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Biblical poetry, in particular the psalms of lament, provides a model of how composing one's own lament and performing it to God can be a positive element in healing the effects of trauma. In an empirical study, Zulu youth who had... more
Is there a place for sadness in contemporary praise and worship music? Should there be a place for sadness in contemporary praise and worship music? How can pastors, church leaders, and songwriters create a place for sadness in a... more
Desperation, bitterness, and fear not only bring people to doubt themselves but also God. Psalm 13 can help enter into a conversation with God and overcome the hopelessness. This article demonstrates how the path that Ps 13 follows can... more
This paper, a sequel to the one published in Vertigo 1-2/2018, presents a Slovak translation of the famous "Ubi sunt?" scene from the second part of La Chanson de Guillaume. Almost each stanza (laisse) is accompanied by extensive... more
The noticeable analogies between the funeral laments of Anna and Juturna in the Aeneid have been often explained as a means of linking the sisters of the two main Aeneas’ opponents. But the common features of the two passages (and their... more
An examination of how Spurgeon used and highlighted the benefits of lament psalms in congregational worship in the book, Finding Lost Words: The Church’s Right to Lament. Edited by G. G. Harper and K. Barker. Australian College of... more
Blake Wilson Paper delivered at conference: “Henricus Isaac (ca. 1450/55–1517): Composition – Reception – Interpretation,” University of Vienna, July 1-3, 2017. Published in: Henricus Isaac (ca. 1450–1517): Composition – Reception –... more
Relatively little attention has been paid to biblical parallels to the wretched "I" of Rom 7:14-25. A few scholars have observed features shared with the psalms of lament, but these studies have been limited in scope and have proved... more
Όταν ο Σοφοκλής καταπιάνεται με το μύθο του οίκου των Ατρειδών και τη δολοφονία της Κλυταιμήστρας από τον γιό της Ορέστη, επιδεικνύει καινοφανές (σε σύγκριση με τους δύο μεγάλους ομοτέχνούς του, Αισχύλο και Ευριπίδη) ενδιαφέρον για το... more
By Federico G. Villanueva, 2007 -- An interesting feature in the Psalter, which has been the subject of much scholarly attention for almost a hundred years now, is the sudden change of mood in the lament psalms. Unfortunately, this... more
The brokenness of this world inevitably invades our lives. But how do you maintain faith when overwhelmed by grief? When prayer goes unanswered? When all you have are questions, not answers? What do you say to God when you know he is in... more
The overall intention of this new (2019) study is to provide an analysis of the poem “Lament” that, hopefully, will be beneficial to both students and interested Dylan Thomas readers. The essay first addresses the background to “Lament”:-... more
In this paper, I explore how Greek and Roman poets alluded to the lamentatory background of elegy through the figures of the swan and the nightingale. After surveying the ancient association of elegy and lament (Section I) and the common... more
The Psalms contain some of the most uninhibited and volatile expressions of emotion in all of the Bible. This is perhaps seen most sharply in the psalms of lament, of which Psalm 88 stands as the one of the most emotive and agonizing... more
Published in 1659, "Appresso ai molli argenti" exemplifies Strozzi’s sophisticated approach to the mid-seventeenth-century cantata-lament. Analysis of the poetic structure reveals a five-part textual form, but Strozzi articulates two... more
Within the last few decades, a Christian movement has emerged led by scholars such as Claus Westermann and Walter Brueggemann to reclaim the tradition of protest against God as a resource for dealing with suffering and catastrophe. In... more
This paper analyses the roles played by Contemporary Worship within Christian work with young people. It draws from Stages of Faith categories identified by Westerhoff and Fowler. It correlates the "searching" stage with Brueggemann's... more
By looking at storytelling in Ireland, the Fenian Cycle, and the idea of marriage, I will lay a foundation to take a closer look at Créde and Gráinne in their own episodes. From there, I will discuss their individual elopements and their... more
Author: Douglas Groothuis Publisher: CBE International Biblical feminism is an oxymoron—or so I thought when I met Becky Merrill in 1983. She had leanings in this direction, but I did not let that stop me from being interested in her.... more
The process of canonisation of the Hebrew Bible resulted in more than simply a collection of discrete short stories, linked only by all being about God’s relation with creation focused through Israel. Instead, the redactional work of... more
Biblical poetry, in particular the psalms of lament, provides a model of how composing one's own lament and performing it to God can be a positive element in healing the effects of trauma. In an empirical study, Zulu youth who had... more
Discusses choral lament scenes in French Baroque opera in the context of historical state funeral culture. Asks what staged choral mourning can tell us about the political imagination of publicity and participation under Louis XIV and... more
Review article of Nili Samet's "The Lamentation over the Destruction of Ur." Mesopotamian Civilizations 18. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2014. With an edition of the overlooked bilingual fragment BM 67111. To be read together with U. Gabbay... more
Da Omero a Virgilio: la riscrittura epica del lamento funebre tradizionale. Seminario tenuto il 12 aprile 2022 presso il Dipartimento di Scienze umane dell'Università della Basilicata nell'àmbito dei Seminari di Archeologia e Cultura... more
I follow the thread of the theme of the sacked city from its earliest manifestation in Mesopotamian historiography to the Iliad, showing that the Greek epic picked up on many themes originating in early second millennium Mesopotamia, and... more
First of all as it is defined as a form of action, ağlama-lament is a way of expression in the music means being an indication of the cultural identity and women identity respectively. The screams which are taking place in the outcome of... more
Biblical lament provides a vital way of maintaining a healthy relationship with God when one’s life experience does not match up with one’s beliefs. Not to lament in such a situation is to deny authenticity. And, as the psychological... more