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Kuli‘ou‘ou Rockshelter (Site O1) in the Hawaiian Islands has a certain status as the first archaeological site in the Pacific Islands to be directly dated via the then newly introduced radiocarbon method. The original date of 946 ± 180... more
The study of the wood assemblage from the Roman mine of Arditurri 3, mining district of Oiasso, has focused on different types of materials in terms of sizes, use and mode of preservation. Bigger pieces of worked wood mostly preserved... more
The aim of this study is to present the anthracological results from three archaeological sites located in the North, North West and South East of Sri Lanka. The study is based on the observation and analysis of 1689 charcoal fragments... more
L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è quello di utilizzare l’indagine archeobotanica, effettuata sui semi/frutti e resti di tessuto legnoso combusto provenienti dalle fasi bassomedievali dei siti di San Lorenzo in Carminiano e Pantano, per... more
The iron and steel industry was the emblem of the industrial revolution in the 19th and early 20th century United States, playing an important role in shaping the nation’s transportation infrastructure, the industrial specialization of... more
Coriander Coriandrum sativum L. is an annual plant of the carrot family (Apiaceae), cultivated for its important aromatic and medicinal properties. The fresh green parts of the plant are characterized by a strong smell resembling the... more
The chemical contents in cultivated 3 year-old bamboo culms of Gigantochloa brang, G. levis, G. scortechinii and G. wrayi were studied. Different composition were exhibited in the extractives, holocellulose, α-cellulose, lignin, and ash... more
"The ancient Roman economy is an area of research which has increasingly been illuminated by the application of scientific methods to archaeological questions. In Pompeii in particular, various studies have been presented to provide... more
In order to contribute to the decarbonization of the economy, efficient alternatives to coal and coke should be found not only in the power sector but also in the industrial sectors (like steel, silicon and manganese production) in which... more
Approximately 68 % of the Selke valley (Harz district, Saxony-Anhalt) is covered by forest. Here and elsewhere, woods fulfil an important archive function. Thousands of archaeological structures have been preserved in dense forests, many... more
Attempt was made to evaluate the wood variation in Dalbergia sissoo (shisham) from the local markets of Himachal Pradesh. The highest moisture content (20.17%) was observed in the wood samples of Nalagarh site. Highest specific gravity of... more
Att lämningar av kol och tjärframställning undersöks av arkeologer är ovanligt. Inom ramen för Arkeologi E4 Uppland fick vi dock möjligheten att på ett storskaligt sätt angripa denna typ av anläggningar. Med genomtänkta metoder och... more
Starting from 2003, several archaeobotanical campaigns have been carried out on the Ebla site, NW Syria, in order to shed light on the use of plants between the Early Bronze Age IIIa and Middle-Late Bronze Age. The results of the... more
FUEL AND FIRE IN THE ANCIENT ROMAN WORLD Fuel is an area of research within studies of the ancient economy and the ancient environment that is relatively new. The size of the Roman fuel economy in the Mediterranean must have been large... more
PHYSICAL AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF TEAK WOOD FROM TANZANIAN AND LOCAL PROVENANCES IN BENIN Teak (Tectona grandis L. f.) is a tropical timber species which is in great demand. In Benin, the two most commonly planted teak... more
With 250,000 ha of forest lost annually, Zambia is one of the countries most affected by deforestation in Sub-Saharan Africa. The thesis, which is based on empirical data gathered during 13 months of in-depth fieldwork in 2014 and 2015,... more
RESUMEN Brasil es el mayor productor de carbón vegetal del mundo, con la producción de 6,1 millones de toneladas métricas (24 millones de m 3), 13 % de la producción mundial. La importante producción de carbón vegetal es la consecuencia... more
An extensive background overview on the use of agricultural residues (wastes) for production of paper, board, binderless board, energy, different types of fuels by pyrolysis (solid, liquid and gaseous fuel), many petrochemicals... more
Barnett, C. 2013. Charcoal. In Wakeham, G. and Bradley, P. A Romano-British Malt House and Other Remains at Weedon Hill, Aylesbury. Records of Bucks Vol. 53, 1-44 Archaeological investigations at Weedon Hill, Aylesbury uncovered some... more
Longobard burials, especially the male ones, are characterized by the presence of many iron and bronze artifacts (weapons, tools, buckles and belt adornments). Mineralization processes can preserve the organic materials close to these... more
In this chapter we discuss the vegetation history and palaeoecology of Anatolian woodlands, focusing on insights gained through the analysis of anthracological remains from prehistoric habitation sites. In the semi-arid regions of... more
This is a 2002 masters thesis from Florida State University, also published as a 2011 BAR volume.
This paper reviews the archaeobotanical record of the transition from foraging to farming in the southern Levant. The concise presentation of the published botanical evidence follows a critical assessment of: (a) the nature of... more
In the Democratic Republic of Congo, slashand-burn agriculture and fuelwood production are the main income-generating activities for peri-urban populations. However, these activities are also primary causes of deforestation in a 200 km... more
The scale and nature of early cultivation are topics that have received relatively limited attention in research on the origins of agriculture. In Southwest Asia, one the earliest centers of origin worldwide, the transition to food... more
The origin of this book was somewhat more complex than is usual amongst titles of this kind. First we aimed to publish a volume of long abstracts from a conference of the “Czech Archaeobotany Working Group” that took place in České... more
"In the Middle Ages honey hunting (Zeidlerei) was very important for the production of the consumer goods honey and wax. Suitable forests, usually named as Zeidelweiden in written sources, had to be protected and maintained. There often... more
Seeing the great importance of woodlands in landscapes, this article shows some of the tools andmethods which are used to analyze and trace the history of forests. The approach presented here isdeeply theoretical and methodological. It... more
Worldwide trebled of wood charcoal production over the last 50 years from 17.3 million tons in 1964 to 53.1 million tons in 2014 with sixty-one percent of current global production occurring in Africa, primarily to satisfy the demand for... more
It is commonly accepted that, following the end of the Pleistocene, semi-arid deciduous oak woodlands did not spread in the Irano-Anatolian region of Southwest Asia as quickly as they did in the Levantine Mediterranean littoral, despite... more
This thesis develops our understanding of changing patterns of woodland resource use during the Bronze and Iron Age of central Anatolia. The central Anatolian region is characterised by an anthropogenic landscape, a product of millennia... more
International Meeting "Wood and Charcoal. Approaches from Archaeology, Archaeobotany, Ethnography and History" 15-16 april 2016 Braga (Portugal)
Access to energy for cooking is one of the major challenges that rural India faces. Most of the rural households of NorthEastern India rely heavily upon fuelwood and traditional open-fire cookstoves for cooking activities. And everyday... more
Palynological archives dating from the Pleistocene–Holocene transition are scarce in the arid zone of the southern Levant. Anthracological remains (the carbonized residues of wood fuel use found in archaeological habitation sites) provide... more
This study presents a comprehensive paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Byzantine and Early Islamic western Negev Desert communities during the 4th-8th centuries CE. The study is based on 33 pollen samples and hundreds of charcoal... more
Charcoal is a carbon rich fuel produced predominantly from pyrolysis of wood. In this study a natural draft improved charcoal retort system was developed, and the produced charcoal has been analysed and characterized. The optimal... more
"Résumé – Cuciurpula constitue, à près de 1000 m d’altitude, un regroupement d’environ 35 structures reconnues pour la plupart comme des habitations. Sa fouille programmée, menée depuis 2008, a permis d’étudier l’intégralité de la maison... more
Pre-Columbian indigenous inhabitants settled Puerto Rico thousands of years before Columbus. Evidence supports the statements that, as a group, these peoples were competent farmers, and used plants ceremonially and ornamentally.
The archaeological site of Chinikihá, with its main occupation during the Late Classic Period (AD 700-900), is located within the northwestern Lowlands of the Maya area. It is surrounded by a large variety of ecosystems, rich in animal... more