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The local economic impact of a large tertiary education institution such as a university is an issue which has attracted considerable attention in literature. Beck et al (1995, 246) define economic impact as „the difference between... more
Nowadays the realization that certain economic units, universities or other objects have impact on the economy of their region comes more and more into prominence. A growing demand appears to generate more precise studies regarding the... more
For many years there has been wide recognition of the economic impact that major sports events can generate in attracting visitors and event-related construction investment. This article seeks to provide a brief overview of the key... more
One of the primary tools for raising awareness on biological invasions has been the publication of species accounts of the most prominent alien invaders. Until now such compilations have been available only for particular taxa, biomes... more
This paper examines the public policy value of looking at gambling from a public health perspective. The manner in which social issues are framed will either expand or curtail public policy debates. The existing and traditional frames for... more
This paper provides an empirical examination of the economic impact of spectator sports on local economies. Confirming the results of other ex post analyses of sports in general, this paper finds no statistically significant evidence that... more
Treated sewage effluent is one of the most common types of pollution found in urban rivers. Both the quality and quantity of effluent result in various impacts on the receiving freshwater as well as marine environment. This paper outlines... more
The focus of this study was to estimate the economic impact of Romblon State University on the economy of the province of Romblon in terms of the university's direct spending activity. The researchers realized that determining the... more
According to this paper, rural community colleges face new challenges, which require openness to institutional partnerships that in the past may have been unthinkable due to traditional institutional competitiveness. These challenges... more
While tourism replaced plantation agriculture as a mainstay of Hawaii’s economy, landscape ser­ vices became increasingly more important relative to agricultural production activities. A study by Barmettler and Prasad reported that in... more
It is often thought that historic preservation and economic interests are competing values. This case study of a large Chicago neighborhood provides evidence that National Historic District Designation was beneficial to properties in the... more
Cruise industry is characterised by a continuous development at least the last decade, as the demand for cruise services increases every year. This development creates new opportunities for local societies to exploit the benefits that can... more