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Das Buch ist die erste monografische Abhandlung zu Vogelbildern als Untergattung der niederländischen Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts. Es nähert sich dem Thema interdisziplinär mit einem ungewohnten methodischen Ansatz, der die erzählerische... more
The work is analyzing language and poetics of contemporary fable. Genre specifics makes definite limits on the personal author’s style. Some fables are shifting to the periphery of the genre field and become closer to the city folklore,... more
This research describes the chronological variation, from the 18th to the 21st century, of the fidelity of Spanish translations of three Jean de La Fontaine’s fables: Le corbeau et le renard, Le lion et le rat and Le lièvre et la tortue.... more
This chapter will make use of a friendly, narrative style that invites participation from the reader, to explore caring for self, others and nature, as encapsulated in the notion of kindness. It begins with a fable, a short story that... more
Ouvrage issu de la thèse de doctorat, accepté par les éditions Honoré Champion, coll. "Convergences (Antiquité-XXIe siècle)", à paraître en 2020. En PJ : position de thèse. Résumé (français) : Au seuil de ses Fables, La Fontaine affirme... more
This is the word text of the introduction to my book, James Northcote, History Painting and the Fables, Published by Yale in association with the Yale Center for British Art, in 2014.
Entries for 10 Egyptian objects from Museum August Kestner, Hannover / Germany (Cat. I.9 - I.17), and Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden / The Netherlands (Cat. I.8) in the beautiful publication (Schriftenreihe des Landesmuseums Natur und... more
La postérité a si bien attaché le nom de La Fontaine au genre de la fable animalière que l'on veut croire que le poète n'a écrit que des fables et qu'il n'est de fable que d'animaux : c'est méconnaître le nombre de fables sans animaux... more
हमने ईसप, जातक, पञ्चतन्त्र और हितोपदेश की नीतिकथाएँ पढ़ी हैं। पर क्या हमने महाभारत की नीति कथाएँ पढ़ी हैं? हम महाभारत के मनुष्य पात्रों के बारे में जानते हैं। पर क्या हम महर्षि वेद व्यास की महान् संहिता में चतुर सियार, ढोंगी हंस, जानकार... more
Horace’s Epist. 1.7 poses notoriously difficult problems about the author’s relationship with Maecenas. This article proposes that we identify the Calaber hospes of v. 14 with Augustus, and that the entire poem be understood as an... more
Aristote ne la mentionne pas dans La Poétique, Sénèque ignorait son existence, et depuis La Fontaine, elle compte parmi les genres les plus représentatifs de la littérature française. L’évolution du genre de la fable n’est pas des plus... more
A collection of forty-nine short stories from the Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, and Confucian traditions, as well as from Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean folklore. The book is aimed for a general audience.... more
in Studia Romanica 42/3 (2015): p. 59-77 Le conte n'est pas seulement un récit linéaire, sobre, mais une savante combinaison d'une diégèse d'un certain type, d'un réseau d'images et d'une philosophie implicite. C'est en cela qu'il se... more
We have all read the the fables of Aesop, the Jataka tales, the Panchatantra or Hitopadesha stories. But what about the fables from the Mahabharata? We know about the human characters, but do we know about the clever jackal, the hypocrite... more
"Jan M. Ziolkowski not only provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical debates about fairy tale origins but includes an extensive discussion of the relationship of the fairy tale to both the written and oral sources. Ziolkowski... more
"Animal Stories and Fables in Ancient Egypt" - Essay in the beautiful publication (Schriftenreihe des Landesmuseums Natur und Mensch, Heft 63) accompanying the cross-cultural exhibition "Tierisch moralisch. Die Welt der Fabel in Orient... more
Nata in Mesopotamia, la favola antica fiorì nel mondo greco-romano, ai margini della cultura alta delle classi superiori, come particolare genere letterario dove si depositò la visione del mondo e della vita maturata dagli schiavi... more
The twelfth-century Latin beast epic Ysengrimus is one of the great comic masterpieces of the Middle Ages. This long poem, composed in what is today Belgium, recounts the relentless persecution of the wolf Ysengrimus by his archenemy... more
Παρατίθενται εδώ εισαγωγικά γραμματολογικά στοιχεία και μεταφράσεις για το είδος των διδακτικών μύθων (μύθοι ζώων, μύθοι αισώπειου τύπου) σε διάφορους πολιτισμούς της Ανατολής: Αίγυπτο, Μεσοποταμία, Ισραήλ, Ινδία. Αποδίδονται στη γλώσσα... more
A re-translation of Michel Serres's “The Parasite” by Randolph Burks, based on Lawrence Schehr's translation. It was high time “The Parasite” saw a revision. Here it is. Schehr's translation has been substantially altered in style and... more
Cet article est une version remaniée de la conférence donnée par Yohann VAUCHÉ en mai 2021 pour le compte de l'Université Populaire du Pays de Lorient (U.P.P.L.).
A new edition of Leonardo da Vinci's Fables, Facetiae, Bestiary, and Prophecies, curated by Giuditta Cirnigliaro and Carlo Vecce. It shows Leonardo's wonder in front of the marvels of Nature, his scientific discoveries, the work of the... more
In the history of European literature the philosophical tale flourished especially in the sphere of literary writing but was never essentially accepted by purely philosophical dicourse. Nevertheless, in the ancient traditions of the East... more
Cette étude se concentre sur les représentation du renard au Moyen-Âge et à la Renaissance italienne. Les deux sources majeures de ces représentations sont le Roman de Renart et les Fables d'Ésope. This study focuses on representations... more
Le labyrinthe de verdure de Versailles (1674) témoigne d'un rapport ambigu à l'écriture du pouvoir. la fable en miniature (les petites fables d'Ésope) y joue en blanc les conflits de la Grande fable de l'histoire et de la mythologie. More than 350 years after their first publication, Jean de La Fontaine's Fables (1668) are still republished every year in French children's books, used in school curricula, and often... more
The object of this study is the narrative genre of the parable in Jewish tradition -- a storytelling form of age-old roots, which developed into an emblematic expression of the spirit of Israel. In the entire course of the history of... more
This paper explores the folklore of indentured Indians and endeavors to understand the elements of Indian folk culture in the sugar colonies in the age of the empires. While examining the content and context of the folklore, it finds that... more
This essay explores Rousseau's relationship with truth through an exposition of his autobiographical works, especially his Reveries of the Solitary Walker, as well as its implications for understanding the intended role of his Lawgiver in... more
TV series Black Mirror (2011-2019) explores how humans collide with technology and each other in time-settings situated either now or in the immediate future. Often described as a philosophical classic of the 21st century, the series has... more
If you want to teach emotional intelligence and social and emotional learning skills, try AESOP'S FABLES. His stories are timeless and really speak to children's--and adults'--sensibilities. In this article you will find modernized... more
Cet article analyse les Fables de 1668 à la lumière d’une double tradition, l’art de la pointe et les traités de civilité, dont les Fables font affleurer les potentialités politiques. La rhétorique du trait d’esprit, dans le premier... more
Aesopic fables constitute an important case in popular literature. This genre went through various stages of development, as its practical and educational value was recognized from the beginning; its plasticity, pedagogical dimension and... more
Riddles and related intellectual problems are a recurrent theme in the Vita Aesopi and play a significant part in the structure of its narrative. The solution and propounding of such problems accompany the central hero in his gradual rise... more