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Vladimir Jankélévitch has recently emerged as one of the most insightful moral thinkers on the problem of forgiveness. His work influenced Emmanuel Levinas and Jacques Derrida in France and, since the 2005 English translation of his work... more
This teaching guide accompanies my journal article: Existential Scrooge: A Kierkegaardian Reading of A Christmas Carol, published in Literature Compass 9/11 (2012), pp 695-921. Special Issue: Philosophy and Literature in... more
An analytical review of a key introductory text on the Christian contours of Kierkegaard's thought
La mélancolie a sans cesse accompagné Kierkegaard. Sans jamais délier ce mal étrange de son expérience intime, Kierkegaard en a fait une catégorie générique capable de rendre compte de la réalité humaine. « Mélancolie » désigne ainsi une... more
Verzweiflung und vom Glauben als Herausforderung bei Sören Kierkegaard  Zusammenfassung Während der platonische Sokrates auf die Macht der Dialektik zur mora li-schen Selbstbesinnung setzt, erfährt Kierkegaard das Denken von Jugend an... more
Presented at the Kierkegaard Circle at the University of Toronto, April 2018.
Kierkegaard Az irónia fogalmáról című doktori disszertációjának sokszor idézett záró passzusában röviden elemzi a humor jelenségét, elhatárolva azt az értekezés tárgyát adó iróniától. A humor fogalmát a szkepszishez, a bűnösséghez, az... more
Nineteenth century Christian thought about self and relationality was stamped by the reception of Kant’s groundbreaking revision to the Cartesian cogito. For René Descartes (1596-1650), the self is a thinking thing (res cogitans), a... more
What is Truth? Philosophical explorations merely presuppose truth, rather than define it. The inscrutable nature of truth enables a recognition of human finitude, which is both Socratic (the recognition that one does not know) and... more
This paper ended to be an article published in Kierkegaard Research: Sources, Reception and Resources (KRSRR): KIERKEGAARD AND HIS DANISH CONTEMPORARIES, vol. 7, tome 1, edited by Jon Stewart, Ashgate, Surrey (UK) 2009, pp. 13-34.
Objectives: 1.Introduce Fear and Trembling within the context of Kierkegaard’s wider authorship. 2. Identify the pseudonymous author of the book and suggest some additional complicationsthat this introduces for understanding it. 3.... more
Soren Kierkegaard Lucinda-kritikájának elemzéséből kiindulva azt vizsgálom meg, hogy miben különbözött Schlegel és Kierkegaard iróniával kapcsolatos trópus-használata, milyen metaforák mentén határolódott el a dán filozófus német... more
The Danish literary scholar Kresten Nordentoft’s (1938-1982) book “Hvad siger Brand-Majoren?”, Kierkegaards opgør med sin samtid, is a textual exploration of Søren Kierkegaard’s socio-political views. Although Nordentoft throughout the... more
Трактат С. Керкегора «Понятие страха» (1844 г.) рассматривается в контексте эпохальных сдвигов середины XIX в., переориентировавших философскую мысль в сторону практики. В этих условиях интеллектуальное высказывание, становясь рупором... more
The Philosophy of Existence: Concept of anguish existential in Kierkegaard and Heidegger. Resumo: Por meio da análise filosófica o artigo retrata o conceito de existencialismo e as suas influencias no mundo moderno e contemporâneo. A... more
At the heart of McCarthy's novel resides a tremendous interpretive challenge: how can we reconcile the ending, which is hopeful about the future, with the fatalism that dominates the text? This paper explores how Søren Kierkegaard's... more
Intoxicated with poets and playwrights, our modern sensibilities quickly recoil from any notion of love put forth in economic terms. Love is not a cold monetary exchange, we might say, but rather a passionate giving of our hearts.... more
This chapter sketches some central features of Kierkegaard's discussion of forgiveness. It focuses on the relationship between the divine forgiveness of sins and interpersonal forgiveness between human beings; the difficulties of... more
The purpose of this brief paper is to elucidate the concept of the person as a member of a communal or civil society. It will try to answer the question as to what makes a person a person, and the corollary question as to how the person... more
'Kendilik Felsefesi' mümkün mü?
Kierkegaard, Tanrı’nın kendi varlığıyla ne kast ettiğini merak ediyordu. Tanrı, onun vecizesiyle bize neyi kast etmiş olabilir peki?
"Kırdaki Zambak ve Gökteki Kuş" bize ne söyler?
L'œuvre de Søren Kierkegaard fait l’objet de recherches constamment renouvelées, en France comme à l’étranger. Mais au regard des œuvres pseudonymes les plus célèbres, la somme considérable des Discours autonymes, dont une part... more
When Kierkegaard claims, on numerous occasions and in various voices, that he is really engaged in a kind of poetic communication, that the single individual is the sole audience and goal of his writing, that he speaks without authority,... more
Pope Francis has remarked that acedia-a condition long referred to as "the noontime devil" in the Western monastic tradition-is the great sin of the modern age. As scientific advancement continues to exponentially increase against our... more
Straipsnyje analizuojamos Søreno Kierkegaard'o filosofinio personažo Teisėjo Vilhelmo etinės pažiūros. Įprastai Teisėjas Vilhelmas yra siejamas su Hegelio filosofine teorija, kurioje siektinas etinis gyvenimas yra suprantamas kaip... more
Con este ensayo pretendo resaltar el existencialismo Kierkergardiano y su utilidad para una vida de fe cristiana.
This essay demonstrates the prominence of imitation in Kierkegaard’s ethics. I move beyond his idea of authentic existence modeled on Christ and explore the secular dimension of Kierkegaard’s insights about human nature and imitation. I... more
The Kierkegaardian account of becoming a Christian has come to be perceived in radically egocentric terms. This study serves to challenge this perception by demonstrating that Kierkegaard was devoted to expounding Christian conversion as... more
Complete Story of 'The Abyss' from this anthology of ten short stories by Russian master of this genre - Leonid Andreyev. It is a dark and intense work of Expressionist Russian Litareature which at the same time falls in the bracket of... more
A diagram to be used as a teaching aid for Kierkegaard's _The Concept of Anxiety_, focused upon the idea of "positing the synthesis." Helps explain the relation between freedom and necessity, the role of the "God-relation," the nature of... more
This essay investigates why Kierkegaard hates professors (particularly of the assistant variety) and asks what might be done to address his worries. I look especially at the issues of job security (particularly the chasing of it) and the... more
It was the emphasis of Søren Kierkegaard's railing against 19th-century Danish Christianity in all its ruthlessness that eventually led him to utterly reject and actively fight the majority of the contemporary as well as important aspects... more
In this article I employ the Kierkegaardian categories of three distinct stages of existence (aesthetic, ethical, religious) to show that J. Alfred Prufrock, the famously elusive protagonist of T. S. Eliot's first great poem, possesses... more
Despite their differences in time and situation, Søren Kierkegaard and Hannah Arendt offer surprisingly similar analyses of the evils of their times. Writing in nineteenth-century Denmark, Kierkegaard is concerned with the threat of "the... more
El presente artículo argumenta que Melancholia (Lars von Trier, 2011) puede constituir una ocasión privilegiada para pensar seriamente en la muerte en los términos que Søren Kierkegaard propone en "Junto a una tumba", generando en el... more