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Pervasive games are an emerging new game genre, which includes context information as an integral part of the game. These games differ from traditional games in that they expand spatio-temporal and social aspects of gaming. Mobile devices... more
Abstract Recently we were involved in the development of a distributed agent-based English auction server. The focus of the work was on emphasizing the advantages brought by the multi-agent systems technology to the high-level of... more
Despite 1.2 billion ambulatory visits in 2005, from a health care quality and safety perspective, the ambulatory setting has been less subject to research and scrutiny, compared to high-risk inpatient areas like surgery, perioperative and... more
A coupled oscillator approach to game theory has been designed to resolve two of its major problems: The arbitrariness of valuing cooperation greater than competition in determining social welfare; and the lack of interdependent... more
JavaScript-based applications are very popular on the web today. However, the lack of effective protection makes various kinds of privacy violation attack possible, including cookie stealing, history sniffing and behavior tracking. There... more
A central tenet in sociology holds that positions in social structure influence the attitudes, behaviors, and outcomes of the actors occupying those positions. Though this proposition underlies much sociological thinking, perhaps the... more
A four-stage methodological framework useful to analyze the performance of a product development process, with a focus on the information flow inefficiencies is presented. The formal and informal communication exchange between interacting... more
The planning and management of building design has historically focused upon traditional methods of planning such as Critical Path Method (CPM). Little effort is made to understand the complexities of the design process; instead design... more
This paper deals with the multilayered object pattern technologies (BFOP) for sharing business objects among different organizations that were standardized by a consortium named “Consortium for Business Object Promo-tion (CBOP)” in Japan.
Abstract. We consider the difficulty in deriving and validating new scales of measurement for modular cohesion. We show that currently derived objective measures cannot predict, or measure, a scale of cohe-sion that has an empirical... more
Reservoir Computing is a recent pattern recognition tech- nique that combines temporal processing capabilities with fast learning rates and excellent convergence properties. The system consists of two parts: a recurrently connected... more
The three basis of the perception of internal control culture of organisation mostly studied currently are: control environment, control monitoring procedures, and information systems and communication. The control environment is... more
Abstract—This paper provides a theoretical framework for analysis of consensus algorithms for multi-agent networked systems with an emphasis on the role of directed information flow, robustness to changes in network topology due to... more
Development theories in the 1990s embrace a much more people-centred perspective than in previous decades. At the same time, foreign direct investment is increasingly being touted as a new form of development assistance, and transnational... more