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This paper focuses on the specific role of mid-range universities in knowledge transfer and explores the knowledge flows from these mid-range universities which face a number of additional constraints in transitional Central Eastern... more
In this paper we develop a framework for the study of financial equilibrium in the case of sectors in the economy, each of which is faced with two objectives/criteria in his portfolio selection decision making. In particular, we first... more
In this regard, several opportunities have opened up in the last few years. Calabria belongs to the Regions of Objective 1 of The European Union (regions with development delay), characterised by a PIL value less than 75% of the community... more
Incorporation into wider social and economic systems has brought a variety of changes to the hunting-gathering lifestyle of the Batak of the Philippines. Compared to 100 years ago, Batak hunting-gathering camps today are more limited in... more
In the last years it seemed that the Romanian economy leading up to access to the EU was going to enter a new stage, evolving more and more in line with the standard theory. Based on more accurate statistical data for the last years, we... more
In moving towards becoming a market economy, China has made dramatic strides since embarking on reforms in 1978, but liberalizations have been accompanied by inflationary booms followed by bouts of social instability. These last account... more
This paper argues that the "emancipatory paradigm", which is the research machinery commonly used to explore the social model of disability, provides a limited tool for investigating disability concerns. Although, this approach... more
The expansion and contraction of the coal mining industry in Australia has placed pressure on regional communities and environments and multiplied the extent, magnitude and profile of cumulative impacts. While some mining communities have... more
Crime is an economically important activity, sometimes called the industry of crime. It may represent a mechanism of wealth distribution but also a social and economic charge because of the cost of the law enforcement system. Sometimes it... more
The Islamic economic system is a theoretical construct of an industrial economy whose members follow the Islamic faith. This essay surveys the elements of such a system, as presented in a series of recent books on Islamic economics.... more
Nuevo Latino Cuisine invites diners to experience the vertigo of consuming a reinvented version of traditional Latin American food while enjoying a cosmopolitan atmosphere at sophisticated restaurants. Using “border thinking” and critical... more