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This paper will provide an overview of the fundamental changes that the cruise ship business has undergone with the emergence of capitalist globalization and in the context of the Caribbean region. Rising profits and investments in... more
This article analyzes how mass-market cruise lines mobilize food, laborers, and built environments to offer passengers cosmopolitanism with the purpose of maintaining a unique business model. It is argued that while companies target a... more
Completely updated and revised, Cruise Ship Tourism, 2nd Edition covers the economic, social and environmental impacts of cruising, combining the latest knowledge and research to provide a comprehensive account of the subject. Despite the... more
Cruise industry is characterised by a continuous development at least the last decade, as the demand for cruise services increases every year. This development creates new opportunities for local societies to exploit the benefits that can... more
The cruise industry enjoys arguably the most flexible and globalized of all labor markets. Yet, in an apparent paradox, cruise lines face a potential labor shortage, despite the fact that the bulk of their labor is sourced from the Global... more
Shifting from representationally-oriented analysis of images to analysis of practices—the production, circulation and consumption of tourists’ images, and from photos created by tourists to photos staged, produced and displayed by the... more
Who doesn’t want a picturesque destination wedding! And if the destination is in the midst of the breathtakingly blue waters of the Caribbean, floating in a luxury cruise, then it’s even more magical. Bahamas Paradise Wedding Specialists... more
Τα τελευταία χρόνια, σύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία της Διεθνούς Ένωσης Κρουαζιέρας (CLIA), καταγράφεται μια συνεχής ανάπτυξη του κλάδου της κρουαζιέρας. Εκτιμάται ότι οι επιβάτες στα κρουαζιερόπλοια θα ξεπεράσουν τα 30.000.000 εκατομμύρια... more
Cruise tourism as one of the most dynamic and fastest growing segments of tourism industry is shaping tourism activities. The growth rate of global cruise tourism has constantly increased over the last years and the number of cruise... more
A actividade de cruzeiros marítimos tem vindo a registar um crescimento notável a nível mundial. Tratando-se de uma actividade em franca expansão, tal é indissociável da reorganização da oferta, nomeadamente ao nível das empresas, dos... more
The current COVID-19 cruise tourism crisis has evolved to epic proportions and placed some of the cruise lines on the verge of bankruptcy. This research aimed to gain a deeper understanding of the crisis. Using an inductive qualitative... more
Αντικείμενο της έρευνάς μας αποτελούν οι προοπτικές, οι προϋποθέσεις, και η διατύπωση των λειτουργικών και θεσμικών προτάσεων που θα επι- τρέψουν την ανάπτυξη λιμένων αφετηρίας κρουαζιέρας (home-ports) στην ελληνική επικράτεια.... more
This issue of cruise line crime is looming just over the horizon and has the potential to become a problem for the cruise line industry, the Caribbean nations, South Florida, and the United States Government. The reality of the situation... more
A Agenda 2030, da Organização das Nações Unidas, e seus 17 Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável e 169 metas, foram analisados e o Objetivo 14 se destaca como orientação em uma pesquisa de tese de doutorado, que apresenta um modelo de... more
The growth of cruise tourism worldwide presents cruise destinations with many challenges, including the need for substantial investment in cruise infrastructure. This paper reviews the role and manifestations of power among a wide range... more
Although worldwide tourism continues to develop and grow, the tourism research community remains relatively new since new fields of study are emerging, following the changes of the sector. Tourism empirical research is characterized by a... more
This article presents the waste management on board Disney Cruise Line (DCL) company ships. In previous papers, we focused on the environmental policies of the DCL company, on the cruise itinerary waste management plans for the... more
With ever changing business world, achieving higher level of work performance through managing employee’s work-life balance is still challenging and remains as an issue in literature as well as practically in organizations. Unlike in most... more
Scopo del presente lavoro è stato quello di esaminare l’industria crocieristica sotto il profilo dell’offerta. Al fine di disporre di una base informativa originale, si è realizzato un apposito database aggiornato al 2019 contenente un... more
Transport is an inherent part of tourism; whether as a functional means of transportation, such as between origin and destination or within the destination; or as a key element of the holiday experience itself, as in cruising or traveling... more
Η κρουαζιέρα ως τρόπος αναψυχής είναι γνωστή από την αρχαιότητα και αποτελούσε προνόμιο των εύπορων κοινωνικών τάξεων. Στην διαδρομή του χρόνου τα κοινωνιολογικά και χωρο-χρονικά χαρακτηριστικά της κρουαζιέρας μεταβλήθηκαν. Στην εποχή μας... more
La industria de los cruceros se halla inmersa en un contexto de cambio estructural, derivado principalmente por los efectos de la crisis económica. Tras años de crecimiento sostenido, el sector muestra claros síntomas de estancamiento.... more
Cruise tourism has seen a growing and constant demand in the United States and Europe. In Brazil, this market has been in the spotlight, with exponential growth in demand. However, since the 2011/2012 season, the rate of growth has been... more
"Crociere e crocieristi. Itinerari, immaginari e narrazioni" offre una panoramica sul crocierismo dalla prospettiva disciplinare della geografia. Questa monografia scientifica, utilizzando un approccio quali-quantitativo, analizza... more
The cruise industry worldwide has increased rapidly since the beginning of the millennium. Hawaii is no exception to this. Since the 1970s, cruise ships periodically visited the Hawaiian Islands, yet overnight cruising among the islands... more
Η μελέτη αυτή εκπονήθηκε το 2020 από επιστημονική ομάδα εργασίας στα πλαίσια των ερευνών του Εργαστηρίου Αστικού Περιβάλλοντος ΕΜΠ, με τους Νίκο Μπελαβίλα καθηγητή πολεοδομίας, Βίκυ Μάντζα, ναυπηγό, MSc ναυτιλιακών σπουδών, Πολίνα... more
Corporate philanthropy (CP) describes the voluntary action of a company to donate time and/or financial resources to a societal cause. Originally aligned with altruistic intention, CP is increasingly used to deflect criticism away from... more
This guide supports viewers in discussing the “New China,” the importance of social class in Chinese society, and understanding lessons some of the film’s protagonists learned from working on a cruise ship traveling the Yangtze River.... more
Η κρουαζιέρα ως τρόπος αναψυχής είναι γνωστή από την αρχαιότητα και αποτελούσε προνόμιο των εύπορων κοινωνικών τάξεων. Στην διαδρομή του χρόνου τα κοινωνιολογικά και χωρο-χρονικά χαρακτηριστικά της κρουαζιέρας μεταβλήθηκαν. Στην εποχή μας... more
Cruising has become one of the popular trends in tourism. Each year large cruise ships are built to meet the increasing demand for cruising. Cruise industry is like any other sector of tourism, uses resources and generates wastes which... more
Pariwisata merupakan salah satu industri yang cukup berkembang pada saat ini. Pariwisata bukan dinilai sebagai sebuah kegiatan saja namun pariwisata juga dinilai sebagai sebuah industri yang memiliki peluang yang besar karena dirasa dapat... more
The article uses the spatial-temporal behaviour of cruise passengers at a given destination as an explanatory factor of their expenditure. First, it shows that different expenditure levels imply different mobility patterns. Second, it... more
Eine intakte Umwelt ist für den Tourismus generell von besonderer Bedeutung, da das Reisen durch eine enge Beziehung zu Natur und Kultur geprägt ist. Um sich nicht seiner Grundlage zu berauben, muss die Tourismuswirtschaft folglich für... more
The Cycladic islands are famous all over the world as an ideal holiday destination, especially one worth exploring by sailing boat, which allows the visitor to get to know many islands. The sea is the protagonist in a sailing trip but the... more
The Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic is a global public health emergency that Dropped Physician Recruitment by 30% in the US (Terry, 2020). The available data show that the pandemic resulted in a significant staff shortage in hospitals,... more
This article examines the growth of Community-Based Tourism within the broader discipline of tourism. New topics in the field have emerged such as responsible tourism, pro-poor tourism, sports tourism and moral impacts of tourism. This... more