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This study examines whether internal control quality is associated with auditors’ going concern assessments following the implementation of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX). Based on a sample of financially distressed firms that... more
Social media have become central to the organizational and logistic dynamics in contemporary social contention. Not only have they eased centralized processes of information sharing between social movement entrepreneurs and social... more
In 2000 we proposed a sociophysics model of opinion formation, which was based on trade union maxim "United we Stand, Divided we Fall" (USDF) and latter due to Dietrich Stauffer became known as the Sznajd model (SM). The main... more
Page 1. Public Understanding of Science DOI: 10.1177/ 0963662507087304 2009; 18; 546 originally published online Sep 16, 2008; Public Understanding of Science Dominique Brossard, Dietram A. Scheufele ...
In this age of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, there is rapidly growing interest in understanding network-enabled opinion dynamics in large groups of autonomous agents. The phenomena of opinion polarization, the spread of propaganda... more
This paper examines the interplay of opinion exchange dynamics and communication network formation. An opinion formation procedure is introduced which is based on an abstract representation of opinions as $k$--dimensional bit--strings.... more
With hundreds of millions of users worldwide, social networks provide incredible opportunities for social connection, learning, political and social change, and individual entertainment and enhancement in a wide variety of forms. In light... more
The human opinion formation can be understood as a social approach to optimization. In the real world, the opinions encode a candidate solution, which is evaluated by a complex and unknown fitness function. The computer models of such... more
We here propose a model to simulate the process of opinion formation, which accounts for the mutual affinity between interacting agents. Opinion and affinity evolve self-consistently, manifesting a highly non trivial interplay. A... more
We study a cellular automaton opinion formation model of Ising type, with antiferromagnetic pair interactions modeling anticonformism, and ferromagnetic plaquette terms modeling the social norm constraints. For a sufficiently large... more
This article considers how changing media practices of minority groups and political and media elites impact on democratic participation in national debates. Taking as its case study the state-sponsored campaign to formally recognise... more
Nach den US-amerikanischen Erfolgen, das World Wide Web für Wahlkampfzwecke zu nutzen, suchen auch deutsche Politiker und Politologen nach den richtigen Werkzeugen, um dieses Medium in Deutschland sinnvoll zu verwenden. Ein Teilbereich... more
We here discuss the process of opinion formation in an open community where agents are made to interact and consequently update their beliefs. New actors (birth) are assumed to replace individuals that abandon the community (deaths). This... more
We here discuss the process of opinion formation in an open community where agents are made to interact and consequently update their beliefs. New actors (birth) are assumed to replace individuals that abandon the community (deaths). This... more
Opinion formation and innovation diffusion have gained lots of attention in the last decade due to its application in social and political science. Control of the diffusion process usually takes place using the most influential people in... more
The homogeneous isotropic Boltzmann equation (HIBE) is a fundamental dynamic model for many applications in thermodynamics, econophysics and sociodynamics. Despite recent hardware improvements, the solution of the Boltzmann equation... more
Social media have become central to the organizational and logistic dynamics in contemporary social contention. Not only have they eased centralized processes of information sharing between social movement entrepreneurs and social... more
Weighted scale-free networks with topology-dependent interactions are studied. It is shown that the possible universality classes of critical behaviour, which are known to depend on topology, can also be explored by tuning the form of the... more