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Miriam Nývltová Fišáková
  • Kamenice 753/5
    625 00 Brno
    Czech Republic
  • +420 549 49 56 68
Zprava o nových výzkumech na katastru Dolnich Věstonic - geologie, datovani, paleobotanika, paleoantropologie.
Text-fig. 13. Photo of an upper canine root cut of a bear from the cave bear group (Ursus ex gr. spelaeus). The approximate age of individual is 14.5 years (No 6 in Tabs 6, 7). Photo by M. Nývltová Fišáková.
Text-fig. 10. Photo of a cave lion (Panthera spelaea) upper premolar P3 root cut. The approximate age of individual is 3 years (No 2 in Tabs 6, 7). Photo by M. Nývltová Fišáková.
Text-fig. 12. Photo of a cave hyena (C. crocuta spelaea) lower canine root cut. The approximate age of individual is 9 years (No 5 in Tabs 6, 7). Photo by M. Nývltová Fišáková.
Text-fig. 6. Photo of cave lion lower premolar p4 root cut. The approximate age of individual is 9.5 years (No 3 in Tabs 6, 7). The thin layers on the edge of root are the dental cement increments; number 1 marks winter increment, number... more
Text-fig. 6. Photo of cave lion lower premolar p4 root cut. The approximate age of individual is 9.5 years (No 3 in Tabs 6, 7). The thin layers on the edge of root are the dental cement increments; number 1 marks winter increment, number 2 marks summer increment. Photo by M. Nývltová Fišáková.
Text-fig. 8. Photo of gnawing marks on the distal joint of humerus of a bear from the cave bear group (Ursus ex gr. spelaeus). Photo by V. Káňa.
Text-fig. 2. Profile of the Fox Passage test pit, shape of December 2012. The letters A, B, C mark three fossiliferous layers, the letter D marks a highest part of the palaeontologically sterile bedrock.
Text-fig. 3. A cut-out of the Barová Cave layout, focused on palaeontological excavations. Single test pits are marked and distinguished by letters. Ch – Passage to the Shaft I test pit, J – Shaft I test pit, K – Chimney Dome test pit, L... more
Text-fig. 3. A cut-out of the Barová Cave layout, focused on palaeontological excavations. Single test pits are marked and distinguished by letters. Ch – Passage to the Shaft I test pit, J – Shaft I test pit, K – Chimney Dome test pit, L – Fox Passage test pit, M – Bear Passage test pit, P – Under the Ladder test pit.
ABSTRACT The origin of this book was somewhat more complex than is usual amongst titles of this kind. First we aimed to publish a volume of long abstracts from a conference of the “Czech Archaeobotany Working Group” that took place in... more
ABSTRACT The origin of this book was somewhat more complex than is usual amongst titles of this kind. First we aimed to publish a volume of long abstracts from a conference of the “Czech Archaeobotany Working Group” that took place in âeské Budûjovice, South Bohemia, in January 2006. This group is an informal collection of people dedicated to archaeobotany and related disciplines within different institutions in the Czech Republic. This is why archaeobotany is also at the centre of interest in the present book. Over time we came to the opinion that this volume should focus on a wider audience and therefore we asked local specialists from other related disciplines – palaeoecology, archaeozoology, and archaeological anthropology to contribute. Putting it simply we employed an editorial strategy of the progressive filling of gaps in the thematic and chronological framework. Finally we arrived at a form of publication that is slightly more ambitious than a simple conference volume. Its scope is to map current movements in the field of environmental archaeology that focus on the remains of living organisms in the Czech Republic. Therefore we present this “Bioarchaeology in the Czech Republic” volume where all the contributions have been peer-reviewed.
This chapter in the book The Gravettian of Bohemia describes Gravettian occupation of the Prague Region in Central Bohemia.
V praci je prezentovano využiti metody LA-ICP-MS pro prvkove mapovani kořene zubu medvěda hnědeho (Ursus arctos). Vsechna ziskana data jsou srovnavana s geochemickou analýzou.
Paleoekologicka interpretace prvnich palynologických a geochemických dat z lokality Chotěbuz-Podobora.
Application of LA ICP MS and FTIR methods to study diagenetic changes of cave beat dental tissue and cremated skeletal remains.
Tuberkuloza, jako jedna z nejobavanějsich chorob lidstva, se v poslednich letech opět dostava do popředi zajmu lekařů, a to vzhledem ke vzniku multirezistentnich kmenů Mycobacterium tuberculosis odolavajicich znamým antibiotikům. Z tohoto... more
Tuberkuloza, jako jedna z nejobavanějsich chorob lidstva, se v poslednich letech opět dostava do popředi zajmu lekařů, a to vzhledem ke vzniku multirezistentnich kmenů Mycobacterium tuberculosis odolavajicich znamým antibiotikům. Z tohoto důvodu jsou velmi žadane výzkumy zaměřene na studium projevů tuberkulozy na kosternich pozůstatcich davných populaci. Největsim problemem při klasicke paleopatologicke diagnoze tuberkulozy u kosternich pozůstatků je, že může být snadno zaměněna za jine nemoci s podobnými patologickými projevy, jako je bruceloza, revmaticke nemoci, maligni tumor, osteomyelitida, osteoporoza ci sarkoidoza. Teprve až aplikace molekularně genetických metod, předevsim metody polymerazove řetězove reakce (PCR), umožňuje spolehlivě potvrdit přitomnost patogenu v kosternich pozůstatcich a navic umožňuje průkaz patogenu v kostech bez znamek tuberkulozy kosti.
Přispěvek se zabýva aplikaci výbrusů zubniho kořene u domacich savců z lokality Pohansko - Jižni předhradi a Kostice - Zadni hrud.
The site of Mohelno‐Plevovce is situated below the water line of the Mohelno reservoir (lower part of the Dalesice pumped‐storage hydroelectric power plant). During a short term excavation in September 2013, we documented a hexagonal flat... more
The site of Mohelno‐Plevovce is situated below the water line of the Mohelno reservoir (lower part of the Dalesice pumped‐storage hydroelectric power plant). During a short term excavation in September 2013, we documented a hexagonal flat stone pavement 3.0 m in diameter. Within the paved area the artifact density was relatively high. Outside the paved area the density of finds decreased rapidly, which indicates a strong barrier‐effect along the pavement boundary. The industry has been dated to terminal LGM and is characterized by steeply retouched end scrapers and distinct tiny backed microliths with the closest analogy in the North Black Sea Region.
Infrared spectroscopy is one of the most frequent method used for identi'cation of various materials. .is method was used in this study for characterisation of postmortal degradation of skeletal residues. An essential importance for... more
Infrared spectroscopy is one of the most frequent method used for identi'cation of various materials. .is method was used in this study for characterisation of postmortal degradation of skeletal residues. An essential importance for preservation or degradation of bone tissue have the qualities of surrounding soil – mainly pH level and humidity. In acidic surroundings the mineral composition of bone – hydroxyapatite Ca5(PO4)3OH is gradually melt, which can 'nally eventuate in decalci'cation of bone tissue. Another result of the acidic environment is recrystalization of hydroxyapatite into the other mineral called brushit (CaHPO4 . 2 H2O). Brushit occurence was approved in bones of Dietrichstein family members, who were buried in a family crypt in Mikulov. A speci'c factor in.uencing degradation of bones is high temperature. FTIR spectroscopy can be used to dif- ferentiate between burnt or unburnt bones and thanks to this method the temperature of cremation and the bur...
Mohelno-Plevovce is a recently discovered Epigravettian site in the Czech-Moravian Highlands dated to the Last Glacial Maximum. The site is located on the shores of a water reservoir and remains of human habitation are continually eroding... more
Mohelno-Plevovce is a recently discovered Epigravettian site in the Czech-Moravian Highlands dated to the Last Glacial Maximum. The site is located on the shores of a water reservoir and remains of human habitation are continually eroding due to constantly fluctuating water levels. Several aspects of this site are notably unique in this region, including two stone structures interpreted as floor pavements of dwelling structures and microlithic implements. These particular microliths are previously unknown in this region, but they are very similar to other assemblages in distant parts of Europe. Raw materials for lithic artifacts associated with the stone structures were obtained locally as well as from distant sources up to 300 km from the site. Ochre, faunal remains and charcoal were also recovered and analyses of these remains indicate a cold, dry climate in an almost treeless landscape. Mohelno-Plevovce represents a rare insight into human habitation of a very sparsely populated central Europe during the LGM.
Here the feasibility of LIBS and LA-ICP-MS for microspatial analyses of a fossil Natrix natrix snake and recent Elaphe guttata snake vertebra are discussed. The microchemical analysis is coupled to the synchrotron radiation hard-X ray... more
Here the feasibility of LIBS and LA-ICP-MS for microspatial analyses of a fossil Natrix natrix snake and recent Elaphe guttata snake vertebra are discussed. The microchemical analysis is coupled to the synchrotron radiation hard-X ray microtomography (micro CT) measurements.
Research Interests:
Double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (DP-LIBS) was optimized for microspatial analyses of fossil and recent snake vertebrae. As complimentary techniques, solution analysis by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and... more
Double-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (DP-LIBS) was optimized for microspatial analyses of fossil and recent snake vertebrae. As complimentary techniques, solution analysis by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and synchrotron radiation X-ray microtomography was utilized in order to determine the overall concentration of the selected elements in the samples and to visualize nondestructively the fossil sample microstructure, respectively. Elemental mapping of pathological bony tissue by DP-LIBS has been proven as a powerful tool for considering the osteitis deformans phases in fossil vertebrae.
Švédův Stůl Cave in the Moravian Karst has been excavated several times since Martin Kříž started the first excavation in 1886. Two parts of the site were re-excavated in 2019. The primary aim was to conduct classical as well as... more
Švédův Stůl Cave in the Moravian Karst has been excavated several times since Martin Kříž started the first excavation in 1886. Two parts of the site were re-excavated in 2019. The primary aim was to conduct classical as well as innovative and experimental sedimentological and geoarchaeological investigations of sediments from the discarded spoil heap outside the cave entrance (trench C–D). Intact sediments with a small number of lithic artefacts and a large number of animal bones were also excavated during the 2019 excavation (trench A–B) located under the trench excavated by Bohuslav Klíma’s team in the 1950s. An attempt is being made using pXRF, benchtop ED-XRF and ITRAX techniques to link some of the sedimentary material in the spoil heap (C–D) with the stratified sediments in trench A–B. Animal bones and lithic artefacts were found in both trenches. Numerous samples were collected for geoarchaeological, palaeoenvironmental and dating analyses and the results will be published i...
Text-fig. 11. Photo of a cave hyena (C. crocuta spelaea) upper canine root cut. The approximate age of individual is 5 years (No 4 in Tabs 6, 7). Photo by M. Nývltová Fišáková.
Text-fig. 14. Photo of a wolf (Canis lupus) lower molar m1 root cut. The approximate age of individual is 5 years (No 7 in Tabs 6, 7). Photo by M. Nývltová Fišáková.
Text-fig. 5. Photo of a small segment of an instructive profile in the Under the Ladder test pit and the Fox Passage test pit. Visible in the figure are mainly the bones of bears from the cave bear group. Photo by M. Polách.
Text-fig. 4. Layout of the Under the Ladder test pit. Sectors of the Under the Ladder test pit are marked by rectangles with numbers and letters: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, R4, R5.
Text-fig. 1. Barová Cave, located inside the Czech Republic and the Moravian Karst.
Abstract In the 19th and early to mid-20th centuries, a rush to better understand the European Palaeolithic led to the substantive removal of deposits from limestone caves. In the 21st century the situation has changed. Many caves are now... more
Abstract In the 19th and early to mid-20th centuries, a rush to better understand the European Palaeolithic led to the substantive removal of deposits from limestone caves. In the 21st century the situation has changed. Many caves are now excavated, leaving behind a human-made environment of diminished cave sediments and large spoil heaps, with the latter now targeted by those searching for artefacts missed during the original excavations. In an age in which archaeologists are increasingly attempting to balance their roles as cultural heritage educators and destroyers, the question remains - how much do we know about the taphonomy of these features? In this paper we report results from the excavation of a large spoil heap outside Svedův Stůl Cave, in the Moravian Karst region of Czech Republic. Results show heterogeneous sediment formation (revealed primarily through their field characteristics and ED-XRF and Itrax geochemical analyses) and patterns in artefact distributions (evident through assessment of Iron Age, Neolithic and modern artefacts) and faunal remains. This allows partial context to be provided for some artefacts and a methodology to be developed for excavation of overburden.
V praci je prezentovano využiti metody LA-ICP-MS pro multiprvkovou analýzu kosternich pozůstatků clověka nalezeneho na hradisku Chotěbuz-Podobora. Obsah a distribuce zinku, barya, stroncia a vapniku byl sledovan ve stolicce lidskeho zubu.... more
V praci je prezentovano využiti metody LA-ICP-MS pro multiprvkovou analýzu kosternich pozůstatků clověka nalezeneho na hradisku Chotěbuz-Podobora. Obsah a distribuce zinku, barya, stroncia a vapniku byl sledovan ve stolicce lidskeho zubu. Složeni půdy bylo analyzovano pomoci opticke emisni spektrometrie s indukcně vazaným plazmatem (ICP-OES). Dosažene výsledky byly srovnavany s výsledky geochemicke analýzy.
Výsledky archeologických a geologických výzkumů na paleoliticke lokalitě Borsice za rok 2007.
Tento clanek pojednava o lokalitě starsiho stupně kultury s moravskou malovanou keramikou v Březniku na Ceskomoravske vrchovině.
Přispěvek prezentuje dvojici artefaktů vyrobených z lidských kosti, pochazejici z různých lokalit mladsi doby bronzove na Moravě. Vzhledem k jistým formalnim shodam jsou dale prezentovany nalezy hlazených a vrtaných artefaktů podobneho... more
Přispěvek prezentuje dvojici artefaktů vyrobených z lidských kosti, pochazejici z různých lokalit mladsi doby bronzove na Moravě. Vzhledem k jistým formalnim shodam jsou dale prezentovany nalezy hlazených a vrtaných artefaktů podobneho staři, vyraběných ovsem z mnohem běžnějsiho materialu, kosti koně a tura. Z prozatim nepocetných publikaci podobných předmětů pravěkeho původu se zda, že mezi nimi jsou artefakty funkcně interpretovatelne jako brusle ci skluznice sani, stejně jako artefakty zcela odlisne funkce, uživane jako hladidla na kůži ci jinak.
Material from a settlement feature assigned to the Moravian Painted Ware culture containing fragments of female figurines is described; emphasis is placed on taphonomical observations. This article presents data relating to the spatial... more
Material from a settlement feature assigned to the Moravian Painted Ware culture containing fragments of female figurines is described; emphasis is placed on taphonomical observations. This article presents data relating to the spatial distribution of figurine fragments and pottery, chipped stone, osteological and archaeobotanical finds and red dye. Taphonomical analysis should help to objectify the archaeological situation and help in its explanation. The final testimony of archaeological sources reveals the relationships between individual components and permits a description of the numerous processes involved in the backfill of the feature. The mutually supportive results of the analyses of artefacts and samples illustrate the necessity to record spatial information for all categories of archaeological sources.
Přispěvek prezentuje výsledky výzkumu na gravettskem sidlisti Petřkovice u Ostravy (lokalita Ia, Ic).
Studie představuje prvni absolutni data lengyelske kultury ve střednim Pomoravi. Je zde nastiněna korelace klimatických a spolecenských změn na pocatku eneolitu.
V ramci dokumentace paleolitickeho osidle-ni středniho Pojihlavi (Skrdla 2012) a Mohelenska (Skrdla et al. 2012) sledujeme lokalitu Mohelno-Ple-vovce od roku 2011 (Skrdla et al. 2012). Na lokalitě již bylo zachyceno několik poloh s... more
V ramci dokumentace paleolitickeho osidle-ni středniho Pojihlavi (Skrdla 2012) a Mohelenska (Skrdla et al. 2012) sledujeme lokalitu Mohelno-Ple-vovce od roku 2011 (Skrdla et al. 2012). Na lokalitě již bylo zachyceno několik poloh s artefakty dosud lpicimi v intaktnich sedimentech (Skrdla et al. 2014). Zatim posledni výzkum proběhl v dubnu 2014. Byla odkryta kamenna struktura B, jejiž bližsi popis je předmětem tohoto přispěvku.
This article presents the Moravian Painted Ware Culture site of Sebkovice on the Czech-Moravian Highland. Although the main aim is the analysis of stratified collection excavated in 2007, the most important finds from the surface... more
This article presents the Moravian Painted Ware Culture site of Sebkovice on the Czech-Moravian Highland. Although the main aim is the analysis of stratified collection excavated in 2007, the most important finds from the surface collection are included in analysis. The well excavated and wet-sieved sunken settlement feature yielded a collection of earlier Moravian Painted Ware Culture pottery fragments supplemented by a collection of stone industry, both chipped, polished, and osteological material. The charcoal sample from filling of settlement sunken feature yielded an absolute date, which allows a comparison with other sites from the same time-span within the Middle Danube Region.
Přispěvek se zabýva morfometrii kranialniho a postkranialniho skeletu fosilnich populaci lisek (Vulpes vulpes a Alopex lagopus) z pozdně paleolitických lokalit gravettienu a magdalenienu na Moravě (Ceska republika). Diskutovany jsou... more
Přispěvek se zabýva morfometrii kranialniho a postkranialniho skeletu fosilnich populaci lisek (Vulpes vulpes a Alopex lagopus) z pozdně paleolitických lokalit gravettienu a magdalenienu na Moravě (Ceska republika). Diskutovany jsou rozdily v metrice mezi recentni a fosilni liskou obecnou a liskou polarni a výsledky jsou konfrontovany se zahranicnimi studiemi. Rozdily v metrice lisek jsou patrne předevsim na recentnim kranialnim skeletu a tyto odlisnosti jsou podpořeny i morfologicky. Měřeni kranialniho skeletu u fosilniho materialu byla omezena z důvodu jeho nezachovani, přesto detailni měřeni vybraných kosternich elementů postkranialniho skeletu dovoluji odliseni Vulpes vulpes od Alopex lagopus. Ackoliv dochazi k překrývani variacnich siři u recentniho a fosilniho postkranialniho skeletu, průměrne hodnoty jsou znacně odlisne. Osteometricka analýza ukazala, že lisky polarni z pozdně paleolitických lokalit Moravy byly poněkud větsi než recentni zastupci Alopex lagopus. Zda se pravděpodobne, že populace lisky polarni z posledniho glacialu středni Evropy nemigrovaly na sever, ale vyhynuly na konci pleistocenu.
The aim of the multidisciplinary analysis of bioarchaeological sources from the Cezavy site near Blučina (Brno-venkov district) was to contribute to a reconstruction of the food sources of the local population at the beginning of the Late... more
The aim of the multidisciplinary analysis of bioarchaeological sources from the Cezavy site near Blučina (Brno-venkov district) was to contribute to a reconstruction of the food sources of the local population at the beginning of the Late Bronze Age. The buccal dental microwear and isotopic analyses of anthropological material indicate that the diet of all individuals was mixed; a various plant ratio was inferred in nine individuals, whereas eight individuals had a higher meat intake, of which the main source were smallruminants (sheep/goat) and domestic pig. Other sources of meat were irregular; aside from hunted game, isotope analysis showed the consumption of marine fish in three males. Since strontium isotope analysisindicated that these individuals had never migrated, the marine fish must have been brought to this territory as a preserved import. Cereal grains, roasted at the site in their spikelets and glumes, played a key role in the plant component of food. Despite not being...
Prvkove mapovani pomoci metod laserove ablace ve spojeni s hmotnostni spektrometrii indukcně vazaneho plazmatu (LA-ICP-MS) a spektrometrie laserem buzeneho plazmatu (LIBS) bylo demonstrovano na mineralizovaných tkanich jako jsou zuby a... more
Prvkove mapovani pomoci metod laserove ablace ve spojeni s hmotnostni spektrometrii indukcně vazaneho plazmatu (LA-ICP-MS) a spektrometrie laserem buzeneho plazmatu (LIBS) bylo demonstrovano na mineralizovaných tkanich jako jsou zuby a kosti.
Research Interests:

And 109 more

The article presents both isolated finds and small-scale rescue excavations, which yielded material datable to the Late Roman or possibly the Early Migration period, i.e. the interval from C3 to D1 in central Europe. When it comes to... more
The article presents both isolated finds and small-scale rescue  excavations, which yielded material datable to the Late Roman or possibly the Early Migration period, i.e. the interval from C3 to D1 in central Europe. When it comes to absolute chronology, this is the 4th to the first half of the 5th century AD. Such a broad chronological framework is given especially due to the fact that the dating of ceramic finds was rather complicated – due to a limited amount of decoration used and few changes in shapes. The article geographically covers the area of the author's work activity, i.e. the Kolín District with a minor overlap into the ajacent Nymburk District. When it comes to small-scale rescue excavations, especially two sunken-floor features from the village of Pučery should be mentioned, as they yielded a relatively abundant archaeological record. The material dates from C3, or possibly D1. Secondly, there should be mentioned a feature excavated on the edge of the village of Pašinka. It yielded the larger part of an S-shaped cup dated to C2–C3. The other objects are just isolated finds, however, their interpretative potential is worth mentioning. Especially a complete neck ring with a hammered-out front part, which was rediscovered among the objects kept at the Museum of Kolín, is remarkable. It originates from the village of Sány, but no other find circumstances are known. However, the object's completeness and state of preservation suggest that it comes from a grave. According to an analogy from an inhumation grave at Prague-Radotín, it would date back to the turn of the 4th and 5th century, i.e to the very beginning of the Migration period. The discovery of a fragment of a late Roman fibula, probably a Roman provincial equal-arm fibula at the site of Běšínov near Kouřim indicates a certain connection to the finds of late Roman date which were made directly at the hillfort of Kouřim. An isolated find of a one-piece fibula with a firm catch plate on the route of the Kolín bypass road, which a metal detectorist handed over to the Regional Museum of Kolín, seems to confirm the results of a rescue excavation carried out in the eastern part of the bypass road where settlement features dating from the Roman period were discovered.
The origin of this book was somewhat more complex than is usual amongst titles of this kind. First we aimed to publish a volume of long abstracts from a conference of the “Czech Archaeobotany Working Group” that took place in České... more
The origin of this book was somewhat more complex than is usual amongst titles of this kind. First we aimed to publish a volume of long abstracts from a conference of the “Czech Archaeobotany Working Group” that took place in České Budějovice, South Bohemia, in January 2006. This group is an informal collection of people dedicated to archaeobotany and related disciplines within different institutions in the Czech Republic.This is why archaeobotany is also at the centre of interest in the present book. Over time we came to the opinion that this volume should focus on a wider audience and therefore we asked local specialists from other related disciplines – palaeoecology, archaeozoology, and archaeological anthropology to contribute. In the Czech Republic, the tradition of interdisciplinary collaboration in archaeology is not as well-developed as in e.g. Germany, Poland or the British Isles. That is why the terminology of the individual disciplines has not yet been stabilized here. Therefore we owe a short explanation of the term bioarchaeology that is used in the title. We regard it as a sub-discipline of environmental archeology, along with geoarchaeology that deals with past interactions between human beings and non-living nature.