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In the mid-90s, Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement and the Iranian Ayatollah Khamene’i both banned bloody forms of self-flagellation such as tatbir (cutting the forehead with a sword), calling them backward and un-Islamic. They argued that... more
The present study aimed at understanding the practices of Shi‘a Muharram rituals in a Punjabi village. Shi‘a Muharram rituals have a greater significance on the lives of villagers in Jhang. Present paper is divided into three major... more
Tehran Bazaar has been the most influential marketplace in Iran, over the last two hundred years, since Tehran became the capital of the country. The Bazaar has been a significant socio-political agent in Iranian society. Nevertheless,... more
Contemporary “humanist” approaches to violence take (post-Enlightenment) Man to be essentially reasonable and pacific. Its etiology is sought in the perpetrator’s succumbing to animal nature and/or in the victim’s defiance of... more
In the Republic of Azerbaijan, which gained independence after the collapse of the USSR, the socio-political events of the last 70 years were being assessed and viewed from a completely new point of view. One of the main tasks of... more
Festivals bring people together in affirmations of community. This article looks at two festivals in coastal locations in Indonesia and Brazil with a close inspection of performances of fight-dancing included within both festivals. The... more
"'The Bengal Diaspora: Rethinking Muslim Migration' fills what is missing in existing Partition Studies and speaks to our times." -- Rituparna Roy
This article is a study of mourning among Shi'a Muslims during the COVID-19 pandemic through a call-in talk show called #IAMHUSSEINI. By analyzing the discourses of callers and presenters and locating them within a visual context of the... more
There has been a welcome rise in recent scholarship on the links between the two partitions of 1947 and 1971 and what these links have meant for residents of the vast eastern region of the subcontinent. This extraordinary book focuses our... more
Analysing the experience of diasporic communities has been the focus of extensive research and debate over the past few decades. Ethnic and Racial Studies has played a role in both publishing some of the most important research papers in... more
R u m e l i D E D i l v e E d e b i y a t A r a ş t ı r m a l a r ı D e r g i s i 2 0 1 9. 1 6 (E y l ü l) / 6 7 7 Âşûrâ Vak'ası ve Hz. Hüseyin'in (as) kıyamının Fars şiirine etkisi: Safevî'den günümüze / A. Yeşil
Martyrdom, sacrifice, and the dedication of one's life to fight for a higher cause are central themes of Shi'i militancy. I recount my journey among Iranian Shi'i youth who fought or enlisted to fight in Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria, to trace... more
Sesungguhnya Alloh SWT menurunkan syariat Islam dengan sempurna dan islam sendiri merupakan agama Rahmatan Lil A'alamin, bukan hanya untuk muslim tapi untuk semua umat manusia, maka tidak heran apabila banyak para dokter dan peneliti yang... more
İnternet Röportajı: “Kerbela, Mezhepçilik Hastalığını Tedavi Eden Formül İşlevi Görmeli”, Anadolu Ajansı’na mülakat, röp.: Mücahit Türetken, 30 Eylül 2017,... more
(I)Background of the Village and Main Ethnic GroupsThe village, ChakNo. 253/JB (Nangay Sundray) is situated approximately 35 kilometers on the Jhang-Faisalabad road in the East of the Jhang city. This village was established during 19th... more
Amalan bulan Muharram ed.2
Dipersilahkan untuk disebarkan MOHON DOANYA
From the Safavids’ time onward, in big cities like Isfahan, Shiraz and Tabriz, non-Muslims lived in separated areas, called quarters (Jewish quarter, Armenian quarter or Zoroastrian quarter). These quarters were like small towns in the... more