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The majority of vulnerability and adaptation scholarship, policies and programs focus exclusively on climate change or global environmental change. Yet, individuals, communities and sectors experience a broad array of multi-scalar and... more
Not-guilty verdicts, mistrials, and impunity for the Bundy family and many of their supporters in the armed confrontations over public land use in Nevada and Oregon. Expanded access for private oil, gas, mining, and logging industries and... more
Forest Certification is seen as a market-driven mechanism to encourage forest enterprises to follow sustainable forestry practices, that pay equal attention to environmental/ ecological, social and economic sustainability criteria. There... more
The aim of this study is to collect evidence for textile recycling from a prehistoric and historic perspective. The basis are original textile finds and not, as might be expected, written or pictorial sources. The material presented here... more
This report on Cambodia is one of a set of four country case studies designed to study the implications of closing civic space for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The case study was commissioned in response to... more
Mount Semeru hiking track is a world tourism destination and inhabited by three species of Anaphalis. The aims of this research is to get the information of the effectiveness of trnL (UAA) intron sequence for analyzing genetic variability... more
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (Services) have jointly passed a rule revising the definition for "destruction or adverse modification" of designated critical habitat. The former definition:... more
The aim of this project was to assess the feasibility of a photo imaging approach in the assessment of vegetation condition attributes in comparison with the Queensland Department of Environment and Resource Management (QDERM) Vegetation... more
Collective action in agriculture and natural resource management is all too often perceived of in terms of the mere number of participants, with little consideration given to who participates, why, and the outcomes of inequitable... more
In this paper we will reflect upon the theoretical underpinnings of a project conducted in a South African village bordering on a valley wetland in order to contribute to the discourse of natural resources management. The wetland, located... more
Almost half of the Indian population belongs to female population. Women are not less than men; they always participated with men or more than that in agricultural practices. Women have always come to forward to conserve and protect... more
In order to be able to adapt successfully to eco-challenges, interest in change-oriented learning is growing around the world. The authors of this paper aim to assess the occurrence of learning for effective action-taking in successive... more
Managers of national parks and other protected areas need to balance visitor needs with conservation objectives. In Western Europe, these areas are often part of a “living landscape” where people live and work and where the area roads are... more
Economic and Social Development of First Nations Communities, Aboriginal Rights and Opportunities for Developing Natural Gas from Shale
An increasing interest in the possibilities of converting agricultural wastes to value-added products has emerged. Annually, 200,000 tons of date palm waste are generated, which are charred or released as agricultural wastes. This work... more
Community, in the policy context, is defined on the basis of fixed in place socio-political unit having residential proximity to the resource or according to state recognized political units. With the boundaries drawn at the village level... more
Borana pastoralists in southern Ethiopia are faced with the challenge of developing more efficient and sustainable use of natural resources. In past decades poorly adapted development interventions and inadequate land-use policies... more
This article presents a bibliographic review of the main trends of thought that have proposed models for the management of common-pool resources – CPR. It describes three generations of researchers; first, the conservative ideas of Garret... more
Reciprocal altruism is common in humans (Niamir-Fuller, 1998, Gurven, 2004), however, its evolution is paradoxical; theoretically the more one is trusted, the better the outcomes from oneshot prisoner's dilemmas, although for... more
(Un)sustainable cultural practices and initiatives often fall short of their intended, long-term functionalities because of an inherent lack of systemic thinking. It is becoming increasingly evident that the most impending crises humanity... more
Nuestro país ocupa el cuarto lugar en Latinoamérica por la extensión del territorio nacional protegido toda vez que Costa Rica tiene el 40%, Guatemala 35%, Chile 20% y México 12%. Por lo que resulta importante, practicar actividades... more
A B S T R A C T Invasive stands of Prosopis (mesquite) cover over 6 million ha of South Africa and could invade over 56 million ha. These invasive stands have major impacts on biodiversity, local livelihoods and ecosystem services. We... more
A fenntarthatóság gyakorlatilag egy olyan állapot, melyet a három pillér tart fenn és amennyiben változás következik be az egyik tényeznél, az hatással van a másik kettőre is. A jelenleg működő gazdasági struktúrák a lineáris gazdasági... more
Despite the importance of biosphere reserves in Iran's livelihood and welfare, the economic significance of Hara Biosphere Reserve has never been comprehensively studied. This study examines the current importance of Hara Biosphere... more
Efficient natural resources management, including continental water at watershed level, requires understanding the arrangement of landscape attributes in a region. The geographical analysis of landscape attributes is a useful approach to... more
It has long been recognised that the ownership of a resource largely influences the way that the resource is used and managed for future use. The definition of property rights as "the capacity to call upon the collective to stand... more
Page 1. The Use of GIS and Satellite Remote Sensing Techniques for the Management of Inland Dry Valley Systems of the Sahel: The Case of the Watershed Toposequence of Tanda, Niger Andrew Manu1, Yaw A. Twumasi2 ...
Forsaken Females: The Global Brutalization of Women. Andrea Parrot and Nina Cummings. Boulder, CO: Rowman and Littlefield, 2006. 253 pp.
Large-scale anthropogenic changes to the natural environment, including land-use change, climate change, and the deterioration of ecosystem services, are all accelerating. These changes are interacting to generate five major emerging... more