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This paper explores arts festivals in terms of their relationship to local economic development within the rural island region of Orkney in Scotland. Fourteen qualitative, semi-structured interviews were conducted with arts festival... more
ABSTRACT Lean Six Sigma Executive Overview (Case Study) Templates are a guide to Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, and Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Projects. Lean Six Sigma Practitioners use the DMAIC (Define,... more
In order to evaluate the investment opportunity for Alusaf and Gencor, the international rate of return (IRR) of Financing the Mozal Project case solution needs to be determined. The financial projections given in Exhibit 6 are taken as a... more
Building Information Modelling (BIM) has been implemented throughout the UK for all types of building projects. Most recently is its adoption for the design and management of low carbon buildings. The purpose of this research paper is to... more
This course focuses on how to design and conduct small-n case study and comparative research. Thinking outside of students' areas of interest and specialisms and topics, students will be encouraged to develop the concepts and comparative... more
Dell computers from the very start were selling customized personal computers. The customers were able to choose the components they wanted in their personal computers. This had not been done by the competitors and could not be replicated... more
Reduce account receivables from 75 days to 50 days than they will be able to meet banks number by 2014. Similarly, improve supply chain efficiency and reduce inventory levels which will free up some cash to pay off the debt.
How do we socially negotiate what is seen or not seen in an institution? This dissertation posits the idea that educational institutions reproduce social exclusions and inequalities both through verbal exchanges and through practices of... more
•INTERVENING ABOUT OFFER, ATTENTION AND KNOWLEDGE OF CANDIDATES However, it is a just general approach to view HRM processes of the company. Probably these steps are same in all the firms.
The case study presented here, deals with the subject of second language acquisition making at the same time an effort to show as much as possible how L1 was acquired and the ways L1 affected L2, through the process of examining a Greek... more
In this paper
we worked on the case study on Mcdonalds marketing case study which is in marketing management........
"1 Introduction PRINCIPLES AND PLANNING FOR RESEARCH 2 Theoretical Perspectives and Research Methodologies 3 Selecting and Planning Research Proposals and Projects 4 Research Ethics 5 Searching, critically reviewing and using the... more
Anormal Psikoloji kitabı, ruhsal bozukluklar alanında çalışan tüm profesyoneller, psikiyatristler, klinik psikologlar, psikologlar, psikolojik danışmanlar, hekimler, sosyal hizmet uzmanları, psikiyatri hemşireleri ve bu alanlarda öğrenci... more
Samsung Group is one of the biggest group of companies in the world. This is beyond intriguing to inspect the strategies and business models it used in order to become one of the largest conglomerates. More specifically, however, this is... more
In any organization that operates in cyberspace, it is necessary to understand the information battlespace. Defensive information battlespace knowledge can be provided by detailed analysis of carefully selected metrics using automated... more
Conduction aphasia is a type of fluent aphasia, which is caused due to the damage to the supramarginal gyrus and arcuate fasciculus resulting in repetition disturbance. It has been speculated that linguistic system in bilingual aphasics... more
This article presents the results of research into contract-making and implementation between Russian and foreign companies. International contract-making is regarded as an element of cross-cultural collaboration, which inevitably reveals... more
The second article in a series, this case study demonstrates how psychiatric diagnoses and treatment can ignore social, environmental, and personal history factors that likely caused a person's mental disorders. We examined the life of a... more
El objetivo principal de este estudio de caso es proponer y analizar una serie de aspectos descriptivos respecto a la situación actual de las comunicaciones de mercadeo del sector Healthcare de la compañía multinacional Philips. Mediante... more
"This paper presents a formal development of a cardiac pacing system based on a Boston Scientific’s model, a pilot case study from the Grand Challenge in Software Verification. We present a summary of our Z model of the system, its... more
A qualitative case study research was conducted to investigate the process of evaluation and implementation of a Standard-based textbook by two seventh grade middle school mathematics teachers over a period of two years. The data... more
Participant observation is employed in any academic discipline or professional field requiring in-depth studies of everyday life. The article describes the key processes of undertaking participant observation involving joining members of... more
Tentando refletir criticamente sobre a natureza da abordagem qualitativa e os estudos de caso como estratégia particular, o presente trabalho procura analisar as práticas científicas no campo sociológico. Com este objetivo, propõem-se... more
This document unveil the recent judgments delivered by the Indian Court.
Bipolar duygudurum bozukluğunda eşik altı belirtilerin fark edilmemesinin bazı vakaların tanı ve tedavisini güçleştirdiği gözlenmektedir. Bu yelpazede yer alan hastaların işlevsellik düzeyinde önemli bozulmalar olduğu, hastanın hastalığı... more
The Tire Inflammation System is based on the idea to maintain uniform tire pressure of an automobile and to reduce tire wear, increase fuel efficiency and increased overall vehicle safety.The main working principle of the Tire Inflation... more
Family quality of life (FQoL) is an emerging concept to understand and improve the well-being and quality of life (QoL) of families. While there has been a lot of effort to conceptualize life domains of families and measurement tools are... more
The Bihari people were left stateless after Bangladesh's secession from Pakistan in 1971. Originally from India, this Urdu‐speaking community was effectively stranded, and lived in refugee camps for the next 37 years, systematically... more
Scholars have recently become attentive not only to the institutional designs that constitutions set up, but also to the constitutional change processes. Most authors, who are concerned with the effects the design of constitution-making... more
Developing and Leading Emergence Teams describes a future business landscape that seems to be complicated, complex and chaotic, in almost equal measures. The variety and diversity of the environments within which large organizations will... more
Within the current territorial division communes play a very significant role. They are responsible particularly for supporting local development through financing projects aimed at improving quality of life in local environment. To be... more
Comparative case studies are an effective qualitative tool for researching the impact of policy and practice in various fields of social research, including education. Developed in response to the inadequacy of traditional case study... more
Introduction. This paper focuses on a research strategy combining the concept of mental models, diary method, drawings technique and thematic analysis to study individual information spaces. The possibility of implementing such approach... more
European policy increasingly supports territorially based rural development in which local actors play a decisive role in realising economically, socially and ecologically responsible development. This paper makes use of four... more