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Posthumanism, now in the mainstream of the humanities and humanistic social sciences, poses a challenge to ethnomusicology, a discipline inherently focused on the human and social aspects of music. Drawing from a survey of birds in the... more
Das Buch ist die erste monografische Abhandlung zu Vogelbildern als Untergattung der niederländischen Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts. Es nähert sich dem Thema interdisziplinär mit einem ungewohnten methodischen Ansatz, der die erzählerische... more
Birds featured in many aspects of medieval people's lives, not least in their poetry. But despite their familiar presence in literary culture, it is still often assumed that these representations have little to do with the real natural... more
In his Wars (De Bellis), Procopius shares an extraordinary tale about Emperor Honorius, who allegedly heard about the plunder of Rome from his poultry keeper. First, Honorius misunderstood the report because he also had a huge rooster... more
Background Infections of wild birds with highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) subtype H5N1 virus were reported for the first time in the European Union in 2006. ... Objectives To capture epidemiological information on H5N1 HPAI in wild... more
Introduction: Guidelines recommend storing tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) refrigerated. However, especially in developing countries, maintaining the product refrigerated under field conditions can be difficult, limiting its... more
The rete testis in the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus), Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica), guinea-fowl (Numida meleagris galeata) and drake (Anas platyrhynchos) was studied histologically and with both the scanning and... more
Using gross dissections and computed tomography we studied the lungs of juvenile American alligators (Alligator mississippiensis). Our findings indicate that both the external and internal morphology of the lungs is strikingly similar to... more
Acoustical bird monitoring system is a new tool under construction, which will provide automatic support for bird species recognition. The project is an interdisciplinary research which involves specialists from ecology, biology,... more
La migration comme condition humaine Marseille et Gênes sont des villes de migration, d'émigration et d'immigration, de véritables carrefours de la Méditerranée. Ce sont des ports par lesquels sont passés des millions de gens et qui ont... more
The tendency to win-shift (to better learn to avoid, rather than return to, recently rewarded locations) has been demonstrated in a variety of nectarivorous birds and in honeybees. It is hypothesized to be a cognitive adaptation to the... more
Levels of parasitism and the dynamics of helminth systems is subject to the impact of environmental conditions such that we may expect long term increases in temperature will increase the force of infection and the parasite's basic... more
The Blaans of Little Baguio live of agriculture and hunting in the mountains located in the Southeastern part of the island of Mindanao (Philippines). They were exposed to Christianity, but they kept many of their traditions alive. In... more
Monitoring illegal wildlife trade and how the modus operandi of traders changes over time is of vital importance to mitigate the negative effects this trade can have on wild populations. We focused on the trade of birds of prey in... more