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Messages conveyed by media act as a major drive in shaping attitudes and inducing opinion shift. On the other hand, individuals are strongly affected by peer pressure while forming their own judgment. We solve a general model of opinion... more
En masse data mining, aided by the popularity of web-based social networks, has become one of the more pressing issues of modern society. Where should the line be drawn? Increasingly, the decisions that affect our lives are being made not... more
Public Participation in transport planning is often regarded as a formal compulsory phase of the decision-making process and it lacks in its real purpose, i.e. engaging people to find the most shared solution in the shortest time, in... more
As a key sub-field of social dynamics and sociophysics, opinion dynamics utilizes mathematical and physical models and the agent-based computational modeling tools, to investigate the spreading of opinions in a collection of human beings.... more
The aim of the research is to give a contribution and an insight on the complex field of stakeholder involvement in transport planning, by analysing the role of decision-support methods and agent-based modelling in guiding a participation... more
1.1 Computer simulation of opinion dynamics (consensus models) (Axelrod 1997; Deffuant 2000; Deffuant 2002; Weisbuch 2002; Hegselmann 2002; Hegselmann 2004; Krause 1997; Sznajd-Weron 2000; Stauffer 2000; Stauffer 2002; Galam 1990; Galam... more
Community Involvement, Public Engagement, Stakeholder Engagement, are all different ways to name the participation process of interested people to public decisions. In transport planning there are lots of decisions concerning several... more
In this age of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, there is rapidly growing interest in understanding network-enabled opinion dynamics in large groups of autonomous agents. The phenomena of opinion polarization, the spread of propaganda... more
The dynamics of a one dimensional Ising spin system is investigated using three families of local update rules, the Galam majority rules, Glauber inflow influences and Sznadj outflow drives. Given an initial density p of up spins the... more
In a situation of peer disagreement, peers are usually assumed to share the same evidence. However they might not share the same evidence for the epistemic system used to process the evidence. This synchronic complication of the peer... more
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation vol. 9, no. 3. 2006 .uk/9/3/10.html ... First Steps towards a Computer Aided Social Epistemology ... Rainer Hegselmann Department of Philosophy, University... more
This paper introduces a logic to reason about a well-known model of opinion dynamics in social networks initially developed by Morris DeGroot as well as Keith Lehrer and Carl Wagner. The proposed logic is an extension of Lukasiewicz'... more
We study the dynamics of the adoption of new products by agents with continuous opinions and discrete actions (CODA). The model is such that the refusal in adopting a new idea or product is increasingly weighted by neighbor agents as... more
In 1997, Robert Axelrod wondered in a highly influential paper "If people tend to become more alike in their beliefs, attitudes, and behavior when they interact, why do not all such differences eventually disappear?" Axelrod's question... more
This paper examines the interplay of opinion exchange dynamics and communication network formation. An opinion formation procedure is introduced which is based on an abstract representation of opinions as $k$--dimensional bit--strings.... more
A local culture denotes a commonly shared behaviour within a cluster of firms. Similar to social norms or conventions, it is an emergent feature resulting from the firms' interaction in an economic network. To model these dynamics, we... more
Empirical findings from social psychology show that sometimes people show favoritism toward in-group members in order to reach a global consensus, even against individuals' own preferences (e.g., altruistically or deontically). Here we... more
In transport planning several actors with conflicting objectives are involved in the decision-making process. Though public participation is fundamental to legitimate a transport plan, some inconsistencies may arise when individual... more
Abstract. We study the Deffuant et al model for continuous-opinion dynamics under the influence of noise. In the original version of this model, individuals meet in random pairwise encounters after which they compromise or not depending... more
Abstract: Despite the increasing diffusion of the Internet technology, TV remains the principal medium of communication. People's perceptions, knowledge, beliefs and opinions about matter of facts get (in) formed through the... more
This paper focuses on the relationship between two "everyday" beliefs about social systems. The first is that the variable attributes of individuals (attitudes, beliefs, opinions) in a social system do not typically tend to unanimous... more
The research on opinion dynamics in social networks and opinion influence models often suf er from a lack of grounding in social theories and also of empirical data validation. The current availability of large datasets and the ease by... more
"Probing deeper into the existing issues regarding the exit probability (EP) in one dimensional dynamical models, we consider several models where the states are represented by Ising spins and the information flows inwards. At zero... more
We study the continuum opinion dynamics of the compromise model of Krause and Hegselmann for a community of mutually interacting agents, by solving numerically a rate equation. The opinions are here represented by bidimensional vectors... more
Moral Foundation Theory states that groups of different observers may rely on partially dissimilar sets of moral foundations, thereby reaching different moral valuations. The use of functional imaging techniques has revealed a spectrum of... more