s idea of itself: “We remain a young nation,” he said, “but in the words... more
İnsanoğlunun varoluşu zamansal ve mekânsaldır. Eylemleri mekanların içinde zamansal olarak deneyimleriz. Hikayeler anlatırken de -duygularımıza da hitap edecek şekilde- gerçekliği taklit eden uzam-zamansal bir kurgu tasarlarız. Anlatıda... more
Taksim 360, located in the Tarlabaşı neighborhood of Istanbul, is one of the first state-led urban transformation projects in Turkey. Originally scheduled to be finished in 2014, the project is still under construction. Concordant with... more
The purpose of this talk is to explore, through several concepts extracted from the philosophies of Henri Bergson, Gilbert Simondon and Gilles Deleuze, the relationships between narrative and extra-narrative elements in Revolutionary Girl... more
In recent years, there has been a rethinking of the role of disturbance regimes in nature conservation: from exceptional and destructive events to be controlled and/or avoided, to key ecological processes to be nurtured and choreographed.... more
This paper proposes a new way to read José Martí’s idea of “Nuestra América”, one that focus on the mode of the call for unity toward liberation and decoloniality. In particular, I offer the arguments for this Latin American unity that... more