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Since always and whatever the category, professional divers encountered a lot of accidents which are, due to the environment often lethal. As the causes of these accidents are often the same, the purpose of the present article is to... more
Electrocardiogram, cardiac output, and blood lactate accumulation were recorded in three elite breath-hold divers diving to 40-55 m in a pressure chamber in thermoneutral (35 degrees C) or cool (25 degrees C) water. In two of the divers,... more
To demonstrate the utility of 12-lead Holter monitoring underwater. A Holter monitor, recording a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) underwater, was applied to 16 pre-trained volunteer scuba divers (13 males and three females). Dive... more
Spinal Cord is the official journal of the International Spinal Cord Society. It provides complete coverage of all aspects of spinal injury and disease.
During diving, marine mammals must rely on the efficient utilization of a limited oxygen reserve sequestered in the lungs, blood and muscles. To determine the effects of exercise and apnea on the use of these reserves, we examined the... more
This survey addresses the immediate physiological reactions to immersion in cold water: cold shock response, diving reflex, cardiac arrhythmias and hypothermia. Cold shock response is the initial sympathetic reaction to immersion in cold... more
Permanent neuropsychological changes such as memory disturbances and depression have been found in professional divers, even in those who have never had decompression sickness. The changes are probably the result of intravascular gas... more
Questo manuale è il frutto di grande conoscenza ed esperienza ed è stato progettato per addestrare all'immersione tecnica i subacquei sportivi che siano già esperti ed abili e che posseggono come prerequisito minimo di addestramento il... more
Исследование посвящено изучению восприятия российскими дайверами мест погружений, природных и социальных условий подводных погружений, взаимосвязи предпочтений в отношении дайвинга и уровня опыта подводного пловца. Работа базируется на... more
Acute pulmonary edema may be induced by diving and strenuous swimming. We report the case of a diver using closed-circuit, scuba equipment who developed acute dyspnea, hemoptysis, and hypoxemia following a dive in 18 degreesC (64.4... more
The number of recreational scuba divers is steadily increasing. In its latest recommendations, the French Federation of Undersea Studies and Sports listed congenital heart disease as a formal and final contraindication to scuba diving. On... more
One of the reasons for the emergency use of a hyperbaric chamber concerns a diving-related accident. Decompression sickness is potentially serious; it requires urgent treatment and hyperbaric recompression. It is caused by the formation... more
Geoposizionamento, rilievo, campionatura e analisi dendrocronologica delle specie arboree della foresta sommersa del lago di Tovel (TN). Con il patrocinio del Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta e del Comune di Ville d'Anaunia (TN) e la... more
Pneumocephalus is a recognized complication from head and facial traumas, sinus surgery and as a complication from otitis media acuta. Only a few cases of pneumocephalus related to diving have been reported. We report an occupational... more
Scuba diving injuries vary greatly in severity and prognosis. While decompression sickness (DCS) and arterial gas embolism can be tracked easily, other forms of diving injury remain unaccounted for. The purpose of this paper is to assess... more
Nella formazione di un subacqueo questo corso è il più importante dopo quello iniziale e determina il definitivo passaggio da una attività ricreativa e non impegnativa ad una piùcosciente e ragionata. Per questo bisogna essere consapevoli... more
The body of a 44-year-old scuba diver was examined using postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and findings were verified by subsequent autopsy. The goal was to find out whether the... more
Decompression Sickness (DCS) may occur when divers decompress from a hyperbaric environment. To prevent this, decompression procedures are used to get safely back to the surface. The models whose procedures are calculated from, are... more
Le découpage thermique sous eau est une technique de travail couramment utilisée par les plongeurs-scaphandriers depuis plus d'un siècle, mais elle est malheureusement aussi responsable de nombreux accidents graves et mortels dont la... more
Türkiye dalış camiasının tarihi anlattığım seri röportajlarımdan Sayın Zareh Magar'ın Hikayesi
Since the introduction of recreational closed-circuit rebreathers (CCRs) in 1998, there have been many recorded deaths. Rebreather deaths have been quoted to be as high as 1 in 100 users. Rebreather fatalities between 1998 and 2010 were... more
Ecolodge is a type of hotel that focuses on saving and protecting the environment, either it was natural, biological, or even cultural. Ecolodges promotes ecotourism and it can be “cultural, recreational” tourism by understanding the... more
Manuale per l'addestramento di subacquei per l'immersione in caverna. Viene descritta la geologia dell'ambiente, l'equipaggiamento e la configurazione necessaria, l'attitudine e la psicologia per questo tipo di attività, le tecniche e la... more
Данный сборник материалов разработан для водолазов, специалистов обеспечивающих водолазные спуски, слушателей водолазных школ и всех заинтересованных лиц в учебных и ознакомительных целях. В издании собрана информация по организации... more
This is the second report based on a survey of Divers Alert Network Asia-Pacific (DAN AP) members who dive with cardiovascular and respiratory conditions and diabetes. It examines the medical management of the divers' conditions, any... more
Petit manuel de formation destiné aux plongeurs scaphandriers.
The body of a 44-year-old scuba diver was examined using postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and findings were verified by subsequent autopsy. The goal was to find out whether the... more