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This article considers the peculiarities of designing industrial enterprises and their settlements in the USSR during the first five-year plans. Referring to the Pyshminsky Electrolytic Copper Plant (Rus. PMEZ) and Medny Rudnik, the... more
After the Industrial Revolution, Industrial Design emerged as a formal entity, driven by the principles of functionality and mass production. During the same period, the proponents of the Arts and Crafts movement concerned themselves with... more
El 17 de febrer de 1911 es constituí la SA Carbones de Berga amb José E de Olano y Loyzaga (1858- 1934), comte de Fígols des de 1908, com a principal accionista. El document, juntament amb el plànol de la finca Capdevila a escala 1:1000,... more
Review article on Andy Bielenberg, Ireland and the Industrial Revolution
L'articolo ripercorre la nascita e lo sviluppo del sottogenere del paesaggio industriale sovietico dal 1917 fino alla prima metà degli anni '30.
Recherche collective Franco-maroco-tunisienne des années 1980 analysant les effets des grands projets industriels sur le développement urbain à travers les cas de Gabès en Tunisie et Mohammedia au Maroc. Dans les deux cas il s'agit de... more
Governments across Africa and Asia are turning to AGRO-INDUSTRIAL PARKS (AIPs) to stimulate inclusive economic transformation. AIPs can enable agro-processing and agro-allied firms to co-locate around a highly competitive industrial... more
Developing countries, including Nigeria, aim to achieve industrialisation and sustainable development. However, there are few empirical studies that examined the impact of industrialisation-led economic transformation on carbon emissions... more
Ce document est extrait de mon livre Les seigneurs de la soie, Les Presses du Languedoc, 1994, réédité-sans que j'en sois averti-par les Nouvelles Presses du Languedoc en 2012. Cet éditeur ayant fait depuis l'objet d'une liquidation... more
Odisha is one of the most backward and poorest states of India. Since the economic reform of 1990’s, many initiatives have been taken by the government for rapid industrialization of the state, but was not successful in attracting private... more
For a long time, the question of industrialisation and technology have taken centre-stage in debates about development. In mainstream analyses, technology is often treated as a component not germane to the process of production and long... more
The Modernist age of poetry saw writers exercising freedom in creating the structure and content of their poems. The era was one riddled with confusion and uncertainty. This came out through the expression of art, poetry and literature.... more
in “Storia economica globale del mondo contemporaneo”, a cura di Carlo Fumian e Andrea Giuntini (Roma: Carocci, 2019), 75-94
It is clear on analysis of modern historiography that Industrialisation in Britain by 1825 was a process already in motion, albeit somewhat stifled by ineffective pre-modern infrastructure and forms of conveyance. By 1850 the broad... more
Cette étude ethnocritique examine une poétique culturelle des temporalités et s’intéresse aux conflits des hétérochronies à l’œuvre dans le roman "Germinal" en faisant l’hypothèse que les jeux de tensions temporelles disent les... more
La industria automotriz ha liderado el crecimiento industrial de la Argentina durante buena parte de las primeras dos décadas del siglo xxi. El sector autopartista registró también un buen desempeño en términos de producción, empleo e... more
Zimbabwe is currently experiencing De-Industrialization. What are causing this? What can be done to reverse this trend? This paper seeks to answer the mentioned questions
L’objectif de cette communication est d’étudier les stratégies d’industrialisation du Cameroun depuis les années 1960. L’industrialisation reste un leitmotiv pour l’Afrique et le Cameroun notamment, puisqu’elle est présentée comme la voie... more
Renewable sources of energy exist naturally without depletion since they replenish themselves naturally. Some of the renewable sources of energy include geothermal energy, solar energy, hydropower, bioenergy, wave and tide energy, and... more
This article considers photographer and theorist Allan Sekula’s exhibition and book project, Fish Story (1989-1995), the first in an ongoing series of works by Sekula that explore the ocean as a key space of globalisation. In the light of... more
The peninsular territory has a huge number of abandoned and uninhabited villages for reasons often related to economic reasons. The Pyrenees has been a space of big migratory currents since the nineteenth century. As a border territory,... more
A new process of making iron, using a blast furnace and a forge, both powered by water, was introduced into the Weald in the 1490s, and spread to other parts of England and Wales from the 1550s. This book provides a history of every... more
İn this article it is examined the trip of men that starts from agrarian times to industrialisation times. Industrialisation is main topic here but we also examine what starts it and what circumstances arrranges it. We explain Industrial... more
This is a Thesis on Industrial Archaeology, the first of its kind to be developed in the University of Cordoba. Its main aim is to analyze the role played by copper mining and metallurgy in the peculiar industrialization process of... more
B.K. Roy Burman (1922-2012) studied Anthropology at the University of Calcutta and like Surajit Sinha he was also trained by T.C.Das Later he was advisor to many governmental committees for the welfare of the scheduled tribes in India. In... more
The present study examines how business actors participated in and influenced government decision-making regarding their own economic and political interests in early- nineteenth-century Finland. The research period is characterised by a... more
The stories of Charles Dickens and Herman Melville, "The Signal-Man" (1866) and "Bartleby" (1853) respectively, have received much critical attention more than one century to date. The settings and themes of the two stories suggest that... more
Mapiranje industrijske baštine grada Zenice je kompilacija radova pisanih od strane diplomiranih kulturologinja i kulturologa, te studenata Kulturalnih studija. Predstavlja 1. dio istraživanja Komparativna analiza kulturnih identiteta... more
For decades land, forests, water and other natural resources are not free from public debates and academic discourses due to several reasons. In India this debate has taken different forms in different places based on the specific... more
This article gives an insight into the industrialization and colonization processes of northern Scandinavia. Urbanization due to industrialization is a vital part of the perspective, and brings us into an industrial mega system in Swedish... more