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The tendency to win-shift (to better learn to avoid, rather than return to, recently rewarded locations) has been demonstrated in a variety of nectarivorous birds and in honeybees. It is hypothesized to be a cognitive adaptation to the... more
What is it like to be an octopus, one of those eight-armed, infinitely flexible sea creatures with a nervous system distributed over head, eyes and arms? One interesting approach is to argue that octopuses, because of their distributed... more
Music is commonly employed as auditory enrichment in NHP facilities under the assumption that music is as enriching for NHPs as it is for humans (Hinds et al., 2007; Lutz & Novak, 2005). The purpose of this study was to assess the utility... more
Music is commonly employed as auditory enrichment in non-human primate (NHP) facilities under the assumption that music is as enriching for NHPs as it is for humans (Hinds et al. 2007; Lutz and Novak 2005). The purpose of this study was... more
Les forêts du Moyen Atlas sont d’un intérêt mondial, toutefois leur intégrité écologique et leur survie sont menacées.Le Singe magot est un indicateur fiable de l’état de la forêt et la mortalité des Cèdres du Moyen Atlas ne peut lui être... more
Contemporary plant biologists take seriously the notion of plant cognition or intelligence (Gross 2016; Trewavas 2016), yet there is still no consensus on how these abilities are to be described (e.g., Calvo 2016). Most contentious has... more
In this essay I explore the resources Thomas Aquinas provides for enquiries concerning the psychological abilities of non-human animals. I first look to Aquinas’s account of divine, angelic, human, and non-human animal naming, to help us... more
Michael Tomasello (2016) prominently defends the view that there are uniquely human capacities required for shared intentions, therefore great apes do not share intentions. I show that these uniquely human capacities for abstraction are... more
Weber's law – constancy of the coefficient of variation – is an apparently ubiquitous feature of time perception, and forms the foundation of several theories of timing. We sought evidence for Weber's law in temporal production and... more
Human children 18 – 24 months of age and 3 young chimpanzees interacted in 4 cooperative activities with a human adult partner. The human children successfully participated in cooperative problem-solving activities and social games,... more
Generalizing to target odor variations while retaining specificity against non-targets is crucial to the success of detector dogs under working conditions. As such, the importance of generalization should be considered in the formulation... more
A widespread assumption in experimental comparative (animal) cognition is that, barring compelling evidence to the contrary, the default hypothesis should postulate the simplest cognitive ontology (mechanism, process, or structure)... more
Many organisms coordinate their group behavior in time. On a short timescale, group vocalizations, movements or visual displays can exhibit temporal interdependence. Synchronous behavior has received significantly more attention than all... more
Empirical investigations of humans, pigeons, rats, and monkeys have indicated that these species will select free over forced choice, even when faced with identical outcomes. However, the same has yet to be quantitatively confirmed in... more
With its roots firmly planted in behaviorist and animal learning traditions, lab-based research is an enduring and pervasive characteristic of comparative cognition. In this review, we discuss progress in comparative cognition research in... more
There is a diffuse sentiment that to anthropomorphize is a mild vice that people tend to do easily and pleasingly, but that an adult well educated person should avoid. In this paper it will be provided an elucidation of "... more
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the cognitive mind of the great ape. This assessment will examine the multiple facets of ape cognition, what it consists of, and its many dimensions. The current investigation seeks to... more
There is a diffuse sentiment that to anthropomorphize is a mild vice that people tend to do easily and pleasingly, but that an adult well educated person should avoid. In this paper it will be provided an elucidation of "... more
Sea otters are well known tool users, yet the cognitive capacities of other otter species have been sparsely studied. Precedent exists for non-tool using species closely related to native tool users to display comparable abilities under... more
Dominance hierarchies are ubiquitous in the societies of human and non-human animals. Evidence from comparative, developmental, and cognitive psychological investigations is presented that show how social dominance hierarchies shaped the... more
Deeper understanding of the neuronal basis of behavior and its evolution requires investigation of model organisms taken from different taxonomic groups. The merits of this comparative approach are highlighted by research on birds: while... more
La empatía se define coloquialmente como la capacidad de ponerse en los zapatos del otro, lo que implica una capacidad de entender los estados emocionales de los congéneres. Durante mucho tiempo esta característica nos pareció una... more
Abstract. This paper examines the significance of imitation in non-human animals with respect to the phylogenetic origins of culture and cognitive complexity. It is argued that both imitation (learning about behaviour through nonspecific... more
Three rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) per- formed a simultaneous chaining task in which stimuli had to be sorted according to their visual properties. Each stimulus could vary independently along two dimensions (luminosity and radius),... more
We examined the associations between serial cognition and personality in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Nine macaques were tested on a simultaneous chaining task to assess their cognitive abilities. They were also rated for personality... more
Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) sometimes help both humans and conspecifics in experimental situations in which immediate selfish benefits can be ruled out. However, in several experiments, chimpanzees have not provided food to a... more
A pesar de ser una visión dominante, el programa antropocéntrico presenta errores en la manera en la que entiende la evolución de la cognición social, ya que su sistema de comparación tiene como base el ser humano. El programa ecológico,... more