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The contemporary debate in democracies routinely describes online information threats such as misinformation, disinformation and deception as security-issues in need of urgent attention. Despite this pervasive discourse, policymakers... more
Seit den Erfahrungen der Gewaltexplosionen im 20. Jahrhundert erleben wir insbesondere nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September 2001 weltweit eine neue Dimension von Gewalt und Terror, wie sie Hannah Arendt in ihrer eindrücklichen und... more
How did Primo Levi come to terms with what the historian Enzo Traverso has called ‘the end of the Jewish modernity’? How did he react to the fading out of that tradition which, between the Enlightenment and the Second World War, saw the... more
This book recalibrates literature’s political role for the 21st century by excavating the deep history of storytelling as a civic agency. From Aristotle to Arendt and from the novella to the video story, short narrative forms hence become... more
A critical discussion of positive and negative aspects of work and play in transcending the boredom of contemporary capitalist culture. Applying the theory of the Situationist International, with particular focus on Raoul Vaneigem’s ‘The... more
The thesis challenges the relation, brought forth in recent debates in political philosophy (Gianni Vattimo, Jean-Luc Nancy), between the question of nihilism and the aesthetic declination(s) of the concept of the political in the... more
Claude Eatherly, pilota e metereologo, era un ragazzo texano di 27 anni quando ordinò lo sgancio della prima bomba atomica della storia, Little Boy, che colpì Hiroshima il 6 agosto 1945. Nonostante la giovane età, non era certo un... more
For Hannah Arendt, spontaneous, ‘initiatory’ human action and interaction are suppressed by the normalizing pressures of society once ‘life’ – that is, sheer life – becomes the primary concern of politics, as it does, she finds, in the... more
This article follows and reconstructs the question of reality in and throughout in the work of Hannah Arendt. I argue that Arendt had always been concerned with this question: in her early work on Augustin in a philosophical way, in her... more
In the introduction to the volume, the editors explain the overarching aim of the volume and contextualize the main themes of its chapters. Even if the notions of biopolitics and biopower have played a crucial role in philosophy, the... more
Encountering the Past within the Present: Modern Experiences of Time examines different encounters with the past from within the present-whether as commemoration, nostalgia, silence, ghostly haunting or combinations thereof. Taking its... more
En este artículo se analiza el capítulo «La permanencia del mundo y la obra de arte», perteneciente al ensayo La condición humana, de Hannah Arendt. Está dedicado al sentido que adquiere el arte en la época que sucede a los... more
Günther Anders’ Philosophy of Technology; From Phenomenology to Critical Theory (London: Bloomsbury, 2022)... more
Hannah Arendt is a frequently-cited figure in discussions of antisemitism, due to both her analysis and her own experiences in 1940s Europe. Yet although Arendt called her Jewishness “one of the indisputable facts of [her] life,” she also... more
In: Leinen, Frank (Hg.): Literarische Begegnungen. Romanische Studien zur kulturellen Identität, Differenz und Alterität. Festschrift für Karl Hölz zum 60. Geburtstag. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag 2002, pp. 153-187.
這是一篇關於電影《小丑》(Joker)的評論短文。透過分析電影的背景色調、主 角亞瑟的穿著以及小丑面具所代表的象徵等三個面向,本文試圖挖掘出潛藏 於電影中的政治寓意,並藉此反思現代人面對政治運動的困境。
A Revista Aproximação é uma publicação acadêmica eletrônica especializada em Filosofia. Seu objetivo principal é veicular o trabalho de pesquisa dos graduandos da UFRJ. Estamos abertos, entretanto, a qualquer proposta cujo principal... more
RESUMO: O presente artigo pretende expor e analisar algumas características dos modelos éticos e políticos de conduta dos super-heróis. Para tanto, procura oferecer um contraste entre eles e os heróis dos épicos homéricos. Após enfatizar... more
The focus of this work is the instrumentalization of athletes
by totalitarian regimes in Europe with propaganda purposes
English version of interview with Annett Busch and Anselm Franke, curators of "After Year Zero" exhibition in MoMA Warsaw (summer 2015). This is EXTENDED VERSION of the conversation, so far unpublished
Assassination has always been part of war and in recent years it has played increasingly important roles in United States military policy. The assassination of Osama bin Laden offers itself as an example of an assassination that... more
Resistance and Rights. Comparing Arendt, Foucault, and YoungThe question if rights can be used in addressing gender-based oppression is at the center of recent debates in feminist theory. On the one hand, post-structuralist critiques have... more
Cet article vise à appréhender la condition de l’homme numérique à travers le prisme des catégories introduites par Hannah Arendt dans Condition de l’Homme moderne. L’auteur montre que ces catégories, édifiées par Arendt pour penser la... more
[EN] This paper briefly introduces the concepts of the public space by H. Arendt and J. Habermas, compares them and presents an analysis of the problems concerning the transformation of the public space. In this work, I try to demonstrate... more
This is a speculative fiction and extract from my post-graduate dissertation, The dissertation itself investigated oikonomia, ‘a set of practices, bodies of knowledge, measures, and institutions’, rooted in the concept of the properly... more
In this essay, I undertake a critical phenomenological exposition of the conditions of ethical community as they present themselves in light of the anthropocene. I begin by approaching the present human condition by following Arendt in... more
Hannah Arendt’s The Life of the Mind was originally conceived as a three volume work, with separate volumes focusing on thinking, willing and judging. In the event only the first two volumes were completed – focusing on thinking and... more
A exploração do espaço sideral é um tema recorrente na cultura pop: filmes, séries e livros dedicam suas páginas e tempo de tela às concepções imaginárias (ou “nomos” imaginários) do que seria uma vida fora do planeta Terra. Desde os... more
Die Texte, die in diesem Band versammelt sind, gehen hervor aus den Vorträgen, die im Rahmen des Philosophischen Kolloquiums am Institut für Philosophie der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg gehalten wurden. Hier stellen externe... more
This article examines Hannah Arendt's contribution to a philosophical anthropology that twists free of what Martin Heideg-ger criticized as a " metaphysics of subjectivity. " In this, it considers how her approach to philosophical... more
Este artículo utiliza a "Balzac y la joven costurera china", la novela y película del chino Dai Sijie, como un caso de validez ejemplar que revela algunos efectos del autoritarismo chino de la época de Mao Zedong sobre la libertad y la... more
Politische Freiheit beinhaltet mehr als Befreiung von Unfreiheit. Diesem Grundgedanken folgend erörtern die Beiträge in diesem interdisziplinären Band die Voraussetzungen, Implikationen und Gefährdungen politischer Freiheit. In... more
This piece was originally titled "Star Wars, bad guys, and the nature of evil" but was retitled "What makes a good bad guy? Ask a philosopher" by the publisher.
Self-advocacy groups, which are run by and for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, follow traditional liberal definitions of empowerment that center on the cognitive capacities of citizens. Empowerment counters... more
The closing paragraph of The Human Condition refers to the act of thinking, an idea which is crossed by a paradox. Thought “is still possible, and no doubt actual,” but at the same time it is always conceived as a living experience of a... more
Contemporary political ethics has to face the question of how to repair relations which have broken down after crimes, oppression, and political violence. The book employs the work of European and feminist philosophers, including Jacques... more
A tanulmány megpróbálja összefoglalni Hannah Arendt elképzeléseit a politikai gondolkodás "módszerével" kapcsolatosan. Ezeknek az elképzeléseknek a forrását Kant úgynevezett "politikai filozófiája" képezte, amit Arendt meglepő módon nem a... more
Este ensaio é uma tentativa de pensar os fenómenos da mentira na política e da desinformação num tempo onde a entropia informativa, a proliferação de visões distorcidas sobre a realidade, o excesso de informação que circula e que é... more
The present thesis is an exploration of the relation between atheistic and religious existential philosophy with a focus on the concept of subjectivity. What are the implications of the two positions in relation to understanding... more
The Body-machine from Michael Phelps to Oscar Pistorius discusses in retrospection the utilitarian view about the body that should be productive. From a utilitarian perspective, the body is not personal belonging but is separated from the... more
Starting from observing the prevailing confusion about the meaning of "political theology", this paper individuates three main meanings for the concept, then showing how each of them is "impossible" in the specific sense of contradicting... more