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Transport of emulsions in porous media is relevant to several subsurface applications. Many enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes lead to emulsion formation and as a result conformance originating in the flow of a dispersed phase may... more
Designing agent behaviors is rarely straight forward, especially if the natural environment of the agent is open and complex (as is the case of the Internet). In this paper, we describe our behavior discriminative agent (BDA) model which... more
Electronic institutions are the agents' counterpart of human organizations, which are specifically designed for providing support, trust, and legitimacy in electronic commerce applications. Two approaches have been advocated for the... more
In general, the integration of different modeling philosophies is a successful enterprise. This paper presents a concept that integrates two approaches, conjoint analysis and multi-agent simulation. The concept also employs some notions... more
The structure and the functionality of a multi-agents based model is presented. The model requirements imposed by interactive techniques are highlighted. The model consists of active entities called agents, and passive entities such as... more
Poker is an interesting test-bed for artificial intelligence research. It is a game of imperfect knowledge, where multiple competing agents must deal with risk management, agent modeling, unreliable information and deception, much like... more
The idea of using computer aided games (gaming) to design agents in social models is presented. Many characteristics of the games to adapt them to this end are described, particularly the record of the justifica tion of actor decisions.... more