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In the dispute between presentism and eternalism, the affective dimensions of the debate have been somewhat neglected. Contemporary philosophers of time have not tried to relate these ontological positions with two of the most discussed... more
This paper contains an investigation of Leibniz’s ontology of time. Standard debates on Leibniz’s theory of time hinge upon the question whether the nature of time is relative or absolute and focus mainly on the Leibniz-Clarke... more
"Artists surveyed include: Marina Abramović // Doug Aitken // Francis Alÿs // Matthew Buckingham // Janet Cardiff // Paul Chan // Jeanette Christensen // Moyra Davey // Dexter Sinister // Olafur Eliasson // Bea Fremderman // Antony... more
In order to better cope with the pressures and stresses of the current day, modern psychology is anxiously seeking to find new therapies to address the increasing disorders within the human psyche. In the process new fields of research,... more
From the Romantic era onwards music has been seen as the most quintessentially temporal art, possessing a unique capacity to invoke the human experience of time. Through its play of themes and recurrence of events music has the ability... more
Part I – Spirilla Theory and Cosmology Stephen Hawking once proclaimed that String Theory may be able to unify the various forces although later he became disillusioned thinking that there may be no Theory of Everything. This very... more
Complete view and Download at _______________________________________________________________________________________ The great Poem of Babylonian Creation, the myth of Enmeduranki, the book of secrets of... more
The paper explores time measurements and perception of time by the ancient Slavs in the Pre-Migration Period and Slavic settlement of Central and Southern Europe. It attempts to reconstruct a year, seasonal, month-like division and... more
Paragraph 1: In the opening statement of Aristotle metaphysics, he declared that all men by nature desire to know and this desire to know begins or parts with the senses preferably the sense of sight. For Aristotle every animal by nature... more
My most read paper -- fully illustrated. Our modern sense of time was radically changed with the invention of photography. The past could now be visualized and frozen in fine detail. Moreover the photograph was an objective accurate... more
Another recent paper 'Mach's Principle and its connection with Inertia, Gravitation and Dark Matter' described how dark matter is more likely to be a gravitational effect rather than brought about by a halo of dark particles surrounding... more
Causa e effetto invertiti, entropia e sintropia, ordine e disordine, origine e scopo. Agli occhi della scienza il Tempo rimane ancora un enigma. Dall’America alla Russia passando per l’Europa, i misteri più affascinanti della quarta... more
Análise da ideia de "eternidade" do ponto de vista teológico e filosófico a partir do qual aspiro responder de algum modo a seguinte pergunta: como delimitar uma forma [finita] para algo que é por definição disforme [infinito], a... more
In “A Defense of Presentism,” Ned Markosian addresses the problem of singular propositions about non-present objects. The proposed solution uses a paraphrasing strategy that differentiates between two kinds of meaning in declarative... more
Review of
Jacob Blumenfeld. All Things are Nothing to Me. The Unique Philosophy of Max Stirner. Winchester; Washington: Zero Books, 2018. – 168 p.
Book review of Insomniac Dreams: Experiments with Time by Vladimir Nabokov Gennady Barabtarlo edited and annotated the dream journal that Vladimir Nabokov kept for several months in 1964, under the influence of J. W. Dunne, the British... more
We seek to understand how ambidexterity of exploring and exploiting is managed in an innovation context. Wecontribute to the literature by elaborating exploring and exploiting as three processes shared between actors in a dynamic business... more
Presentism is, roughly, the metaphysical doctrine that maintains that whatever exists, exists in the present. The compatibility of presentism with the theories of special and general relativity was much debated in recent years. It has... more
Do Black Holes possess the ability to reverse the thermodynamic second law
The arena of the philosophy of time has been largely concerned with deciding whether tense distinctions reflect absolute metaphysical distinctions or not. After bringing the debate over the metaphysical status of instantaneous velocity to... more
This issue of CIS will investigate how art mediated corporate identity in Italian culture across the grand arc of history from the Middle Ages to the present. It seeks in particular studies of works of art that are associated with... more
The physical sciences have always had a significant impact on philosophical thinking about time; I argue that the experiential aspects of time are also very relevant in this regard. An examination of Zeno’s arrow paradox reveals the need... more
This talk presents the different meanings of time and their relationship, from the basic physical time up to the psychological, cultural and personal (human) time. Science measures the physical time (metric time) and affords a conceptual... more
In researching my book on time called From Time to Eternity, I was impressed by the number of references to time in Shakespeare’s works. I have now put together a selection of his sayings on time in his various plays and poems. I have... more
“Creating the future” is a notion introduced by Alfred North Whitehead to define the task of universities and the function of philosophy. Implicitly, it is a rejection of the idea that the future is already determined, and in some sense,... more
Hyper-brief and concise quasi-comprehensive overview of the metaphysical properties of the 4th dimension.
Arthouse Tacheles, Kyoto School and Chaos Theory ... Presented at the conference Indeterminate Futures / The Future of Indeterminacy, University of Dundee (UK), 13 – 15 November 2020; published 2 November 2021:... more
In 1924, B. Russell claimed the crucial importance of relationships to our understanding of many unresolved philosophical problems. Such observation is more than fundamental for the contemporary philosophical agenda: ontology, philosophy... more
Dopo un lungo periodo di “disimpegno” dai temi politici e di rilevanza sociale che, in linea di massima, ha caratterizzato il cinema italiano tra gli anni ottanta e gli anni novanta assistiamo a un periodo di “rinascita” caratterizzato da... more
Cet article interroge le grand paradoxe du temps moderne. Alors que d'une part nous vivons dans les sociétés historiques où le temps social est le plus quadrillé, contrôlé, mesuré et régimenté, nous sommes d'autre part les sujets... more
Back Cover with endorsements of the forthcoming collection on Atomism. 508pp. In press, publication date: 12 November 2020
I am planning a history of the notion of philosophical nonsense and naturally difficult historical and exegetical questions have come up.  Charles Pigden has argued that the notion goes back at least as far as Hobbes and that Locke,... more
Based on the extensive historical data over the past 3000 years, the Clock of Phoenix [1, 4] shows that in the end of every long-term cycle (with periodicity of approximately 493 years) the world of ideas comes to its critical junction of... more
This paper explores the entanglements of law, legal knowledge, and time. It suggests that time and temporality are necessary epistemic conditions for understanding legal normativity. The relationship of time, temporality and law is,... more