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Birdwatching is a specialized ecotourism activity where visitors observe and photograph birds. It can serve as an educational tool for the conservation of birds. The aim of this research is to identify the diversity of bird species and... more
The growth of the population of cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis) in the archipelago of Fernando de Noronha constitutes a threat to public health and biological diversity because of their competition with and predation on native species and... more
The RNA segment encoding the guanylyltransferase (VP3) from 12 group A rotavirus isolates has been sequenced following RT-PCR and molecular cloning of the full-length amplicons produced. Alignment of the derived amino acid sequences... more
Background Since the end of 2009, H9N2 has emerged in Tunisia causing several epidemics in poultry industry resulting in major economic losses. To monitor variations of Influenza viruses during the outbreaks, Tunisian H9N2 virus isolates... more
Recombination between viral and cellular genes can give rise to new strains of retroviruses. For example, Rous-associated virus 61 (RAV-61) is a recombinant between the Bryan high-titer strain of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) and normal... more
This study was conducted in Nallihan Bird Paradise (Nallihan, Ankara), which displays seasonal wetland characteristics. Within the scope of this study, a 12 month field study between August 2000 and July 2001 was carried out in order to... more
To better determine the history of modern birds, we performed a genome-scale phylogenetic analysis of 48 species representing all orders of Neoaves using phylogenomic methods created to handle genome-scale data. We recovered a highly... more
Conservation biology is increasingly concerned with preserving interactions among species such as mutualisms in landscapes facing anthropogenic change. We investigated how one kind of mutualism, mixed-species bird flocks, influences the... more
We investigated the relation between environmental mercury exposure and corticosterone concentrations in free-living adult common loons (Gavia immer). We determined blood and feather mercury concentrations and compared them to... more
Medycyna podrozy jest jedną z najdynamiczniej rozwijających sie specjalności medycznych, na co znaczący wplyw ma systematyczny wzrost liczby osob podrozujących do odmiennych stref klimatycznych. Jeszcze kilkadziesiąt lat temu... more
Predation risk is widely hypothesized as an important force structuring communities, but this potential force is rarely tested experimentally, particularly in terrestrial vertebrate communities. How animals respond to predation risk is... more
Rondônia apresenta avifauna rica e diversificada, considerada uma das menos conhecidas e mais impactadas pela antropização. Deste modo, o presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar o levantamento da avifauna do Instituto Federal de... more
Tarihin ilk devirlerinden itibaren farklı coğrafyalarda, inançlarda ve kültürlerde ağaca, çeşitli anlamlar yüklenmiştir. Yasak meyve ve onun ağacı ile ilgili ilk inanışın ardından ağaçla ilgili türeyiş, bolluk-bereket, tanrı ile irtibat... more
Despite being characterized by some of the most threatened forest ecosystems of Mesoamerica, the Nicoya Peninsula is among the least known regions of neotropical Costa Rica in terms of its birdlife. Within this region, in the framework of... more
Rhythm pervades nature manifesting in various forms across the Eco system. Sound is one of the main components of earth which penetrate in the world in the form of Pancha bhootham. Almost all the movements of the earth are guided by... more
El comercio de aves silvestres es una actividad que se practica desde tiempos prehispánicos y que persiste en la actualidad. Se ha sugerido que esta actividad es causa de disminución de poblaciones locales de algunas especies. El objetivo... more
Bird song represents a powerful model system for many of the important problems in behavioral neurobiology, offering both easily measured sensory and motor patterns and a discrete neural effector system. Methods were developed to record... more
Discrete telencephalic nuclei HVc (hyperstriatum ventrale, pars caudale) and RA (nucleus robustus archistriatalis) have been implicated by lesion studies in the control of vocalization in songbirds. We demonstrate directly the role of HVc... more
Invertebrates are dominant species in primary tropical rainforests, where their abundance and diversity contributes to the functioning and resilience of these globally important ecosystems. However, more than one-third of tropical forests... more
O presente trabalho teve como objectivo investigar e desenvolver estratégias eficazes de maneio para pintos da raça Boscheveld no galinheiro do ITAK no município da Bibala na Comuna do Kapangombe e na província do Namibe. O período de... more
A book review on a book about the Short-eared Owl (Asio flammeus) in UK.
The Sarus crane, Grus antigone is a monogamous, non-migratory and world's tallest flying bird. This is the only resident breeding crane of Indian subcontinent, prefers open habitat like marsh areas, abundantly irrigated paddy fields,... more
Bangladesh has come a long way since its independence. ICDDR, B helped the improvement of social indicators and the wellbeing of people. ICDDR, B’s philosophy is simple: In identifying opportunities, it has targeted those sectors which... more
This paper describes the level of adoption of biosecurity practices performed on Australian commercial chicken meat and layer farms and farmer-perceived importance of these practices. On-farm interviews were conducted on 25 free range... more
The manner in which terrestrial ecosystems are regulated is controversial. The “top-down” school holds that predators limit herbivores and thereby prevent them from overexploiting vegetation. “Bottom-up” proponents stress the role of... more
espanolMediante una revision de la literatura cientifica publicada entre los anos 1960 y 2010 referente a las aves silvestres del archipielago de Chiloe, se encontraron 70 articulos publicados desde los cuales se genero una sintesis... more
Understanding how pathogens and parasites diversify through time and space is fundamental to predicting emerging infectious diseases. Here, we use biogeographic, coevolutionary and phylogenetic analyses to describe the origin, diversity,... more